IBCICMSP ;DSI/JSR - ClaimsManager STATUS REPORT ;6-APR-2001 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**161**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;; ** Program Description ** ; This routine has only 1 entry point EN. ; This routine is invoked when ^IBCICMS is run from the menu option. ; ^IBCICMS is and extraction routine which collects claims which ; the user defined report extracted for reporting purposes. ; This routine ^IBCICMSP is the print routine which permits the ; user to print the report to the screen or to queue as a background ; job which can be stopped at any time using TaskManager. ; Variables ; IBCIPXT = (0 or 1) halts job if report is stopped. ; SORT1 = will always be a 1 ; SORT2 = will always be a 1 ; SORT3 = "1" or the Assigned to person name ; SORT4 = a space concatenated with whatever data the user is ; sorting by (terminal digit, Insurance company name, ; patient last name, negative charge amount, or bill#. ; SORT5 = 1 will always be a 1 ; MAXCNT = Kernel determines the Max Lines per Page for each device ; CRT = Determines if output is sent to screen. ; RPTTYP = Identifies type of report being compiled. EN ; this is the only entry point N ASSIGN,AUDIT,COMMEN,CRT,DATE,EFLAG,ERRSEQ,GROUPBY,I,IBCI1,IBCI10 N IBCI2,IBCI3,IBCI4,IBCI5,IBCI6,IBCI7,IBCI8,IBCI9,IBCIARR N IBCIBEG,IBCIDATA,IBCIDT,IBCIEND,IBCIPGCT,IBCIARR,IBCIEMN N IBCIRUN,IBCISEQ,IBCITXT,IBCIX,IBIFN,MAXCNT,PREV N IBCIPXT,RPTTYP,SORT1,SORT2,SORT3,SORT4,SORT5,Y,Z,X,STOP,NAME S ASSIGN=RPTSPECS("ASNSORT") ; PRIMARY SORT BY ASSIGN TO PERSON 1 YES 0 NO S COMMEN=RPTSPECS("IBCICOMM") ; FLAG PRINT COMMENT 1 YES 0 NO S GROUPBY=RPTSPECS("SORTBY") ;TYPE 2=INS LOGIC DIFF SORT4 S IBCIBEG=RPTSPECS("BEGDATE") S DATE=RPTSPECS("DATYP") S IBCIEND=RPTSPECS("ENDDATE") S (IBCIPXT,IBCIPGCT)=0 ; flags quit and header S Z=($P($G(^IBA(351.91,0)),U,4)) F I=1:1:Z S (IBCIARR(I))=$P($G(^IBA(351.91,I,0)),U,2) ; CM status S RPTTYP(1)="Terminal Digit" S RPTTYP(2)="Insurance Company" S RPTTYP(3)="Patient Last Name" S RPTTYP(4)="Dollar Impact" S RPTTYP(5)="Bill Number" ; jsr 6/12/01 ; I IOST["C" S MAXCNT=IOSL-4,CRT=1 E S MAXCNT=IOSL-6,CRT=0 I RPTSPECS("TYPE")="D" D PRINT ;Detailed report ;DSI/DJW 3/21/02 D PRINT2 I CRT,IBCIPGCT>0,'$D(ZTQUEUED),IBCIPXT=0 S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S IBCIPXT=1 Q I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD() S ZTSTOP=1 Q G XIT Q PRINT ; prints data extracted I '$D(^TMP($J,IBCIRTN)) D HEADER W ?35,"N O D A T A F O U N D",!! S SORT1="" F S SORT1=$O(^TMP($J,IBCIRTN,SORT1)) Q:SORT1=""!(IBCIPXT=1)!($G(ZTSTOP)) D . S SORT2="" F S SORT2=$O(^TMP($J,IBCIRTN,SORT1,SORT2)) Q:SORT2=""!(IBCIPXT=1)!($G(ZTSTOP)) D . . S SORT3="" F S SORT3=$O(^TMP($J,IBCIRTN,SORT1,SORT2,SORT3)) Q:SORT3=""!(IBCIPXT=1)!($G(ZTSTOP)) D . . . I ASSIGN D HEADER . . . S SORT4="" F S SORT4=$O(^TMP($J,IBCIRTN,SORT1,SORT2,SORT3,SORT4)) Q:SORT4=""!(IBCIPXT=1)!($G(ZTSTOP)) D . . . . S PREV=SORT4 . . . . I GROUPBY=2,IBCIPXT=0,IBCIPGCT>0 D HEAD2 . . . . S SORT5="" F S SORT5=$O(^TMP($J,IBCIRTN,SORT1,SORT2,SORT3,SORT4,SORT5)) Q:SORT5=""!(IBCIPXT=1)!($G(ZTSTOP)) D . . . . . S NAME="" F S NAME=$O(^TMP($J,IBCIRTN,SORT1,SORT2,SORT3,SORT4,SORT5,NAME)) Q:NAME=""!(IBCIPXT=1)!($G(ZTSTOP)) D . . . . . . S IBIFN="" F S IBIFN=$O(^TMP($J,IBCIRTN,SORT1,SORT2,SORT3,SORT4,SORT5,NAME,IBIFN)) Q:IBIFN=""!(IBCIPXT=1)!($G(ZTSTOP)) D . . . . . . . D DATA . . . . . . . D LINE . . . . . . . I COMMEN D COMM ; Exit from the PRINT procedure Q ; PRINT2 ; Print the totals by CM status at the end of the report ; esg - 5/22/01 ; I RPTSPECS("TYPE")="D" G PR2 ; detailed report D HEADER I '$D(^TMP($J,IBCIRTN)) W ?35,"N O D A T A F O U N D",!! G PRX PR2 ; I $D(IBCISCNT),'$G(IBCIPXT),'$G(ZTSTOP) D TOTALS ; PRX ; Exit from the PRINT2 procedure Q ; ; HEADER ; header for main report I CRT,IBCIPGCT>0,'$D(ZTQUEUED),IBCIPXT=0 S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S IBCIPXT=1 Q I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD() S ZTSTOP=1 Q S IBCIPGCT=IBCIPGCT+1 W @IOF,!,"ClaimsManager Status Report sort by "_RPTTYP(GROUPBY)_" for " W $E(IBCIBEG,4,5)_"/"_$E(IBCIBEG,6,7)_"/"_$E(IBCIBEG,2,3)_" thru "_$E(IBCIEND,4,5)_"/"_$E(IBCIEND,6,7)_"/"_$E(IBCIEND,2,3) W ?100,"Page :"_IBCIPGCT,! I RPTSPECS("TYPE")="S" W "Summary Report" E W "Detailed Report" S Y=$$NOW^XLFDT X ^DD("DD") S IBCIRUN=Y W ?100,"Run Date: "_IBCIRUN,!! ; ; skip the column headings for the summary report I RPTSPECS("TYPE")="S" G HEADERX ; I DATE=1 W ?8,"BILL NO.",?18,"PATIENT NAME",?44,"PID",?50," EVENT",?60,"BILLER",?68,"CODER",?76,"ASSIGN",?84,"ERROR CODES",?102,"TYPE",?108,"CHARGES",?116,"CM STATUS" E W ?8,"BILL NO.",?18,"PATIENT NAME",?44,"PID",?50," ENTER",?60,"BILLER",?68,"CODER",?76,"ASSIGN",?84,"ERROR CODES",?102,"TYPE",?108,"CHARGES",?116,"CM STATUS" N X S $P(X,"=",130)="" W !,X,! HEADERX ; Q ; HEAD2 ; only printed when insurance is a selected sort Q:GROUPBY'=2 Q:IBCIPXT=1 I $Y+4>MAXCNT,IBCIPXT=0 D HEADER I $Y=6,IBCIPXT=0 W ?2,"INSURANCE: "_SORT4,! E W:IBCIPXT=0 !,?2,"INSURANCE: "_SORT4,! Q DATA ; formats line item data - note claims with same edit error mnemonic ; may print mulitple times if the HFCA line item is an unique line ; with the same error type. The report prints the error mnemonic and ; the HCFA line # as it relates to IB. S IBCIDATA=^TMP($J,IBCIRTN,SORT1,SORT2,SORT3,SORT4,SORT5,NAME,IBIFN) S IBCI1=$P(IBCIDATA,U,1) ; [1] External Bill# S IBCI2=$P(IBCIDATA,U,2) ; [2] Patient SSN S IBCI3=$P(IBCIDATA,U,3) ; ck logic [3] EventDate or Bill S IBCIDT=$E(IBCI3,4,5)_"/"_$E(IBCI3,6,7)_"/"_$E(IBCI3,2,3) S IBCI4=$P(IBCIDATA,U,4) ; [4] Biller name S IBCI5=$P(IBCIDATA,U,5) ; [5] Coder name S IBCI6=$P(IBCIDATA,U,6) ; [6] Assigned to person name S IBCI7=$P(IBCIDATA,U,7) ;[7] inpatient/outpatient flag S IBCI8=$P(IBCIDATA,U,8) ;[8] Charges S IBCI9=$P(IBCIDATA,U,9) ;[9] ien of current ClaimsManager S IBCI10=$P(IBCIDATA,U,10) ;[10] String of error code mne S IBCIX=(IBCIARR(IBCI9)) Q COMM ; print CM user comments these comments are keyed by the user I '$D(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,2,0)) W ! Q ; JSR 6/13/01 line feed correction I $Y+2>MAXCNT,IBCIPXT=0 D HEADER Q:IBCIPXT=1 W ?10,$$CMTINFO^IBCIUT5(IBIFN),! S IBCISEQ=0 F S IBCISEQ=$O(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,2,IBCISEQ)) Q:'IBCISEQ!(IBCIPXT=1) D . S IBCITXT=$G(^IBA(351.9,IBIFN,2,IBCISEQ,0)) . I $Y+1>MAXCNT,IBCIPXT=0 D HEADER . Q:IBCIPXT=1 . W ?28,IBCITXT,! W ! Q LINE ; print report detail line Q:IBCIPXT=1 I $Y+1>MAXCNT,IBCIPXT=0 D HEADER I IBCIPGCT=0,IBCIPXT=0 D HEADER D HEAD2 Q:IBCIPXT=1 W ?8,IBCI1,?19,$E(NAME,1,23),?44,$E(IBCI2,6,9),?50,IBCIDT W ?60,$E(IBCI4,1,6),?68,$E(IBCI5,1,6),?76,$E(IBCI6,1,6),?84,IBCI10 W ?102,IBCI7,?108,$J($FN(IBCI8,",",0),6),?116,IBCIX,! Q XIT ; one exit point Q ; ; TOTALS ; Print totals - esg - 5/22/01 NEW CMDESC,CMSTS I $Y+5>MAXCNT D HEADER Q:IBCIPXT!$G(ZTSTOP) W !!?32,"ClaimsManager Bill Totals by ClaimsManager Status",! S CMDESC="" F S CMDESC=$O(^IBA(351.91,"B",CMDESC)) Q:CMDESC="" D Q:IBCIPXT!$G(ZTSTOP) . S CMSTS=0 . F S CMSTS=$O(^IBA(351.91,"B",CMDESC,CMSTS)) Q:'CMSTS D Q:IBCIPXT!$G(ZTSTOP) .. I '$D(IBCISCNT(1,CMSTS)) Q ; no bill with this status on report .. I $Y+3>MAXCNT D HEADER Q:IBCIPXT!$G(ZTSTOP) .. W !?22,$P(^IBA(351.91,CMSTS,0),U,1),?63,$J(IBCISCNT(1,CMSTS),6) .. W ?76,$J("$"_$FN(IBCISCNT(2,CMSTS),",",0),12) .. Q . Q Q:IBCIPXT!$G(ZTSTOP) I $Y+4>MAXCNT D HEADER Q:IBCIPXT!$G(ZTSTOP) W !?62,"-------",?75,"-------------" W !?22,"GRAND TOTAL",?63,$J(IBCISCNT(1),6) W ?76,$J("$"_$FN(IBCISCNT(2),",",0),12) Q ;