IBCORC1 ;ALB/CPM - RANK INSURANCE CARRIERS (COMPILE/PRINT) ; 30-JUN-93 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**29,47,68,80**;21-MAR-94 ; DQ ; Tasked entry point to generate and print the rankings. ; ; - look at all insurance bills within date range and accumulate $$ K ^TMP("IBORIC",$J,"IC"),^("IC1"),^("AMT"),^("NUM") S IBDT=$$START(IBABEG,-1) F S IBDT=$O(^DGCR(399,"AP",IBDT)) Q:'IBDT!(IBDT>IBAEND) D .S IBN=0 F S IBN=$O(^DGCR(399,"AP",IBDT,IBN)) Q:'IBN D EVAL ; ; - if executed by IRM, generate the formatted bulletin and quit I $G(IBIRM) D BULL^IBCORC3 G ENQ ; ; - invert the list by carrier to rank by amount billed S IBINS=0 F S IBINS=$O(^TMP("IBORIC",$J,"IC",IBINS)) Q:'IBINS S ^TMP("IBORIC",$J,"AMT",-$G(^(IBINS)),IBINS)="" ; ; - print out the ranking list S IBAMT="",(IBQ,IBCNT,IBPAG,IBTAMT)=0 D HDR F S IBAMT=$O(^TMP("IBORIC",$J,"AMT",IBAMT)) Q:IBAMT=""!(IBQ)!(IBCNT>IBNR) D .S IBINS=0 F S IBINS=$O(^TMP("IBORIC",$J,"AMT",IBAMT,IBINS)) Q:'IBINS!(IBQ)!(IBCNT>IBNR) D ..S IBCNT=IBCNT+1 Q:IBCNT>IBNR ..S IBAMTP=-IBAMT,IBTAMT=IBTAMT+IBAMTP ..S IBINS0=$G(^DIC(36,IBINS,0)),IBINSA=$G(^(.11)) ..I $Y>(IOSL-8) D PAUSE Q:IBQ D HDR ..W !!,$J(IBCNT,4),"." W:$P(IBINS0,"^",5) ?16,"**" ..W ?20,$S($P(IBINS0,"^")]"":$P(IBINS0,"^"),1:"CARRIER UNKNOWN") ..S X=IBAMTP,X2="2$",X3=15 D COMMA^%DTC W ?55,X ..D INSDIS(IBINSA) G:IBQ ENQ ; ; - print a total I $Y>(IOSL-4) D PAUSE G:IBQ ENQ D HDR W !!,"Total Amount Billed to all Ranked Carriers:" S X=IBTAMT,X2="2$",X3=15 D COMMA^%DTC W ?55,X D PAUSE ;I IBFLG W !!,"Sending the report in a bulletin to the MCCR Program Office... " D BULL^IBCORC2 W "done." ; ENQ K ^TMP("IBORIC",$J,"IC"),^("IC1"),^("AMT"),^("NUM") I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" Q D ^%ZISC K DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT,IBAMT,IBAMTP,IBI,IBINS0,IBINSA K IBQ,IBPAG,IBNR,IBCNT,IBDT,IBND,IBINS,IBN,IBTAMT,X,X1,X2,X3,Y ENQ1 Q ; EVAL ; Accumulate amount billed for the carrier if the bill type is correct. F IBI=0,"M","S","MP" S IBND(IBI)=$G(^DGCR(399,IBN,IBI)) I IBND(0)="" G EVALQ ; no zeroth node I $P(IBND(0),"^",11)'="i" G EVALQ ; insurer not responsible S IBINS=+IBND("MP") I 'IBINS G EVALQ ; no carrier associated with bill I $P(IBND("S"),"^",16) G EVALQ ; bill has been cancelled S IBAMT=+$$ORI^PRCAFN(IBN) I IBAMT'>0 G EVALQ ; no bill amount S IBINS=$$INACT(IBINS) ; see if company has been repointed S ^(IBINS)=$G(^TMP("IBORIC",$J,"IC",IBINS))+IBAMT I $G(IBIRM) S ^(IBINS)=$G(^TMP("IBORIC",$J,"IC1",IBINS))+1 EVALQ Q ; PAUSE ; Pause for screen output. Q:$E(IOST,1,2)'="C-" N IBI,DIR,DIRUT,DIROUT,DUOUT,DTOUT F IBI=$Y:1:(IOSL-3) W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S IBQ=1 Q ; HDR ; Display report header. N X,Y S X="Ranking Of The Top "_IBNR_" Insurance Carriers By Total Amount Billed" S Y=$$SITE^VASITE I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-"!(IBPAG) W @IOF,*13 S IBPAG=IBPAG+1 W ?(80-$L(X)\2),X,! W !," Facility: ",$P(Y,"^",2)," (",$P(Y,"^",3),")",?58,"Run Date: ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(DT) W !,"Date Range: ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBABEG)," thru ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBAEND),?62,"Page: ",IBPAG W !?45,"** - denotes an inactive company" W !,$$DASH,!?2,"Rank",?20,"Insurance Carrier",?55,"Total Amt Billed",!,$$DASH Q ; DASH() ; Write dashed line. Q $TR($J("",79)," ","=") ; INSDIS(X) ; Display Insurance Company name and address. ; Input: X -- .11 node of ins company entry in file #36 W:$P(X,"^")]"" !?20,$P(X,"^") W:$P(X,"^",2)]"" !?20,$P(X,"^",2) W:$P(X,"^",3)]"" !?20,$P(X,"^",3) W:$P(X,"^")]""!($P(X,"^",2)]"")!($P(X,"^",3)]"") !?20 W $P(X,"^",4) W:$P(X,"^",4)]""&($P(X,"^",5)]"") ", " W $P($G(^DIC(5,+$P(X,"^",5),0)),"^") W:$P(X,"^",6)]""&($P(X,"^",4)]""!($P(X,"^",5)]"")) " " W $P(X,"^",6) Q ; START(X1,X2) ; Return the Start Date for the search, less one day. N X,%H D C^%DTC Q X ; INACT(CN) ; Determine the repointed-to company for inactivated companies. ; Input: CN -- Pointer to the ins company in file #36 ; Output: The repointed-to company, if inactivated (or the same) N X,Y,Z S X=+$G(CN) F S Y=$G(^DIC(36,X,0)) Q:'$P(Y,"^",5)!('$P(Y,"^",16))!($P(Y,"^",16)=X)!($D(Z(+$P(Y,"^",16)))) S X=$P(Y,"^",16),Z(X)="" Q X ; DEL ; Delete "REPOINT PATIENTS TO" field N C1,C2,DA,DIR W !,"The routine will delete the REPOINT PATIENTS TO field of the entry" W !,"in the INSURANCE COMPANY file (#36) if the field entry is pointing" W !,"back to itself (same IEN).",! S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to do this",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR Q:+Y=0 W !!,"A dot (.) will appear for every 50 records processed.",! S (C1,C2,DA)=0 F S DA=$O(^DIC(36,DA)) Q:+DA=0 I $P($G(^DIC(36,DA,0)),U,16)=DA S $P(^DIC(36,DA,0),U,16)="",C1=C1+1,C2=C2+1 I C1=50 W "." S C1=0 W !,*7,"Done...",C2," records changed." Q