IB20P318 ;ALB/ARH - IB*2.0*318 POST INIT: ADD BILLABLE APPT TYPE ; 23-JUN-2005 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**318**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; Q ; POST ; N IBA S IBA(1)="",IBA(2)=" IB*2*318 Post-Install .....",IBA(3)="" D MES^XPDUTL(.IBA) K IBA ; D ATADD ; Add New Billable Appointment Type ; S IBA(1)="",IBA(2)=" IB*2*318 Post-Install Complete",IBA(3)="" D MES^XPDUTL(.IBA) K IBA ; Q ; ; ; ATADD ; New Billable Appointment Type (352.1) to correspond to the New 'SERVICE CONNECTED' Appointment Type (409.1) N DD,DO,DLAYGO,DINUM,DIC,DIE,DA,DR,X,Y,IBA,IBFOUND,IBATFN,IBNUM,IBAT,IBFN ; S IBA(1)=" >> Adding 'Service Connected' Billable Appointment Type (#352.1)" ; S (IBATFN,IBNUM)=11,IBAT="SERVICE CONNECTED" ; S IBFOUND=$G(^IBE(352.1,IBATFN,0)) ; I $P(IBFOUND,U,1,3)="11^11^2880101" D MSG(" Done. Billable Appointment Type Already Exists") G ATADDQ I IBFOUND'="" D MSG(" "),MSG(" *** ERROR: Entry already Exists, could not add") G ATADDQ I +$O(^IBE(352.1,"B",IBNUM,0)) D MSG(" "),MSG(" *** ERROR: Number already Exists, could not add") G ATADDQ ; K DD,DO S DINUM=IBATFN,DLAYGO=352.1,DIC="^IBE(352.1,",DIC(0)="L",X=IBATFN D FILE^DICN K DIC S IBFN=+Y I Y<1 K X,Y D MSG(" "),MSG(" *** ERROR: New Entry could not be added") G ATADDQ ; S DR=".02///"_IBAT_";.03////2880101;.04///NO;.05///YES;.06///YES" S DIE="^IBE(352.1,",DA=+IBFN D ^DIE K DIE,DA,DR,X,Y ; D MSG(" Done. Service Connected Billable Appointment Type Added") ; ATADDQ D MES^XPDUTL(.IBA) K IBA Q ; ; MSG(X) ; N IBX S IBX=$O(IBA(999999),-1) S:'IBX IBX=1 S IBX=IBX+1 S IBA(IBX)=$G(X) Q