IBECEA35 ;ALB/CPM - Cancel/Edit/Add... TRICARE Support ; 09-AUG-96 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**52,240,361**;21-MAR-94;Build 9 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; CUS ; Process all TRICARE copayment charges. ; N X,IBCS,IBINS,IBPLAN ; ; - display TRICARE coverage S IBCS=$$CUS^IBACUS(DFN,DT) D DISP(DFN,IBCS) ; ; - collect parameters needed to create the charge S IBATYPN=$G(^IBE(350.1,IBATYP,0)),IBUNIT=1 I IBATYPN["RX" D AMT^IBECEAU2 S IBDESC="TRICARE RX COPAY",IBFR=DT G GO I IBATYPN["OPT" D G GO .S IBLIM=DT D FR^IBECEAU2(0),AMT^IBECEAU2:IBY>0 .S IBDESC="TRICARE OPT COPAY",(IBEVDT,IBTO)=IBFR,IBEVDA="*" I IBATYPN["INPT" D G GO .S IBDG=$$ADSEL^IBECEA31(DFN),IBDESC="TRICARE INPT COPAY" .I IBDG>0 D Q ..D AMT^IBECEAU2 Q:IBY'>0 ..S IBSL="405:"_+IBDG,(IBEVDT,IBFR)=$P(IBDG,"^",2),IBEVDA="*" ..S IBTO=$$DIS^IBECEA31(IBSL),IBTO=$S(IBTO>DT:DT,1:IBTO) .W !!,"An admission was not available or not selected." .W !,"This transaction has been cancelled." S IBY=-1 Q .; .; - if I pursue this further... .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you still wish to create an inpatient copayment charge" .S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' or 'YES' to create a charge, or 'N', 'NO', or '^' to quit." .D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DUOUT)) W !,"This transaction has been cancelled." S IBY=-1 Q ; ; GO ; - bill the charge I IBY<0 G CUSQ ; ; - okay to proceed? D PROC^IBECEAU4("add") I IBY<0 G CUSQ ; ; - create charge and pass to AR W !,"Billing the TRICARE patient copayment charge..." D ADD^IBECEAU3,AR^IBR:IBY>0 I IBY<0 G CUSQ ; S IBCOMMIT=1 W "completed." ; CUSQ K IBCS Q ; ; DISP(DFN,INS) ; Display TRICARE beneficiary insurance information. ; Input: DFN -- Pointer to the patient in file #2 ; INS -- Pointer to the patient policy in file #2.312 ; I '$G(INS) W *7,!!,"Please note that this patient does not have active TRICARE coverage!",! G DISPQ ; N IBINS,IBINS3,IBPLAN,IBS S IBS=0 S IBINS=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,INS,0)),IBINS3=$G(^(3)) S IBPLAN=$G(^IBA(355.3,+$P(IBINS,"^",18),0)) W !!," TRICARE coverage for ",$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),"^"),":" W !!," Insured Person: ",$E($P(IBINS,"^",17),1,20) W ?42,"Company: ",$P($G(^DIC(36,+IBINS,0)),"^") W !," Effective Date: ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBINS,"^",8)) W ?40,"Plan Name: ",$P(IBPLAN,"^",3) W !,"Expiration Date: ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBINS,"^",4)) W ?38,"Plan Number: ",$P(IBPLAN,"^",4),! I $P(IBINS3,"^",2)]"" S IBS=1 W " Service Branch: ",$P($G(^DIC(23,+$P(IBINS3,"^",2),0)),"^") I $P(IBINS3,"^",3)]"" S IBS=1 W ?37,"Service Rank: ",$P(IBINS3,"^",3) W:IBS ! DISPQ Q