IBATEI1 ;ALB/BGA- TRANSFER PRICING BACKGROUND JOB ; 20-MAR-99 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**115**;21-MAR-94 ;; Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified ; BACKGRD ; This is the back ground job that monitors all the entries in 351.61 ; If the entry is complete we check to see if there is a closed entry ; in PTF if there is we price the claim and change the status of ; the entry to priced. ; ; do prosthetics first D ^IBATER ; N IBI,IBREC,IBIAT,IBREST,IBPTF,IBTDFN,IBREC,IBDISHG,IBDPM,IBRECN,IBFINDRT,IBTFILE I '$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,10)),"^",2) Q ; transfer pricing turned off S IBREC="^IBAT(351.61,"_"""AF"""_","_"""C"""_")" F S IBREC=$Q(@IBREC) Q:IBREC=""!($P(IBREC,",",3)'="""C""") D . S IBIAT=$P($P(IBREC,",",4),")") . S IBRECN=$G(^IBAT(351.61,IBIAT,0)) . S IBTDFN=$P(IBRECN,U,2) . S IBPTF=$P($G(^IBAT(351.61,+IBIAT,1)),U,7) Q:'IBPTF ;ien ptf . S IBDISHG=$P($G(^IBAT(351.61,+IBIAT,1)),U,8) ; ien 405 discharge date Q:'IBIDSHG . S IBDPM=$P($G(^DGPM(+IBDISHG,0)),U,14) ; pointer to the parent movement . Q:IBDPM<1 ; No Movement Found . ; Inorder to price we need to have a closed PTF . I $P($G(^DGPT(IBPTF,0)),U,6)<1 Q . ; Pass in PTF=IBPTF ; ien DGPM (parent) ; DFN . S IBFINDRT=$$FINDRT^IBATEI(IBPTF,IBDPM,IBTDFN) . Q:'$P(IBFINDRT,U) . I $P(IBFINDRT,U,3)="B" D Q . . ; case of bedsection pass in ien 351.61,"0" for drg, the value of bed section charge . . S IBTFILE=$$INPT^IBATFILE(IBIAT,0,$P(IBFINDRT,U,2),"","","","") . E D . . ; pass in ien 351.61,ien drg,drg value,los,high trim,outlier days,outlier rate . . S IBTFILE=$$INPT^IBATFILE(IBIAT,$P(IBFINDRT,U,3),$P(IBFINDRT,U,2),$P(IBFINDRT,U,4),$P(IBFINDRT,U,5),$P(IBFINDRT,U,6),$P(IBFINDRT,U,7)) Q