IBEMTF1 ;ALB/CPM - FLAG STOP CODES, DISPOSITIONS, AND CLINICS (CON'T.) ; 23-JUL-93 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**55**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; REV ; Review selected entries and de-select if necessary. W !!,"You have selected ",IBNUM," ",$P(IBINFO,";",3),"." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Would you like to review these selections",DIR("?")="^D HREV^IBEMTF1" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DUOUT)) G REVQ ; ; - list selections and ask if user would like to de-select. D LIST W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Would you like to de-select any entries" S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' to de-select entries, 'N' to continue, or '^' to quit." D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DUOUT)) G REVQ ; ; - allow de-selection and pull entries from the list. S IBHIT=0 F D Q:Y<0 .S DIC=$P(IBINFO,";",5),DIC(0)="QEAMZ" .S DIC("A")="De-select "_$S(IBHIT:"Next ",1:"")_$P(IBINFO,";",4)_": " .S:$P(IBINFO,";",6)]"" DIC("S")=$P(IBINFO,";",6) .D ^DIC K DIC Q:Y<0 S IBHIT=1 .I '$D(^TMP("IBEMTF",$J,+Y)) W !,"Please note that ",Y(0,0)," is not currently selected." .E K ^TMP("IBEMTF",$J,+Y) S IBNUM=IBNUM-1 W !!,"You have selected a total of ",IBNUM," ",$P(IBINFO,";",$S(IBNUM=1:7,1:3)),"." REVQ S:$D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT)) IBQ=1 Q ; FILE ; File all selected entries. N IBI,IBIN,IBALR S IBI=0 F S IBI=$O(^TMP("IBEMTF",$J,IBI)) Q:'IBI S IBIN=^(IBI) D .K DD,DO,DIC,DR .S DIC=$P(IBINFO,";",8),DIC(0)="",X=IBI,DLAYGO=$P(IBINFO,";",9) .; .; - has this entry already been filed for this date? .S IBALR=$O(@(DIC_"""AIVDT"","_IBI_","_-IBDAT_",0)")) .; .; - add new entry if not yet on file for the specified date .I 'IBALR D FILE^DICN I Y<0 W !,"Unable to file ",IBIN,"..",! Q .S DIE=$P(IBINFO,";",8),DA=$S(IBALR:IBALR,1:+Y),DR=".02////"_IBDAT_";.03////"_IBFILE_";.04////1" .D ^DIE K DA,DR,DIE W "." W " done!" Q ; LIST ; List all selected entries. W ! S I=0 F S I=$O(^TMP("IBEMTF",$J,I)) Q:'I W:$X>40 ! W:$X>2 ?40 W ^(I) Q ; HACT ; Help for the Billing action prompt. W !!,"Please enter:" W !," 'Y' to ignore Means Test billing for ",$S(IBNUM=1:"this",1:"these")," ",$P(IBINFO,";",$S(IBNUM=1:7,1:3)) W !," 'N' to activate Means Test billing for ",$S(IBNUM=1:"this",1:"these")," ",$P(IBINFO,";",$S(IBNUM=1:7,1:3)) W !," '^' to quit this option." Q ; HSEL ; Help for the Billing characteristic prompt. W !!,"Please enter:" W !," 'S' to ignore/activate Means Test Billing for Stop Codes" W !," 'D' to ignore/activate Means Test Billing for Dispositions" W !," 'C' to ignore/activate Means Test Billing for Clinics" W !," '^' to quit this option." Q ; HREV ; Help for the Request to Review prompt. W !!,"Enter 'Y' to review the selections, 'N' to continue, or '^' to quit." W !,"Please note that, if you choose to review the selections, you will have" W !,"the opportunity to de-select incorrect entries from the list." Q