IBCU64 ;ALB/ARH - AUTOMATED BILLER (INPT CONT) ;8/6/93 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**14,80,130,51,137**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; DBIA REFERENCE TO ^DGPM, DGPM("AMV1" , "ATID1", "APTF" = DBIA419 ; DBIA REFERENCE TO PLASIH^DGUTL2 = DBIA421 ; DBIA REFERENCE TO APLD^DGUTL2 = ; LOS1(IFN,IBDTS) ; returns length of stay for a bill's date range ; If actual leave dates needed, pass IBDTS by reference ; Returns IBDTS(begin leave dt)=end leave dt) N X,Y,DFN,IBADM,IBPMCA S (X,IBPMCA)=0,Y=$G(^DGCR(399,+$G(IFN),0)) G:Y="" LOS1Q I $P(Y,U,8)'="" D . ; find patient movement, based on admit date and DFN from PTF . S DFN=+$P(Y,U,2),IBADM=+$P(Y,U,3) I 'IBADM Q . S IBPMCA=$O(^DGPM("AMV1",+IBADM,+DFN,0)) S X=$G(^DGCR(399,+IFN,"U")) S X=$$LOS($P(X,U,1),$P(X,U,2),$P(Y,U,6),IBPMCA,.IBDTS) LOS1Q Q X ; AD(IBPMCA) ; returns inpatient admit and discharge date, DFN, PTF, Facility Treating Specialty, if one/both don't exist "0^0" N X,Y S X="0^0" I '$G(IBPMCA) G ADQ S Y=$G(^DGPM(+IBPMCA,0)) ; get patient movement data S X=+Y_"^"_+$G(^DGPM(+$P(Y,U,17),0))_"^"_$P(Y,U,3)_"^"_$P(Y,U,16)_"^"_$P(Y,U,9) ADQ Q X ; LOS(IBBDT,IBEDT,BTF,IBPMCA,IBDTS) ; calculate the inpatient length of stay for a given time period ;parameters are input variables into DGUTL2, which calculates days absent or on pass ;if the pat movment IFN is not available then can't check of absence or pass days ;LOS: discharge date is not added except for inpt interim first and continuous where discharge date is added, ; absent or pass days not added, ; admission and discharge on same day has LOS=1, discharge date=admission date+1 also has an LOS=1 ; Array returned (if passed by reference) IBDTS=# of leave days ; IBDTS(begin date)=end date for all leave periods N X,IBX,IBY,IBDISDT,IBADM,DFN,IBA S IBX=0 I '$G(IBBDT)!'$G(IBEDT) G LOSQ I IBBDT=IBEDT!($G(BTF)=2)!($G(BTF)=3) S IBEDT=$$FMADD^XLFDT(IBEDT,1) ; inclusive if interim continuous or first S IBX=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(IBEDT,IBBDT,1) ; difference between begin and end date I +$G(IBPMCA) S IBY=$$AD(IBPMCA) I +IBY S IBADM=+IBY\1,IBDISDT=$P(IBY,U,2)\1,DFN=$P(IBY,U,3) D . ; maximum date range is the admit thru discharge range . S:IBBDTIBDISDT) S IBEDT=IBDISDT . S IBX=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(IBEDT,IBBDT,1) I (IBBDT\1)=(IBEDT\1) S IBX=1 . S IBX=IBX-$$NONCOV(IBBDT,IBEDT,IBPMCA,.IBDTS) ; subtract days absent or on pass LOSQ Q $S(IBX>0:IBX,1:0) ; DUPCHKI(DT1,DT2,PTF,RTG,DISP,IFN) ;Check for duplicate billing of inpt admission - checks for overlapping date range on other ;bills with the same rate type and that have not been cancelled ;input: DT1 - beginning of date range to check ; DT2 - ending of date range to check ; PTF - ptr to PTF record ; DISP - true if error message should be printed before exit, if any ; RTG - rate group to check for, if no rate group (0 passed and/or no IFN) then any bill found for ; visit date will cause error message ; IFN - existing bill to check against, if passed will use variables from this bill if they are not passed in ;returns: 0 - if another bill was not found for this admission with this date range, patient, and rate type ; (dup IFN)_"^error message" - if duplicate date found, same rate group then IFN of bill N IFN2,Y,X,X1 S Y=0,(X,X1)="",IFN=+$G(IFN) I +IFN S X=$G(^DGCR(399,IFN,0)),X1=$G(^DGCR(399,IFN,"U")) S RTG=$S($G(RTG)'="":+RTG,1:+$P(X,U,7)),PTF=$S(+$G(PTF):+PTF,1:+$P(X,U,8)) G:'PTF DCIQ S DT1=$S(+$G(DT1):+DT1,1:$P(X1,U,1)),DT2=$S(+$G(DT2):+DT2,1:$P(X1,U,2)) G:'DT1!'DT2 DCIQ S DT1=DT1\1,DT2=DT2\1 I (DT1>DT2)!('$D(^DGCR(399,"APTF",PTF))) G DCIQ S IFN2=0 F S IFN2=$O(^DGCR(399,"APTF",PTF,IFN2)) Q:'IFN2 I IFN'=IFN2 D Q:+Y . S X1=$G(^DGCR(399,IFN2,0)) I $P(X1,U,13)=7 Q ; bill cancelled . I +RTG,$P(X1,U,7)'=RTG Q ; different rate group . S X=$G(^DGCR(399,IFN2,"U")) I (DT2<+X)!(DT1>+$P(X,U,2)) Q . S Y=IFN2_"^A "_$P($G(^DGCR(399.3,+$P(X1,U,7),0)),U,1)_" bill ("_$P(X1,U,1)_") exists overlapping this date range." DCIQ I +$G(DISP),+Y W !,?10,$P(Y,U,2) Q Y ; ADM(DFN,IBDT) ; -- send back Admission and Discharge Dates for a patient on IBDT (or now) if any, 0 otherwise ;returns 'Adm Dt^Disch Dt^PM ptr^PTF ptr' if patient was admitted at any time during IBDT or before discharge date and time N IBNDT,IBINPT,IBADM,IBADT1,IBADT2,IBDIS,IBNOW,%,X,Y S IBNOW=$$NOW^XLFDT S IBINPT=0,IBDT=$G(IBDT) G:'$D(^DPT(+$G(DFN),0)) ADME I 'IBDT S IBDT=IBNOW S IBNDT=9999999.999999-((IBDT\1)+.99999),IBADT2=IBNOW F S IBNDT=$O(^DGPM("ATID1",DFN,IBNDT)) Q:'IBNDT D Q:+IBINPT . S IBADM=+$O(^DGPM("ATID1",DFN,IBNDT,0)),IBADT1=$G(^DGPM(+IBADM,0)) Q:IBADT1="" . S IBDIS=$P(IBADT1,U,17) I +IBDIS S IBADT2=+$G(^DGPM(+IBDIS,0)),IBDIS=IBADT2 . I $P(IBADT2,".",2)="" S $P(IBADT2,".",2)=999999 . I (+IBADT1\1)'>(IBDT\1),(IBADT2'0,$G(IBZ(0))>0 S IBDTS=+IBZ(0) D . S Z=0 F S Z=$O(IBZ(Z)) Q:'Z S IBDTS(+$P(IBZ(Z),U))=$P(IBZ(Z),U,2) Q +$G(IBZ(0)) ;