IBCNSUX ;ALB/CMS - SPLIT MEDICARE COMBINATION PLANS ; 29-OCT-98 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**103**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine shoud not be modified. ; Q ; EN ; Entry point from option. I $S('($D(DUZ)#2):1,'$D(^VA(200,+DUZ,0)):1,1:0) W !!?3,"The variable DUZ must be set to an active user code before continuing." G ENQ W !!,?5,"SPLIT MEDICARE PART A /PART B COMBINATION PLANS" W !!,?5,"WARNING: CAUTION SHOULD BE TAKEN WHEN USING THIS OPTION!!" W !!,?5,"This option should ONLY be used at sites that have created a" W !,?5,"Medicare, Will Not Reimburse, Insurance Company which has a" W !,?5,"non-standard Group plan associated with it that combines Part A" W !,?5,"and Part B coverage.",! W !,?5,"Make sure the correct plan is selected. This option will create" W !,?5,"a Part B policy for each subscriber and edit the existing policy" W !,?5,"to point it to the standard Medicare Part A policy." W !!,$TR($J("",75)," ","-") ; N IBINS,IBPLAN,IBQUIT,IBWNR,X,Y S IBWNR=$$GETWNR^IBCNSMM1,IBQUIT=0 I 'IBWNR W !!,*7,?5,IBWNR G ENQ ; ;I DT>2990301 W !!,*7,?5,"This option cannot be run after March 3, 1999." ; D SEL I IBQUIT G ENQ ; W !,"ALL POLICIES ENTERED FOR THE SELECTED COMBINATION PLAN WILL BE CHANGED" W !,"TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH MEDICARE PART A AND A NEW POLICY CREATED FOR " W !,"MEDICARE PART B. THE COMBINATION PLAN WILL BE DELETED IF EMPTY!" ; D OKAY I IBQUIT G ENQ ; ; -- Ask Device N IBX,%ZIS,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTDESC W !,?10,"You should send the output to a printer.",! S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS G:POP QUEQ I $D(IO("Q")) K IO("Q") D G QUEQ .F IBX="IBINS","IBPLAN","IBWNR" S ZTSAVE(IBX)="" .S ZTRTN="BEG^IBCNSUX1",ZTDESC="IB - Separate Medicare Combination policies" .D ^%ZTLOAD K ZTSK D HOME^%ZIS ; U IO I $E(IOST,1,2)["C-" W !!,?15,"...... One Moment Please ..." D BEG^IBCNSUX1 ; QUEQ ; Exit Clean-up W ! D ^%ZISC ; ENQ Q ; SEL ; Select a MEDICARE company and plan. ; Output: IBINS -- Pointer to selected company in file #36 ; IBPLAN -- Pointer to selected/added plan in file #355.3 ; IBQUIT -- Set to 1 if the user wants to quit. ; N DA,DIC,DIRUT,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DR,IBX,IBY,X,Y,IBSUBS S IBY=$O(^IBE(355.2,"B","MEDICARE",0)) S DIC(0)="QEAMZ",DIC="^DIC(36," S DIC("S")="I $$ANYGP^IBCNSJ(+Y,0,1),$P($G(^DIC(36,+Y,0)),U,13)=IBY" S DIC("A")="Select MEDICARE INSURANCE COMPANY: " D ^DIC K DIC S IBINS=+Y I Y<0 W " " S IBQUIT=1 G SELQ ; SELP ; - select the Combination Plan K DIC S DIC("A")="Select COMBINATION GROUP PLAN: " S DIC="^IBA(355.3,",DIC(0)="AEQMZ" S DIC("S")="I +^(0)=IBINS,$P(^(0),U,2)" S DIC("W")="N IBX S IBX=$G(^(0)) W "" Name: "",$E($S($P(IBX,U,3)]"""":$P(IBX,U,3),1:"""")_$J("""",20),1,20),"" Number: "",$S($P(IBX,U,4)]"""":$P(IBX,U,4),1:"""")" D ^DIC K DIC S IBPLAN=+Y I IBPLAN=$P(IBWNR,U,3) W !!,?5,*7,"* Cannot select standard Part A plan" G SELP I IBPLAN=$P(IBWNR,U,5) W !!,?5,*7,"* Cannot select standard Part B plan" G SELP I Y<0 W !!,?5,*7,"* No plan selected!",! S IBQUIT=1 G SELQ W !!,"Collecting Subscribers ..." S IBSUBS=$$SUBS^IBCNSJ(IBINS,IBPLAN) W !!,?5,"This plan has ",IBSUBS," subscriber",$S(IBSUBS=1:"",1:"s"),"." W:'IBSUBS !?5,"You must select a plan with subscribers! Please select another plan." W !! I 'IBSUBS G SELP ; SELQ Q ; OKAY ; -- Ask Okay to Continue ; Returns IBQUIT=1 to exit N DIR,DTOUT,DIROUT,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Okay to Continue" S DIR("?")="Enter 'Yes' to separate combination policies" W ! D ^DIR I $G(Y)'=1 S IBQUIT=1 Q