IBECEA1 ;ALB/RLW-Cancel/Edit/Add... Action Entry Points ; 12-JUN-92 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**15,27,45,176,312**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; PASS ; 'Pass a Charge' Entry Action (added by Jim Moore 4/30/92) N C,IBII,IBNOS,IBND,IBMSG,IBY,IBLINE,IBSTAT,IBAFY,IBATYP,IBHLDR N IBARTYP,IBN,IBSEQNO,IBSERV,IBTOTL,IBTRAN,IBIL,IBNOS2,Y,IBXA ; S VALMBCK="R" D EN^VALM2($G(XQORNOD(0))) I $D(VALMY) I '$$PFSSWARN^IBBSHDWN() S VALMBCK="R" Q ; S IBII="" F S IBII=$O(VALMY(IBII)) Q:'IBII D L -^IB(IBNOS2) D MSG .S IBY=1,IBLINE=^TMP("IBACM",$J,IBII,0) .S (IBNOS,IBNOS2)=+$P(^TMP("IBACMIDX",$J,IBII),"^",4) .; .; - perform up-front edits .L +^IB(IBNOS2):5 I '$T S IBMSG="was not passed - record not available, please try again" Q .S IBND=$G(^IB(IBNOS2,0)) I IBND="" S IBMSG="was not passed - record missing the zeroth node" Q .I $P(IBND,"^",12) S IBMSG="was not passed - the charge already has an AR Transaction Number" Q .S IBSTAT=+$P(IBND,"^",5) I $P($G(^IBE(350.21,IBSTAT,0)),"^",4) S IBMSG="was not passed - the status indicates that the charge is billed" Q .I $P(IBND,"^",7)'>0 S IBMSG="was not passed - there is no charge amount" Q .S IBSEQNO=$P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$P(IBND,"^",3),0)),"^",5) I 'IBSEQNO S IBMSG="was not passed (Bulletin will be generated)",IBY="-1^IB023" Q .I $P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$P(IBND,"^",3),0)),"^",11)=6 S IBMSG="was not passed - CHAMPVA charges must be cancelled and rebilled" Q .S IBHLDR=(IBSTAT=21) .; - pass charge to AR and update list .D ^IBR S IBY=$G(Y) .S IBND=$G(^IB(IBNOS2,0)) .S (IBSTAT,Y)=$P(IBND,"^",5),C=$P($G(^DD(350,.05,0)),"^",2) D Y^DIQ .S IBLINE=$$SETSTR^VALM1(Y,IBLINE,+$P(VALMDDF("STATUS"),"^",2),+$P(VALMDDF("STATUS"),"^",3)) .S IBLINE=$$SETSTR^VALM1($P($P(IBND,"^",11),"-",2),IBLINE,+$P(VALMDDF("BILL#"),"^",2),+$P(VALMDDF("BILL#"),"^",3)) .S ^TMP("IBACM",$J,IBII,0)=IBLINE .S IBMSG=$S(+IBY=-1:"was not passed -",IBSTAT=8:"has now been placed ON HOLD",1:"has now been passed") .; .; - if there is no active billing clock, add one .; added check for LTC, don't do this for LTC .S IBXA=$P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$P(IBND,"^",3),0)),"^",11) .I $P(IBND,"^",14),'$P($G(^IB(IBNOS2,1)),"^",5),'$D(^IBE(351,"ACT",DFN)),IBXA'=8,IBXA'=9 D ..W !,"This patient has no active billing clock. Adding a new one... " ..S IBCLDT=$P(IBND,"^",14) ..I '$D(IBSERV) D SERV^IBAUTL2 ..D CLADD^IBAUTL3 W $S(IBY>0:"done.",1:"error (see msg)") .; .; - if charge was on hold pending review, pass data to IVM .I IBHLDR W !,"Passing billing data to the IVM package... " D IVM^IBAMTV32(IBND) W "done." Q ; MSG ; Display results message. W !,"Charge #"_IBII_" "_IBMSG I +IBY=-1 D ^IBAERR1 W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR W ! Q ; ; ADD ; 'Add a Charge' Entry Action I '$$PFSSWARN^IBBSHDWN() S VALMBCK="R" Q ;IB*2.0*312 G ^IBECEA3 ; UPD ; 'Edit a Charge' Entry Action S IBAUPD=1 ; CAN ; 'Cancel a Charge' Entry Action D EN^VALM2(IBNOD(0)) I '$O(VALMY(0)) S VALMBCK="" G CANQ I $G(IBAUPD) I '$$PFSSWARN^IBBSHDWN() S VALMBCK="R" Q ;IB*2.0*312 ; S (IBNBR,IBCOMMIT)=0,VALMBCK="R" F S IBNBR=$O(VALMY(IBNBR)) Q:'IBNBR D ^@$S($G(IBAUPD):"IBECEA2",1:"IBECEA4") I IBCOMMIT S IBBG=VALMBG W !,"Rebuilding list of charges..." D ARRAY^IBECEA0 S VALMBG=IBBG K IBBG,IBNBR,IBAUPD,IBCOMMIT CANQ Q ; PAUSE ; Keep this around for awhile. W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR W ! Q