IBCEF51 ;ALB/TMP - MRA/EDI ACTIVATED UTILITIES CONTINUED ;06-FEB-96 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**137**;21-MAR-94 ; BTYP(IBX,IBOK,IBASK) ; Select bill types to include/exclude ; IBX(364.41,y,x) = passed by reference. Array containing bill type ; restrictions data subscripted by x=field # in file 364.41 ; and y = sequential # ; IBOK is passed by reference and is returned as 1 if action is ; successful, 0 if not ; IBASK = flag =1 to ask for all 3 fields (edit bill type) ; =0 to ask for only bill type field (add rule) ; N IBABORT,IBCT,IBOUT,IBEXC,IBZ,DUOUT,DTOUT,Y,X,IBY,DA S (IBOUT,IBEXC,IBOK,IBABORT)=0 S IBCT=$O(IBX(364.41,""),-1) S Z=0 F S Z=$O(IBX(364.41,Z)) Q:'Z I $D(IBX(364.41,Z,.01)) S IBY(IBX(364.41,Z,.01))="" F Q:IBOUT F IBZ=.01,.02,.03 I $S($G(IBASK):1,1:IBZ=.01) D Q:IBOUT . I IBZ=.01 D Q:IBOUT .. S DIR("A")=$S(IBCT:"NEXT ",1:"")_"BILL TYPE"_$S('IBEXC:"",1:" TO EXCLUDE")_": " W ! . S DIR(0)="364.41,"_IBZ_$S(IBZ=.01:"AO"_$S('IBEXC:"",1:"^^I $E(Y)=""-"""),1:"O") . I $D(IBX),IBZ=.01 D .. N Z,CT .. S DIR("?",1)="Enter the bill types to include/exclude. To include, enter the" .. S DIR("?",2)="3 digit bill type. To exclude, precede the 3 digit bill type with a minus (-)" .. S DIR("?",3)="You may use 'X' as a wild card. Use XXX to include all bill types." .. S DIR("?",4)="If XXX is entered, the rest of the entries must be bill type exclusions." .. S CT=4 .. I $O(IBX(364.41,""))'="" S DIR("?",5)="The current bill types entered for this rule are:" D ... S Z="",CT=5 F S Z=$O(IBY(Z)) Q:Z="" S CT=CT+1,DIR("?",CT)=$J("",5)_Z .. S DIR("?")=DIR("?",CT) K DIR("?",CT) . ; . D ^DIR K DIR . ; . I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT)!(Y="") D Q .. I Y'="" S Y="",IBOK=0,IBABORT=1 K IBX(364.41) ; Time out or '^' .. S:$S(IBZ'=.01:0,1:Y="") IBOUT=1 . ; . I IBZ'=.01 S IBX(364.41,IBCT,IBZ)=Y Q . ; . Q:Y="" . I '$$BTOK(Y,.IBY,0) Q . ; . S IBCT=IBCT+1,IBY(Y)="" . S IBX(364.41,IBCT,.01)=Y . ; . I Y="XXX" D S IBEXC=1 .. N IB .. S IB=0 F S IB=$O(IBX(364.41,IB)) Q:'IB I $E($G(IBX(364.41,IB,.01)))'="-" K IBX(364.41,IB) .. S IB="" F S IB=$O(IBY(IB),-1) Q:IB=""!($E(IB)="-") I IB'="XXX" K IBY(IB) .. S IBX(364.41,IBCT,.01)="XXX" .. W !," ALL BILL TYPES INCLUDED - ONLY EXCLUSIONS ALLOWED NOW",! I 'IBABORT,'$G(IBCT) W !,"Warning ... this rule will not work unless you enter at least one bill type",! S IBOK=1 I IBABORT W !,"Timed out or '^' entered ... bill types not added",! Q ; INSCO(IB,IBOK,IBDA1) ; Select insurance co option and, if ; appropriate, the individual companies to include/exclude for the rule ; IB = passed by reference ; (.07) = Returned as the internal value selected for insurance co ; option ; (364.4*,x) = Array is returned containing ins co data subscripted ; by x=field # in appropriate subfile ; IBOK is passed by reference and is returned as 1 if action is ; successful, 0 if not ; IBDA1 = the ien of the rule being changed ; N IBCT,IBT,DIR,X,Y S IBOK=1,IBCT=0 F D Q:'IBOK!(IBCT) . N DA . S Y=+$G(IB(.07)),DA=IBDA1 . S DIR(0)="364.4,.07A",DIR("A")="INSURANCE CO OPTION: " . I '$G(IB(.07)) D ^DIR K DIR,DA . I Y'>0 S IBOK=0 Q ; Required . S IB(.07)=+Y,IBCT=0 . I IB(.07)=3 S IBCT=999 Q . S IBT=$S(IB(.07)=1:364.43,1:364.42) . ;Loop until all have been entered and null entry has been detected . F S DIR(0)=IBT_",.01AO",DIR("A")="Select Insurance Co to "_$S(IBT["43":"in",1:"ex")_"clude for this rule: " D ^DIR K DIR Q:Y'>0 D .. S IB(IBT,+Y)="",IBCT=IBCT+1 . I $D(DUOUT) W !,*7,"Entries deleted!",! K IB(IBT) S IBCT=0 Q . I 'IBCT W !,*7,"Warning ... no insurance companies entered",! S IBCT=1 INSQ Q ; BTOK(Y,IBY,SUP) ; Check that bill type is valid for rule ; Function returns 1 if OK, 0 if not ; ; Y = bill type being 'added' to subfile for bill type restrictions ; IBY = array subscripted by bill types on file for rule ; SUP = 0 if do not suppress messages ; = 1 suppress messages ; S IBOK=1 I $S($D(IBY("XXX")):0,1:$E(Y)="-") D ; For exclude, must have included some of bill type first . I Y?1"-"3N S Z=$E(Y,2)_"XX",Z0=$E(Y,2,3)_"X" Q:$D(IBY(Z))!$D(IBY(Z0)) D:'$G(SUP) INVAL(Y,1) S IBOK=0 Q . I Y?1"-"2N1"X" S Z=$E(Y,2)_"XX" Q:$D(IBY(Z)) D:'$G(SUP) INVAL(Y,1) S IBOK=0 Q ; I 'IBOK G BTOKQ ; I $D(IBY("XXX")),$E(Y)'="-" D:'$G(SUP) INVAL(Y,2) S IBOK=0 G BTOKQ ; Can't include others with 'ALL' I $D(IBY(Y)) D:'$G(SUP) INVAL(Y,3) S IBOK=0 G BTOKQ ;Bill type dup ; I $D(IBY("-"_Y)) D:'$G(SUP) INVAL(Y,4) S IBOK=0 ; Include/exclude for same bill type ; BTOKQ Q IBOK ; INVAL(Y,MES) ; Print invalid message ; Y = the bill type in error ; MES = the message # to print W !,"Cannot add this bill type restrictions because:" W !,?4 I MES=1 W "In order to exclude, you must include at least one bill type including the",!,?6," excluded bill type first" I MES=2 W "You already have 'XXX' (all bill types) - can only EXCLUDE bill types now" I MES=3 W "You have already entered this bill type" I MES=4 W "You have included and excluded the same bill type" W ! Q ;