IBARXEC1 ;ALB/AAS - RX CO-PAY EXEMPTION REPORT GENERATOR ; 04-JAN-93 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; % ; START ; -- entry point for running conversion report from option D HOME^%ZIS W @IOF,?15,"Medication Copayment Charges Retroactively Canceled",!! ; I '$P(^IBE(350.9,1,3),"^",14) W !!,"This report cannot be run until the conversion has completed." G END ; BDT ; -get beginning date S (IBBDT,IBEDT)="" S Y=$$STDATE^IBARXEU D D^DIQ S %DT("B")=Y S %DT="AEPX",%DT("A")="Start with DATE: " D ^%DT K %DT G END:Y<0 S IBBDT=Y K %DT W ! ; EDT ; -get ending date S Y=$P($P(^IBE(350.9,1,3),"^",14),".") D D^DIQ S %DT("B")=Y S %DT="APEX",%DT("A")="Go to DATE: " D ^%DT G END:Y<0 S IBEDT=Y I Y1 W !!,"The conversion has been started ",$P(IBX,"^",3)," times" I $P(IBX,"^",13) W !!,"Conversion was started on: " S Y=$P(IBX,"^",13) D DT^DIQ I $P(IBX,"^",14) W !,"The conversion completed on: " S Y=$P(IBX,"^",14) D DT^DIQ,ELAP W !,Y W !!," Last Patient DFN Checked == ",$J(+$P(IBX,"^",4),10) W !!," 1. Total Patients Checked == " S X=+$P(IBX,"^",5),X2=0 D COMMA^%DTC W X W !," Exempt Patients == " S X=+$P(IBX,"^",6),X2=0 D COMMA^%DTC W X W !," Non-Exempt Patients == " S X=+$P(IBX,"^",7),X2=0 D COMMA^%DTC W X W !!," 2. Total Number of Rx Charges checked == " S X=+$P(IBX,"^",16),X2=0 D COMMA^%DTC W X W !," Dollar Amount Checked == " S X=+$P(IBX,"^",9),X2="0$" D COMMA^%DTC W X W !," No. of Exempt Rx Charges Checked == " S X=+$P(IBX,"^",8),X2=0 D COMMA^%DTC W X W !," Exempt Dollar amount == " S X=+$P(IBX,"^",10),X2="0$" D COMMA^%DTC W X W !," No. of Non-Exempt Rx Charges Checked == " S X=+$P(IBX,"^",15),X2=0 D COMMA^%DTC W X W !," Non-exempt Dollar amount == " S X=+$P(IBX,"^",11),X2="0$" D COMMA^%DTC W X W !!," 3. Total Rx Charges Actually canceled == " S X=+$P(IBX,"^",17),X2=0 D COMMA^%DTC W X W !," Amount Actually canceled == " S X=+$P(IBX,"^",12),X2="0$" D COMMA^%DTC W X QUICQ Q ; ELAP ; -- calcualate elaplse running time N X,IBBDT,IBEDT,IBDAY S X=$P(IBX,"^",13) D H^%DTC S IBBDT=%H_","_%T S X=$P(IBX,"^",14) D H^%DTC S IBEDT=%H_","_%T S IBDAY=+IBEDT-(+IBBDT)*86400 S X=IBDAY+$P(IBEDT,",",2)-$P(IBBDT,",",2) S Y="Elapsed time for Conversion was: "_(X\3600)_" Hours, "_(X\60-(X\3600*60))_" Minutes, "_(X#60)_" Seconds" Q