IBEMTF ;ALB/CPM - FLAG STOP CODES, DISPOSITIONS, AND CLINICS ; 22-JUL-93 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**167**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; EN ; Option entry point - main processing loop. ; ; per patch ib*2*167, this option no longer valid ; W !!,"Due to the new Means Test Copayment Tier, this option, is no longer used!",!! N DIR,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR Q ; ; ; S IBQ=0 F D UPD Q:IBQ K IBQ Q ; UPD ; Update the billable status for stop codes, dispositions, or clinics. W @IOF,*13,?6,"Flag Stop Codes, Dispositions, and Clinics for Means Test Billing" W !,$$DASH(),!,"This option is used to set up Clinic Stop Codes, Dispositions, and Clinics" W !,"as either non-billable or billable for the Means Test Outpatient Copayment." W !!,"Use of this option will have an immediate effect on your billing operations," W !,"so you should have your work pre-planned before using this option.",!,$$DASH() ; ; - select stop codes, dispositions, or clinics. S DIR(0)="SO^S:STOP CODES;D:DISPOSITIONS;C:CLINICS",DIR("?")="^D HSEL^IBEMTF1" S DIR("A")="Enter your choice" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT)) G UPDQ S IBINFO=$T(@Y+1) ; ; - some help W !!,$$DASH(),!,"You may now enter the ",$P(IBINFO,";",3)," that you wish to flag. Please note" W !,"all ",$P(IBINFO,";",3)," that you select will be assigned the same effective" W !,"date and billable status.",!,$$DASH(),! ; ; - select all entries to be updated S (IBNUM,IBHIT)=0 D UPDQ1 F D Q:Y<0 .S DIC=$P(IBINFO,";",5),DIC(0)="QEAMZ" .S DIC("A")=$S(IBHIT:"Next",1:"Select")_" "_$P(IBINFO,";",4)_": " .S:$P(IBINFO,";",6)]"" DIC("S")=$P(IBINFO,";",6) .D ^DIC K DIC Q:Y<0 S IBHIT=1 .I $D(^TMP("IBEMTF",$J,+Y)) W !,"Please note that you've already selected ",Y(0,0),"." .E S ^TMP("IBEMTF",$J,+Y)=Y(0,0),IBNUM=IBNUM+1 ; ; - quit if no selections were made. I '$D(^TMP("IBEMTF",$J)) W !!,"No ",$P(IBINFO,";",3)," selected!" S IBQ=1 G UPDQ ; ; - allow review of the selections. I IBNUM>1 D REV^IBEMTF1 I IBQ G UPDQ ; ; - quit if all entries were de-selected (but allow re-start). I '$D(^TMP("IBEMTF",$J)) W !!,"All ",$P(IBINFO,";",3)," were de-selected!" G UPDQ ; ; - should Means Test billing be ignored or activated? S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Ignore Means Test billing for "_$S(IBNUM=1:"this",1:"these")_" "_$P(IBINFO,";",$S(IBNUM=1:7,1:3)) S DIR("?")="^D HACT^IBEMTF1" W ! D ^DIR K DIR G:($D(DIRUT))!($D(DUOUT)) UPDQ S IBFILE=+Y,IBACT=$S(IBFILE:"ignore",1:"activate") ; ; - what is the effective date for this action? S %DT="AEX",%DT("A")="Please enter the effective date to "_IBACT_" billing: " D ^%DT K %DT G:Y<0 UPDQ S IBDAT=Y I Y>DT W !!,"Please note that you've selected a future date!" ; ; - re-display the list of selected entries. W !!,"Action to take => ",IBACT," billing for the following ",$P(IBINFO,";",3),":" D LIST^IBEMTF1 W ! ; ; - okay to proceed and file entries? S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Is it okay to proceed and file these entries" S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' to file these entries, 'N' to try again, or '^' to quit." D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DUOUT)) G UPDQ ; ; - file selected entries. W !!,"Filing these ",$P(IBINFO,";",4)," entries... " D FILE^IBEMTF1 W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT ; UPDQ S:$D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT)) IBQ=1 K DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT,IBINFO,IBNUM,IBFILE,IBACT,IBDAT,IBHIT UPDQ1 K ^TMP("IBEMTF",$J) Q ; DASH() ; Write a dashed line. Q $TR($J("",79)," ","=") ; INFO ; Description of stop/disposition/clinic information listed below. ;;desc (plural);desc (selection);source file root;source screen;desc (sing);dest file root;dest file # ; S ; Stop Code Information ;;clinic stop codes;CLINIC STOP CODE;^DIC(40.7,;I '$P(^(0),U,3);clinic stop code;^IBE(352.3,;352.3 ; D ; Disposition Information ;;dispositions;DISPOSITION;^DIC(37,;I '$P(^(0),U,10);disposition;^IBE(352.2,;352.2 ; C ; Clinic Information ;;clinics;CLINIC;^SC(;I $P(^(0),U,3)="C";clinic;^IBE(352.4,;352.4 ;