IBCC1 ;ALB/MJB - CANCEL THIRD PARTY BILL ;10-OCT-94 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**19,95,160,159,320,347,377**;21-MAR-94;Build 23 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; RNB ; -- Add a reason not billable to claims tracking N X,Y,DIC,DIE,I,J,DA,DR,IBTYP,IBTRE,IB,IBAPPT,IBDT,IBTALK,IBCODE,IBTRED,IBTSAV,FILL,IBRX,IBDATA,IBD,IBDT,IBQUIT,IBPRO,IBDD N ZT,TCNT,CNT Q:'$G(IBIFN) S IB(0)=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),IBTYP=$P(IB(0),"^",5),IBQUIT=0 I '$D(DFN) S DFN=$P(IB(0),"^",2) KILL ^TMP($J,"IBCC1") ; ; -- is inpt find entry in dgpm, then in ibt(356, s da=ibtre then edit INPT I IBTYP<3 D .S DATE=$P(IB(0),"^",3),DFN=$P(IB(0),"^",2) .S DGPM=$O(^DGPM("APTT1",DFN,DATE,0)) ; double check for asih .I DGPM S (IBTRE,IBTSAV)=$O(^IBT(356,"AD",DGPM,0)) .I $G(IBTRE) D CTSET(IBTRE) .Q:IBQUIT .; .; -- alternate inpt method .S IBCODE=$O(^IBE(356.6,"ACODE",1,0)) .S DATE=$P(IB(0),"^",3),DFN=$P(IB(0),"^",2) .S IBDT=(DATE-.25) F S IBDT=$O(^IBT(356,"APTY",DFN,IBCODE,IBDT)) Q:'IBDT!(IBDT>(DATE+.24)) D ..S IBTRE=0 F S IBTRE=$O(^IBT(356,"APTY",DFN,IBCODE,IBDT,IBTRE)) Q:IBTRE=""!(IBQUIT) D:$G(IBTSAV)'=IBTRE CTSET(IBTRE) .Q ; OPT ; -- is opt-find entries in IBT(356, for opt dates and then edit I IBTYP>2 S IBCODE=$O(^IBE(356.6,"ACODE",2,0)) D .S IBAPPT=0 F S IBAPPT=$O(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"OP",IBAPPT)) Q:'IBAPPT!(IBQUIT) D ..S IBDT=(IBAPPT-.01) F S IBDT=$O(^IBT(356,"APTY",DFN,IBCODE,IBDT)) Q:'IBDT!(IBDT>(IBAPPT+.24)) D ...S IBTRE=0 F S IBTRE=$O(^IBT(356,"APTY",DFN,IBCODE,IBDT,IBTRE)) Q:IBTRE=""!(IBQUIT) D CTSET(IBTRE) .Q ; RX ; -- find rx's on bill S IBDD=0 F S IBDD=$O(^IBA(362.4,"AIFN"_IBIFN,IBDD)) Q:'IBDD S IBD=0 F S IBD=$O(^IBA(362.4,"AIFN"_IBIFN,IBDD,IBD)) Q:'IBD!(IBQUIT) D .S IBDATA=$G(^IBA(362.4,IBD,0)),IBRX=$P(IBDATA,"^",5),IBDT=$P(IBDATA,"^",3) .I '$G(IBRX) S DIC=52,DIC(0)="BO",X=$P(IBDATA,"^",1) D DIC^PSODI(52,.DIC,X) S IBRX=+Y K DIC,X,Y Q:IBRX=-1 .S FILL="" F S FILL=$O(^IBT(356,"ARXFL",IBRX,FILL)) Q:FILL=""!(IBQUIT) D ..S IBTRE=0 F S IBTRE=$O(^IBT(356,"ARXFL",IBRX,FILL,IBTRE)) Q:'IBTRE!(IBQUIT) I $P(^IBT(356,+IBTRE,0),"^",6)=IBDT D CTSET(IBTRE) ; PRO ; -- find prosthetics on bill S IBDD=0 F S IBDD=$O(^IBA(362.5,"AIFN"_IBIFN,IBDD)) Q:'IBDD S IBD=0 F S IBD=$O(^IBA(362.5,"AIFN"_IBIFN,IBDD,IBD)) Q:'IBD!(IBQUIT) D .S IBDATA=$G(^IBA(362.5,IBD,0)),IBPRO=$P(IBDATA,"^",4) .Q:'$G(IBPRO) .S IBTRE=0 F S IBTRE=$O(^IBT(356,"APRO",+IBPRO,IBTRE)) Q:'IBTRE!(IBQUIT) D CTSET(IBTRE) ; ; ----- Finished with the gathering of the CT data entries ----- ; ; count up the total number of CT entries recorded in the scratch global S ZT="",TCNT=0 F S ZT=$O(^TMP($J,"IBCC1",ZT)) Q:ZT="" S IBTRE=0 F S IBTRE=$O(^TMP($J,"IBCC1",ZT,IBTRE)) Q:'IBTRE S TCNT=TCNT+1 ; ; loop thru all of the associated CT entries and call the RNBEDIT procedure for each one S ZT="",CNT=0 F S ZT=$O(^TMP($J,"IBCC1",ZT)) Q:ZT=""!IBQUIT D Q:IBQUIT . S IBTRE=0 F S IBTRE=$O(^TMP($J,"IBCC1",ZT,IBTRE)) Q:'IBTRE!IBQUIT S CNT=CNT+1 D RNBEDIT(IBTRE,ZT,TCNT,CNT) . Q ; ; clean-up the scratch global when completed KILL ^TMP($J,"IBCC1") Q ; CTSET(IBTRE) ; procedure to store this CT entry in the scratch global Q:'$G(IBTRE) S ^TMP($J,"IBCC1",$$TYPE(IBTRE),IBTRE)="" CTSETX ; Q ; RNBEDIT(IBTRE,CTTYPE,TCNT,CNT) ; CT entry display and capture RNB data and additional comment data Q:IBQUIT I '$D(IBTALK) D . N CTZ . W !!,"Since you have canceled this bill, you may enter a Reason Not Billable and" . W !,"an Additional Comment into Claims Tracking." . W !,"This will take the care off of the UNBILLED lists." . I TCNT=1 S CTZ="Note: There is 1 associated Claims Tracking entry." . E S CTZ="Note: There are "_TCNT_" associated Claims Tracking entries." . W !!,CTZ . Q ; S IBTALK=1 ; N %,IBTRED,IBTRED1 S IBTRED=$G(^IBT(356,IBTRE,0)),IBTRED1=$G(^IBT(356,IBTRE,1)) ; W !!,"Claims Tracking Entry [",CNT," of ",TCNT,"]" W !?7,"Entry ID#: ",+IBTRED W !?12,"Type: ",$$EXPAND^IBTRE(356,.18,$P(IBTRED,U,18)) ; I CTTYPE=1 D ; inpatient admission or scheduled admission . W !?2,"Admission Date: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(IBTRED,U,6),"1P") . Q ; I CTTYPE=2 D ; outpatient visit . N IBOE,IBOE0 . W !?6,"Visit Date: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(IBTRED,U,6),"1P") . S IBOE=+$P(IBTRED,U,4),IBOE0=$$SCE^IBSDU(IBOE) . W !?10,"Clinic: ",$$GET1^DIQ(44,+$P(IBOE0,U,4)_",",.01) . Q ; I CTTYPE=3 D ; prescription refill . N PSONTALK,PSOTMP,X . S PSONTALK=1 . S X=+$P(IBTRED,U,8)_U_+$P(IBTRED,U,10) D EN^PSOCPVW . ;if refill was deleted and EN^PSOCPVW doesn't return any data use IB API . I '$D(PSOTMP) D PSOCPVW^IBNCPDPC(+$P(IBTRED,U,2),+$P(IBTRED,U,8),.PSOTMP) . W !?3,"Prescription#: ",$G(PSOTMP(52,+$P(IBTRED,U,8),.01,"E")) . I '$P(IBTRED,U,10) W !?7,"Fill Date: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(IBTRED,U,6),"1P") . I $P(IBTRED,U,10) W !?5,"Refill Date: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(IBTRED,U,6),"1P") . W !?12,"Drug: ",$G(PSOTMP(52,+$P(IBTRED,U,8),6,"E")) . Q ; I CTTYPE=4 D ; prosthetic item . N IBDA,IBRMPR . S IBDA=$P(IBTRED,U,9) . D PRODATA^IBTUTL1(IBDA) . W !?3,"Delivery Date: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(IBTRED,U,6),"1P") . W !?12,"Item: ",$G(IBRMPR(660,+IBDA,4,"E")) . W !?5,"Description: ",$G(IBRMPR(660,+IBDA,24,"E")) . Q ; I $G(IBMCSRNB)'="",$P(IBTRED,U,19) W !," Note: A Reason Not Billable has been previously entered",!?8,"for this Claims Tracking record." I $G(IBMCSCAC)'="",$P(IBTRED1,U,8)'="" W !," Note: An Additional Comment has been previously entered",!?8,"for this Claims Tracking record." ; S DA=IBTRE,DIE="^IBT(356,",DR=".19" I $G(IBMCSRNB)'="" S DR=".19//"_$P(IBMCSRNB,U,2) ; IB*320 MCS cancel - reason not billable I $G(IBMCSCAC)'="" S DR=DR_";1.08//^S X=IBMCSCAC" ; IB*377 MCS cancel - additional comment I $G(IBMCSCAC)="" S DR=DR_";1.08" ; IB*377 additional comment field SRS D ^DIE ; ; - if the RNB or additional comment changed, update the user and date/time last edited I $P(IBTRED,U,19)'=$P($G(^IBT(356,IBTRE,0)),U,19)!($P(IBTRED1,U,8)'=$P($G(^IBT(356,IBTRE,1)),U,8)) D NOW^%DTC S DR="1.03///"_%_";1.04////"_DUZ D ^DIE ; ; $D(Y) indicates an up-arrow exit from the DIE call (??) I $D(Y) S DFN=+$P(^IBT(356,IBTRE,0),"^",2) D FIND^IBOHCT(DFN,IBTRE) S IBQUIT=1 Q ; TYPE(Z) ; function to get the type of claims tracking entry ; Z is the ien to file 356 Q +$P($G(^IBE(356.6,+$P($G(^IBT(356,+Z,0)),U,18),0)),U,3) ;