IBEFUTL ;ALB/AAS - INTEGRATED BILLING - FILER UTILITIES ; 26-FEB-91 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; START ; -turn IB filer on, task manually ;*** ;S XRTL=$ZU(0),XRTN="START^IBEFUTL-1" D T0^%ZOSV ;start rt clock ; W !!,"This option will start the IB Background Filer running. If one filer" W !,"is currently running a second filer will be started. Manually starting" W !,"the filer with this option is not ordinarily necessary, as it will start" W !,"itself when needed. However, if the Filer job should be killed or" W !,"your system goes down with the filer running, you may need to use this" W !,"option." ; I '$D(^IBE(350.9,1,0)) W !!,"You must enter/edit site parameters first" G STARTQ I $P(^IBE(350.9,1,0),"^",4)]"" W !!,*7,"<<<>>>" ; W !! S DIR("A")="Are you sure",DIR("B")="NO",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y W !!,"Nothing queued!" G STARTQ ; S1 N Y S DIE="^IBE(350.9,",DA=1,DR=".03////1;.04///@" D ^DIE K DIE,DA,DR D ZTSK^IBEF STARTQ K %H,D,DIC,X,Y,ZTSK ;*** ;I $D(XRT0) S:'$D(XRTN) XRTN="START^IBEFUTL" D T1^%ZOSV ;stop rt clock Q ; STOP ; -stop IB filer ;*** ;S XRTL=$ZU(0),XRTN="STOP^IBEFUTL-1" D T0^%ZOSV ;start rt clock ; W !,"This option will edit the IB site parameter file and allow for the" W !,"graceful shutdown of the IB Background filer. Use of this option" W !,"will cause the IB Engine to file in the foreground until the site" W !,"parameter FILE IN BACKGROUND is edited to yes." W !!,"After using this option the filer may attempt to complete filing" W !,"posted transactions prior to stopping. This option should be used" W !,"prior to stopping taskmanager when doing an orderly system shutdown." W !!,"REMEMBER: If you use this option, you must edit the site parameter" W !,"FILE IN BACKGROUND to yes to allow the filer to restart, or use the" W !,"Start IB filer option." ; W !! S DIR("A")="Are you sure",DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y W !!,"Nothing stopped!" G STOPQ S DIE="^IBE(350.9,",DA=1,DR=".03////0" D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR,DIC W !,"IB Background Filing stopped" ; STOPQ K %H,D,X ;*** ;I $D(XRT0) S:'$D(XRTN) XRTN="STOP^IBEFUTL" D T1^%ZOSV ;stop rt clock Q ; EDIT ; -edit IB site parameters ;*** ;S XRTL=$ZU(0),XRTN="EDIT^IBEFUTL-1" D T0^%ZOSV ;start rt clock ; I '$D(^IBE(350.9,1,0)) K DD,DO S DIC="^IBE(350.9,",DIC(0)="L",(X,DINUM)=1 D FILE^DICN K DIC,DD,DO W !!,*7,"Creating Site Parameter Entry! You may now Edit" ; I '$D(^IBE(350.9,1,0)) W !!,*7,"<<>>" G EDITQ ; L +^IBE(350.9,1,0):0 I '$T W !,"Site Parameteres being edited by another user!" G EDITQ ; S DA=1,DR="[IB EDIT SITE PARAM]",DIE="^IBE(350.9," D ^DIE L -^IBE(350.9,1,0) ; EDITQ K %H,DA,DR,DIE,DIC,X,Y ;*** ;I $D(XRT0) S:'$D(XRTN) XRTN="EDIT^IBEFUTL" D T1^%ZOSV ;stop rt clock Q ; CLEAR ; - clear the start date and tasked flags from file 350.9 ;*** ;S XRTL=$ZU(0),XRTN="CLEAR^IBEFUTL-1" D T0^%ZOSV ;start rt clock ; S DA=1,DIE="^IBE(350.9,",DR="[IB EDIT CLEAR]" D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR,DIC ;*** ;I $D(XRT0) S:'$D(XRTN) XRTN="CLEAR^IBEFUTL" D T1^%ZOSV ;stop rt clock Q