IBCRHBR1 ;ALB/ARH - RATES: UPLOAD HOST FILES (RC) SETUP ; 10-OCT-1998 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**106,138,148**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; HOSTLOAD(VERS) ; upload national REASONABLE CHARGES files from Host files into ^XTMP ; N X,Y,IBFILES,IBPATH,IBFILE,IBNODE,IBOK S IBOK=0,VERS=$G(VERS) W @IOF,!,"Upload National Reasonable Charges v"_VERS_" Host Files to Temporary Vista files" W !,"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------",! ; S IBPATH=$$PATH I IBPATH<0 G HLEND ; D FILES^IBCRHBRV(.IBFILES,VERS) ; list of files to be loaded I '$$FNDHOST(.IBFILES,IBPATH) G HLEND ; all host files found ; I '$$CONT(.IBFILES) G HLEND I '$$CONT1 G HLEND ; W @IOF,!,"Loading National Reasonable Charges v"_VERS_" Host Files into temporary local file" W !,"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ; S IBOK=1,IBFILE="" F S IBFILE=$O(IBFILES(IBFILE)) Q:IBFILE="" D I 'IBOK Q . S IBNODE=IBFILES(IBFILE) . I $$LOAD^IBCRHBR2(IBPATH,IBFILE,$P(IBNODE,U,1),$P(IBNODE,U,2),VERS) Q . W !!," Error while processing host file, can not continue!",!! S IBOK=0 ; I +IBOK W !!,"Upload of Reasonable Charges v"_VERS_" Host Files Complete.",! I +$$FNDXTMP(.IBFILES) D . W !!,"The following files were created in XTMP, they will be purged in 2 days:" . W !,"------------------------------------------------------------------------" D DSPXTMP(.IBFILES) HLEND Q IBOK ; CONT(FILES) ; check for existing files stored in XTMP with same subscript ; returns true if user wants to continue, any existing files are deleted ; N ARR,IBX,IBZ,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y S IBZ=1 ; I +$$FNDXTMP(.FILES) D . S IBZ=0 W !!,"These files already exist in XTMP:",!,"----------------------------------" . ; . D DSPXTMP(.FILES,.ARR) Q:$D(ARR)<10 W ! . S DIR("?")="Enter either 'Y' or 'N'. These files use the same name as the new upload would use and therefore must be deleted before the upload can proceed." . S DIR("A")="Delete the above files and continue with the upload",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR K DIR . ; . I Y=1 S IBZ=1,IBX="" K ^XTMP("IBCR RC SITE") F S IBX=$O(ARR(IBX)) Q:IBX="" K ^XTMP(IBX) W "." ; Q IBZ ; CONT1() ; get final OK to start upload, return true if want to continue with upload N IBZ,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y S IBZ=0 W !! S DIR("?")="Enter either 'Y' or 'N'. Enter 'Y' if you want to load the Reasonable Charges Host files into XTMP." S DIR("A")="Proceed with upload of National Reasonable Charges Host Files now",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR K DIR I Y=1 S IBZ=1 Q IBZ ; PATH() ; return directory or -1 N IBPATH,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y S IBPATH="" S DIR("?",1)="Enter the full path specification where the host files may be found" S DIR("?")="or press return for the default directory "_$$PWD^%ZISH S DIR(0)="FO^3:60",DIR("A")="Enter the file path",DIR("B")=$$PWD^%ZISH D ^DIR K DIR S IBPATH=$S($D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT):-1,1:Y) Q IBPATH ; FNDXTMP(FILES) ; find if any existing files in XTMP, return true if any found N IBFILE,IBXRF,IBNODE,IBZ S IBZ=0 ; S IBFILE="" F S IBFILE=$O(FILES(IBFILE)) Q:IBFILE="" D Q:+IBZ . S IBXRF="IBCR RC "_$P(FILES(IBFILE),U,2) Q:$D(^XTMP(IBXRF))=0 S IBZ=1 Q IBZ ; DSPXTMP(FILES,ARR) ; display any existing files in XTMP, ARR passed by ref can be used to get list of existing file subscripts N IBFILE,IBXRF,IBNODE,IBY K ARR ; S IBFILE="" F S IBFILE=$O(FILES(IBFILE)) Q:IBFILE="" D . S IBXRF="IBCR RC "_$P(FILES(IBFILE),U,2) I $D(^XTMP(IBXRF))=0 Q . S ARR(IBXRF)="",IBNODE=$G(^XTMP(IBXRF,0)),IBY=$S($P(IBNODE,U,3)="":IBXRF,1:$P(IBNODE,U,3)) . W !,?4,$E(IBY,1,67),?74,$P(IBNODE,U,5) Q ; FNDHOST(FILES,IBPATH) ; find and display any Host files available for upload, return true if all required files found N IBX,IBY,IBZ,IBF,IBFILE,X,Y S IBF=1 W !!,"Reasonable Charges Host Files found: ",?44,IBPATH,!,"------------------------------------" ; I $O(FILES(""))="" S IBF=0 ; S IBFILE="" F S IBFILE=$O(FILES(IBFILE)) Q:IBFILE="" D . S IBX(IBFILE)="",IBZ=$$LIST^%ZISH(IBPATH,"IBX","IBY") K IBX,IBY . W !,$P(FILES(IBFILE),U,1),":",?45,IBFILE I 'IBZ W ?57,"*** not found ***" S IBF=0 ; I 'IBF W !!,"Can not find all required host files, can not continue!",!! I +IBF W !!,"All required host files found.",! Q IBF ; ; RELOAD() ; check for existing files stored in XTMP with same subscript (these may be reloaded or re-used) ; returns 0 if host files already loaded/defined, 1 if not defined and need to be loaded, -1 if ^ ; N IBFILES,ARR,IBX,IBZ,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y S IBZ=1 ; D FILES^IBCRHBRV(.IBFILES) ; I +$$FNDXTMP(.IBFILES) D . S IBZ=0 W !!,"These files already exist in XTMP:",!,"----------------------------------" . ; . D DSPXTMP(.IBFILES,.ARR) Q:$D(ARR)<10 W ! . S DIR("?")="Enter either 'Y' or 'N'. These files use the same name as the new upload would use. You may either use these files to calculate RC charges or reload the Host files." . S DIR("A")="Delete the above XTMP files and reload the Host files",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S IBZ=-1 Q . ; . I Y=1 S IBZ=1,IBX="" K ^XTMP("IBCR RC SITE") F S IBX=$O(ARR(IBX)) Q:IBX="" K ^XTMP(IBX) W "." ; Q IBZ ; TMESS ; display message for test accounts (IB*2*138: loading test version of files not needed after release of v1) W *7,*7,*7 W !,?10,"**** Will Load Test Version of Reasonable Charge Files ****" W !!,"This appears to be a test account, the test version of the files will be loaded." W !,"The test version of the charges should only be loaded into test accounts." W !,"If this is not a test account but a live production account then do not load",!,"the charges! Contact support." W !!,?3,"**** If this is a production account do not continue, Contact Support ****",!! Q ; PROD() ; return true if production version of the files should be loaded N IBX S IBX=0 I +$$PROD^IBCORC S IBX=1 ; test account Q IBX