IBCEOB3 ;ALB/TMP - 835 EDI EOB BULLETINS ;18-FEB-99 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**137**;21-MAR-94 Q ; CHGBULL(IBEOB,IBBULL) ; Send bulletin that name and/or id number for insured ; has been reported changed via EDI ; IBEOB = the internal entry # of the entry in file 361.1 ; IBBULL = the flag that has 2 '^' pieces that indicate whether there ; was a name change ('^' piece 1 = 1) or an ID # change ('^' ; piece 2 = 1) ; N XMBODY,XMSUBJ,XMTO,XMDUZ,IB0,IBT Q:'$TR($P($G(IBBULL),U,1,2),U) S IB0=$G(^IBM(361.1,+IBEOB,0)) S XMTO("I:G.IB EDI")="",XMBODY="IBT" S IBT(1)="An EOB for Bill # "_$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(399,.01,,+IB0)_" (COB sequence: "_$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(361.1,.15,,$P(IB0,U,15))_") has indicated the following changes:" S IBT(2)=" " S Z=2 I $P(IBBULL,U) S Z=Z+1,IBT=" INSURED'S NAME CHANGED FROM: "_$P(IBBULL,U,3)_" to "_$P(IBBULL,U,4),Z=Z+1,IBT(Z)=$J("",10)_"(Only the claim has been updated with the new name)" I $P(IBBULL,U,2) S Z=Z+1,IBT=" INSURED'S ID # CHANGED FROM: "_$P(IBBULL,U,5)_" to "_$P(IBBULL,U,6),Z=Z+1,IBT(Z)=$J("",10)_"(Both claim and policy have been updated with the new id)" S XMSUBJ="INSURED'S "_$S(IBBULL:"NAME ",1:"")_$S($P(IBBULL,U,2):$S(IBBULL:"AND ",1:"")_"ID ",1:"")_"CHANGE INDICATED ON EOB" S XMDUZ="" D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(XMDUZ,XMSUBJ,XMBODY,.XMTO,,.XMZ) Q ; COBBULL(IBEOB) ; Send bulletin that COB may be pending on processing an EOB ; IBEOB = the internal entry # of the entry in file 361.1 ; N IBBILL,IB0,IBT,XMBODY,XMSUBJ,XMTO,XMDUZ S XMTO("I:G.IB EDI")="",XMBODY="IBT" S IB0=$G(^IBM(361.1,+IBEOB,0)) S IBBILL=$$BN^PRCAFN(+IB0) Q:IB0="" S IBT(1)=" BILL NUMBER: "_IBBILL S IBT(2)="CURRENT COB SEQUENCE: "_$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(361.1,.15,,$P(IB0,U,15)) S IBT(3)=" EOB DATE: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(IB0,U,5),2) S IBT(4)=" " S IBT(5)="There is subsequent insurance and the balance on the bill is > 0." S IBT(6)="COB processing is needed to collect from this bill's next payer." S XMSUBJ="FINAL EOB RECEIVED-"_IBBILL S XMDUZ="" D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(XMDUZ,XMSUBJ,XMBODY,.XMTO,,.XMZ) Q ;