IBECEAU5 ;ALB/BGA - Cancel/Edit/Add CALC Observation COPAY ; 17-MAY-2000 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**132,153,156,167,247**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; Find the IB action type and outpatient copay rate for an inpatient Observation ; OBS ; Called from EN^IBAMTD when adding an Inpatient Observation Copay ; ; Check to see if you have a clock I '$G(IBCLDA) S IBCLDT=$P(IBADMDT,".") D CLADD^IBAUTL3 G:IBY<1 END ; Calculate Outpatient COPAY Charge return IBATYP,IBCHG,IBDESC,IBRTED ; setting IBTYPE=2 to designate all observation is specialty care S (IBDT,IBADMDT)=$P(IBADMDT,"."),IBX="O",IBTYPE=2 D CHRG G:IBY<1 END ; Set the SOFTLINK field = Admission Movment:405 S IBSL="405:"_IBA,IBUNIT=1,(IBFR,IBEVDT)=IBADMDT,IBTO=$P(IBDISDT,"."),IBEVDA="*" ; Add the charge to ^IB set IBN= new charge's IEN D ADD^IBECEAU3 G:IBY<1 END ; Pass the charge to AR set IBTRAN and IBIL S IBDUZ=DUZ D IBFLR^IBAMTS1 END K IBFR,IBTO,IBTYPE Q ; CHRG ; Called from OPT^IBECEA33 when adding a obs copay from CANCEL/EDIT/ADD ; ; Input: Optional if no IBDT than default to DT ; Output: IBATYP, IBCHG, IBDESC, IBRTED ; I '$D(IBDT) S IBDT=DT D TYPE^IBAUTL2 ; Sets IBCHRG=Outpat Copay $ and IBRTED=effective DT of rate Q:'IBCHG ; Error occurred sets IBY in TYPE^IBAUTL2 S IBBS=$$MCCRUTL^IBCRU1("OBSERVATION CARE",5) S IBATYP=$P($G(^DGCR(399.1,+IBBS,0)),"^",7) I 'IBATYP S IBY="-1^IB008" Q I $D(^IBE(350.1,+IBATYP,20)) X ^(20) ; sets IBDESC Q ; CLSF(DGMVP) ; ; This Subroutine evaluates an Inpatient Admission for an Observation Speciality ; where the patient has claimed exposure. The Special Inpatient Billing ; case record is evaluated to detemine the status of the disposition ; the results are than displayed on the Outpatient Events Reports ; N DGIEN,DG0,IBDISP,IBOUT,IBREAS,IBTYP Q:'DGMVP!('$D(^IBE(351.2,"AC",DGMVP))) ; no special case record on file S DGIEN=0,DGIEN=$O(^IBE(351.2,"AC",DGMVP,DGIEN)) Q:'DGIEN S DG0=$G(^IBE(351.2,DGIEN,0)) ; Special Inpatient Billing Case Record Q:$P(DG0,U,8)&('$P(DG0,U,7)) ; Case disposed care not related to Condition S IBTYP=$P(DG0,U,3) S IBTYP=$$UCCL^IBAMTI(IBTYP) S:IBTYP="SPECIAL" IBTYP="SPECIAL CASE" S IBOUT="* Patient Claims EPISODE OF CARE related to: "_IBTYP I '$P(DG0,U,8) S IBDISP="** STATUS - Case has not been DISPOSITIONED" D PRINT Q I $P(DG0,U,8),$P(DG0,U,7) D . S IBDISP="** Case has been DIPOSITIONED and Care is NOT BILLABLE" . S IBREAS=$G(^IBE(351.2,DGIEN,1,0)) . D PRINT Q ; PRINT ; I IBLINE>55 D HDR^IBOVOP2 W !,IBFLD1,!?5,IBFLD2 I $Y>(IOSL-5) D PAUSE^IBOUTL Q:IBQUIT D HDR^IBOVOP2 W !,IBFLD1,!?5,IBFLD2 W !!,?5,IBOUT W:$G(IBDISP)]"" !,?5,IBDISP ; Writes the status of the disposition I $G(IBREAS)]"" D . W !,?5,"Reason Not Billable: ",$E(IBREAS,1,55) ; Writes Reason Not Billed Q ; FEE ; This Subroutine permits a Clerk to add a DG FEE SERVICE (OPT) ; when the value of the fee for service is less than the normal ; Outpatient Copayment. ; Q:'$G(IBAFEE)!('$G(IBCHG)) ; Reset ibdesc="DG FEE SERVICE (OPT) NEW", ibatyp=57 ; before adding entry from ADD^IBECEAU3 to ^IB S IBATYP=IBAFEE I $D(^IBE(350.1,+IBATYP,20)) X ^(20) N DIR,X,Y,DIRUT S DIR(0)="350,.07",DIR("A")="Fee Amount" S DIR("B")=$S(IBCHG?1N.N1"."1N:IBCHG_0,1:IBCHG) S DIR("T")=180,DIR("?")=" " S DIR("?",1)=" *** The Fee for Service can not be LESS than $1.00 or" S DIR("?",2)=" *** GREATER than $"_$S(IBCHG?1N.N1"."1N:IBCHG_0,1:IBCHG)_"." D ^DIR I $G(DIRUT) S IBY=-1 Q I $G(Y)>50.8!($G(Y)<1) D G FEE . W !,?10,"*** The Fee for Service can not be GREATER than $"_$S(IBCHG?1N.N1"."1N:IBCHG_0,1:IBCHG) . W !,?10,"*** AND must be GREATER than $.99==> Please try Again" S:$G(Y) IBCHG=Y Q ; IBOVOP(IBDATE) ; ; This Subroutine expands the functions of the Outpatient Events Report ; by adding Inpatient Observation Admissions/Discharges to the the report. ; Find Admissions or Discharges Associated with Inpatient Observation ; Specialities and Load them into ^TMP("IBOVOP",$J) to be printed ; by ^IBOVOP the Outpatient Events Report. ; Q:'$G(IBDATE) N DGPM0,DGMVP,IBDATE1,IBDFN,IBI,IBENDDT,IBSPEC N IBFLD1,IBFLD2,IBFLD3,IBFLD4,IBFLD5,IBSUB3,IBSUB4,IBSUB5,IBSUB6 S IBDATE1=$P(IBDATE,"."),IBI=($P(IBDATE,".")-1)+.99999 S IBENDDT=IBDATE1+.9999 F S IBI=$O(^DGPM("B",IBI)) Q:'IBI!(IBI>IBENDDT) D . S DGMVP=0 F S DGMVP=$O(^DGPM("B",IBI,DGMVP)) Q:'DGMVP D . . S DGPM0=$G(^DGPM(DGMVP,0)) Q:$P(DGPM0,U,2)'=1 . . S IBTYP=$P(DGPM0,U,2) ; 1=Admission . . S IBSPEC=$$MVT^DGPMOBS(DGMVP) Q:+IBSPEC<1 ; quite not OBS . . S IBDFN=$P(DGPM0,U,3) Q:'IBDFN . . Q:$$BILST^DGMTUB(IBDFN)<($P(+DGPM0,".")) ; quite not MT billable . . S IBSUB3=$$FLD1^IBOVOP1(IBDFN) Q:IBSUB3="" ; subscript 3 PT name . . S IBSUB4="OBS ADMIS" . . S IBSUB5=$$FLD3^IBOVOP1(+DGPM0) Q:IBSUB5="" . . S IBSUB6=0 . . S IBFLD1=$E($P(IBSPEC,U,3),U,30) ; Treating Speciality . . S IBFLD2="" . . S IBFLD3=$S($P(DGPM0,U,17):"DISCHARGED",1:"ADMISSION") . . S IBFLD4=IBDFN,IBFLD5="",IBFLD6=DGMVP . . ; Set the Global for the Outpatient Event Report . . S ^TMP("IBOVOP",$J,IBSUB3,IBSUB4,IBSUB5,IBSUB6)=IBFLD1_U_IBFLD2_U_IBFLD3_U_IBFLD4_U_IBFLD5_U_IBFLD6 Q