IBAERR1 ;ALB/CPM - INTEGRATED BILLING ERROR PROCESSING ROUTINE (CON'T) ; 03-JAN-92 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**15,133,153**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine will be used to send mail messages when errors ; have occurred during the processing of Means Test charges. ; Input: IBJOB = 1 Nightly Compilation job ; 2 Discharge job ; 4 Add/Edit/Cancel Charges ; 5 Appointment Event Driver ; 7 Means Test Event Driver ; 8 OPT Billing Update ; 9 IVM Back-Billing job ; DFN {opt}, IBDUZ, IBY, IBWHER ; N IBSTART K IBT I $D(DFN)#2 S IBPT=$$PT^IBEFUNC(DFN) I '$G(IBJOB) S IBJOB=5 ; if MT charge entered thru Appt Event Driver uses filer so IBJOB not set,see EN2^IBAMTS2 S XMSUB=$S($D(IBPT)#2:$E($P(IBPT,"^"),1,14)_" "_$P(IBPT,"^",3)_" -",1:"MEANS TEST BILLING")_" ERROR ENCOUNTERED" S IBT(1)="An error has been encountered while processing Means Test charges" S IBT(2)="during the "_$P($T(JOB+IBJOB),";;",2,99)_" for the following patient:" S IBT(3)=" ",IBC=3 D PAT S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=" " S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="The Means Test billing history for this patient must be reviewed." S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)="The following error was encountered:" S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=" " S:IBJOB=4 IBSTART=IBC D ERR S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=" " S IBM=$P($T(TEXT+IBWHER^IBAMTEL),";;",2,99),IBC=IBC+1 S:$L(IBM)<80 IBT(IBC)=IBM I $L(IBM)>79 S IBB=$E(IBM,1,79),IBT(IBC)=$P(IBB," ",1,$L(IBB," ")-1),IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=$P(IBM," ",$L(IBB," "),999) I IBJOB=4 F IBI=IBSTART:1:IBC W !,IBT(IBI) D MAIL K IBT,IBM,IBB,IBC,IBPT,XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ Q ; PAT ; Set up patient demographic and user data for message. S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=" Patient: "_$S($D(IBPT)#2:$P(IBPT,"^")_" Pt. ID: "_$P(IBPT,"^",2),1:"Not Defined") S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=" User: "_$P($G(^VA(200,+IBDUZ,0)),"^") Q ; ERR ; Set up error message text. S X2=$P(IBY,"^",2) F K=1:1 S X=$P(X2,";",K) Q:X="" D . S X1=$O(^IBE(350.8,"AC",X,0)),IBC=IBC+1 . S IBT(IBC)=" "_$S($D(^IBE(350.8,+X1,0)):$P(^(0),"^",2),X]"":X,1:"Unknown Error") I $P(IBY,"^",3)]"" S IBC=IBC+1,IBT(IBC)=" "_$P(IBY,"^",3) K X,X1,X2 Q ; MAIL ; Transmit. N IBI,IBGRP S XMDUZ="INTEGRATED BILLING PACKAGE",XMTEXT="IBT(" K XMY ;S IBGRP=$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,0)),"^",11) ;F IBI=0:0 S IBI=$O(^XMB(3.8,+IBGRP,1,"B",IBI)) Q:'IBI S XMY(IBI)="" S IBGRP=$P($G(^XMB(3.8,+$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,0)),"^",11),0)),"^") I IBGRP]"" S XMY("G."_IBGRP_"@"_^XMB("NETNAME"))="" D ^XMD Q ; JOB ; Job Descriptions ;;Nightly Compilation job ;;Discharge job ;; ;;Cancel/Edit/Add Option ;;Check Out job ;; ;;Means Testing ;;OPT Billing Update ;;IVM Back-Billing job