PSJDDUT3 ;BIR/LDT-INPATIENT MEDICATIONS DD UTILITY ;26 JUN 97 / 9:35 AM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;;16 DEC 97 ; ;(The following call replaces EN^PSIVHLP3) EN(HELP) F PSIVHLP=1:1 Q:$P($T(@HELP+PSIVHLP),";",3)="" S PSJHLP(PSIVHLP)=$P($T(@HELP+PSIVHLP),";",3) D WRITE K HELP,PSIVHLP Q ; ENI ;(Replaces ENI^PSIVSP) K:$L(X)<1!($L(X)>30)!(X["""")!($A(X)=45) X I '$D(X)!'$D(P(4)) Q I P(4)="P"!(P(5))!(P(23)="P") Q:'X S X="INFUSE OVER "_X_" MIN." D EN^DDIOL(" "_X,"","?0") Q I X'=+X,($P(X,"@",2,999)'=+$P(X,"@",2,999)!(+$P(X,"@",2,999)<0)) K X Q S SPSOL=$O(DRG("SOL",0)) I 'SPSOL K SPSOL,X D EN^DDIOL(" You must define at least one solution !!") Q I X=+X S X=X_" ml/hr" D EN^DDIOL(" ml/hr","","?0") D SPSOL S P(15)=$S('X:0,1:SPSOL\X*60+(SPSOL#X/X*60+.5)\1) K SPSOL Q S SPSOL=$P(X,"@",2) S:$P(X,"@")=+X $P(X,"@")=$P(X,"@")_" ml/hr" D EN^DDIOL(" "_+SPSOL_" Label"_$S(SPSOL'=1:"s",1:"")_" per day"),EN^DDIOL("at an infusion rate of: "_$P(X,"@"),"","!?15") S P(15)=$S('SPSOL:0,1:1440/SPSOL\1) K SPSOL Q SPSOL S SPSOL=0 F XXX=0:0 S XXX=$O(DRG("SOL",XXX)) Q:'XXX S SPSOL=SPSOL+$P(DRG("SOL",XXX),U,3) K XXX Q ; ;(The following call replaces 59^PSIVUTL) 59 ; Validate the Infusion rate entered using IV Quick order code. N I F I=2,3,5,7,8,9,11,15,23 S P(I)="" S P(4)="A",P(8)=$P($G(^PS(57.1,PSJQO,1)),U,5) I $G(^PS(57.1,PSJQO,4,1,0)) S DRG("SOL",1)=^(0),DRG("SOL",0)=1 I X["?" S F1=53.1,F2=59 D ENHLP^PSIVORC1 G 59 I X]"" D ENI S:$D(X) P(8)=X Q ; STPDTHLP ; ;;A number of doses (dose limit) may be entered and the stop date will ;;be automatically calculated. To specify a dose limit enter a number ;;corresponding to the number of doses the to be administered. ;;(Example: 4 for 4 doses). ; WRITE ;Calls EN^DDIOL to write text D EN^DDIOL(.PSJHLP) K PSJHLP Q