IBCAMS ;ALB/AAS - DETERMINE AMIS SEGMENT FOR REIMBURSABLE INS BILLS ; 10-SEP-91 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;MAP TO DGCRAMS ; AMIS ; - calculate AMIS segment for insurance bills. ; 249 = NSC - outpatient ; 292 = SC - inpatient ; 293 = SC - outpatient ; 297 = NSC - inpatient ; - input ; x = internal number of entry in 399 ; ; - output ; y = amis segment number or -1 if can't determine ; % S Y=-1 I '$D(^DGCR(399,+X,0)) G AMISQ S IBX=^DGCR(399,+X,0) N DFN ; ; - make sure is RI bill ;S R=$P(IBX,"^",7),R=$S('$D(^DGCR(399.3,+R,0)):0,1:$P(^(0),"^",6)) G:'R AMISQ S R=$S('$D(^PRCA(430.2,+R,0)):0,1:$P(^(0),"^",7)) G:R'=21 AMISQ G:+$$CAT^PRCAFN(X)'=21 AMISQ ; S IBI=$P(IBX,"^",5),IBI=$S('IBI:0,IBI>2:2,IBI<3:1,1:0) G:'IBI AMISQ ; 0=err, 1=inpatient, 2=outpatient ; N X S IBSC=$P(IBX,"^",18),DFN=$P(IBX,"^",2) I IBSC="" D ELIG^VADPT S IBSC=+VAEL(3) ; ; - compute amis segment S:+IBSC Y=$S(IBI=1:292,IBI=2:293,1:-1) ;sc amis segments S:'IBSC Y=$S(IBI=1:297,IBI=2:249,1:-1) ;nsc amis segments ; AMISQ K IBSC,IBX,IBI,VAEL,VAERR Q