IBCA1 ;ALB/MRL - DISPLAY UTILITIES ;01 JUN 88 12:00 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**109**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;MAP TO DGCRA1 ; Q:'$D(VADM) S X="",$P(X,"=",81)="" W @IOF,!,VADM(1)_" ("_$P(VADM(2),"^",2)_")",?64,"DOB: ",$P(VADM(3),"^",2),!,X W !,"Rate Type",?14,": ",$S($D(^DGCR(399.3,+IBIDS(.07),0)):$P(^(0),"^",1),1:"UNSPECIFIED-REQUIRED") S IBBT=IBIDS(.04)_IBIDS(.05)_IBIDS(.06) W !,"Event Date",?14,": " S Y=IBIDS(.03) X:Y ^DD("DD") W $S($L(Y):Y,1:"UNSPECIFIED"),!,"Sensitive",?14,": ",$S(IBIDS(155):"YES",IBIDS(155)=0:"NO",1:"NOT SPECIFIED") W !,"Responsible",?14,": ",$S(IBIDS(.11)="p":"PATIENT",IBIDS(.11)="i":"INSURANCE CARRIER",1:"OTHER [INSTITUTION]") I "^i^o^"[("^"_IBIDS(.11)_"^") W " (Specify ",$S(IBIDS(.11)="i":"CARRIER",1:"INSTITUTION")," on SCREEN 3)" W !!,"Loc of Care",?14,": ",$$EXPAND^IBTRE(399,.04,IBIDS(.04)) W !,"Event Source",?14,": ",$S(IBIDS(.05)<3:"Inpatient",1:"Outpatient") W !,"Timeframe",?14,": ",$$EXPAND^IBTRE(399,.06,IBIDS(.06)) W !,?14," (Specify actual bill type fields on SCREENs 6/7)" W !!,"Bill From",?14,": " S Y=IBIDS(151) X ^DD("DD") W Y,!,"Bill To",?14,": " S Y=IBIDS(152) X ^DD("DD") W Y W ! I $E(IBBT,2)<3,$D(IBIDS(.08)) W !,"PTF Number",?14,": ",IBIDS(.08) I $D(IBIDS(.17)) W !,"Initial Bill#",?14,": ",$S($D(^DGCR(399,+IBIDS(.17),0)):$P(^(0),"^"),1:"Bill no longer exists") I $D(IBIDS(.15)) W !,"Copied Bill#",?14,": ",$S($D(^DGCR(399,+IBIDS(.15),0)):$P(^(0),"^"),1:"Bill no longer exists") W ! D T I $D(IBCAN),IBCAN=2 Q ASK S IBYN=0 W !!,"IS THE ABOVE INFORMATION CORRECT AS SHOWN" S %=1 D YN^DICN G ^IBCA:%=2,^IBCA2:%=1 I % D Q^IBCA2 G NREC^IBCA W !!?4,"YES - If this information is correct as shown and you wish to file the bill.",!?4,"NO - If you wish to change this information prior to filing." W !?4,"'^' - Enter the up-arrow character to DELETE this Bill at this time." G ASK TYPE S X3=$E(IBBT,I),X4=".0"_(I+3) W X3," - " I '$D(^DD(399,X4,0)) W "ZEROTH NODE UNSPECIFIED-CONTACT YOUR SYSTEMS MANAGER!" E W $P($P($P(^DD(399,X4,0),"^",3),X3_":",2),";",1) K X3,X4 Q T ; W !,"Please verify the above information for the bill you just entered. Once this" W !,"information is accepted it will no longer be editable and you will be required" W !,"to CANCEL THE BILL if changes to this information are necessary." Q