IBJPI3 ;DAOU/BHS - IBJP IIV MOST POPULAR PAYER LIST SCREEN ;25-NOV-2003 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**271**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; IIV - Insurance Identification and Verification Interface ; EN ; -- main entry pt for IBJP IIV MOST POPULAR PAYERS N POP,X,CTRLCOL,VALMHDR,VALMCNT,%DT D EN^VALM("IBJP IIV MOST POPULAR PAYERS") Q ; HDR ; -- header code S VALMHDR(1)=" "_$S($D(^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-MODS")):"Unsaved Changes Exist",1:"Last Saved: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,51)),U,21),"5Z")) S VALMHDR(2)=" "_$$FO^IBCNEUT1(" ",49)_" "_$$FO^IBCNEUT1(" ",11)_" Nat. Loc." S VALMHDR(3)=" # "_$$FO^IBCNEUT1("Payer Name ",49)_" "_$$FO^IBCNEUT1("National ID",11)_" Act? Act?" Q ; INIT ; -- init vars and list array ; Init temp globals K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3") K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-IENS") K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-LIST") K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-MODS") D CLEAN^VALM10 ; Kills data and video control arrays w/active list D BLD ; Build list from site params D DISP ; Build display array Q ; HELP ; HELP screen for Most Pop screen D FULL^VALM1 ; Full screen mode W @IOF D EN^DDIOL("Most Popular Payer List Edit Actions") D EN^DDIOL(" ") D EN^DDIOL("Add Entry - Inserts a new payer into the list at any position as") D EN^DDIOL(" long as the list has fewer than ten entries. The entry will be inserted and") D EN^DDIOL(" existing entries from the new position through the end of the list will be") D EN^DDIOL(" shifted down one position.") D EN^DDIOL(" ") D EN^DDIOL("Delete Entry - Deletes a payer from the list at any position as") D EN^DDIOL(" long as the list has at least one entry. The entries following the deleted") D EN^DDIOL(" entry will be shifted up one position.") D EN^DDIOL(" ") D EN^DDIOL("Modify Entry - Modifies a payer from the list at any position as") D EN^DDIOL(" long as the list has at least one entry. The new payer must be") D EN^DDIOL(" valid in order to replace the existing entry.") D EN^DDIOL(" ") D EN^DDIOL("Print Current List - Allows the user to specify a device and print the current") D EN^DDIOL(" items in the list.") D PAUSE^VALM1 D EN^DDIOL("Reorder Entry - Changes a payer from the list at any position to") D EN^DDIOL(" another position so long as the list has at least two entries. Moving the") D EN^DDIOL(" entry to a lower position shifts entries following the original position up") D EN^DDIOL(" one position except for those lower than the new position. Moving the entry") D EN^DDIOL(" to a higher position shifts entries following the new position down one") D EN^DDIOL(" position except for those lower than the original position.") D EN^DDIOL(" ") D EN^DDIOL("Restore Saved List - If editing actions were performed, the user will be") D EN^DDIOL(" prompted to verify that they wish to discard all changes.") D EN^DDIOL(" ") D EN^DDIOL("Save Current List - Saves the current list to the Site Parameters file.") D EN^DDIOL(" ") D EN^DDIOL("Exit Action - If editing actions were performed, the user will be prompted") D EN^DDIOL(" to save the current list or exit without filing changes.") D PAUSE^VALM1 ; Press return to continue W @IOF S VALMBCK="R" ; Refresh screen Q ; EXIT ; -- exit code S VALMBCK="R" ; If the list has been acted upon, prompt for save I $D(^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-MODS")) D . D EN^DDIOL("Unsaved changes exist!") . D SAVE^IBJPI4 ; Kill temp globals K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3") K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-LIST") K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-IENS") K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-MODS") D CLEAN^VALM10 ; Kills data and video control arrays w/active list Q ; BLD ; -- build list array N IBIEN,IBCT,IEN ; Init temp globals K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-LIST") K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-IENS") K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-MODS") ; Loop thru current List of Payers S (IEN,IBCT)=0 F S IEN=$O(^IBE(350.9,1,51.18,IEN)) Q:'IEN D . S IBIEN=$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,51.18,IEN,0)),U) Q:'IBIEN ; Bad IEN . S IBCT=IBCT+1 . S ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-LIST",IBCT)=IBIEN ; List by pos . S ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-IENS",IBIEN)="" ; IEN index Q ; DISP ; Build display array of text N IBI,IBIEN,IBST,IBLN,IBAIEN,IBADATA ; Init display global K ^TMP($J,"IBJPI3") ; Loop thru current list of Payers S IBLN=0 F IBI=1:1:10 S IBIEN=$G(^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-LIST",IBI)) Q:'IBIEN D . S IBST=$$FO^IBCNEUT1(IBI,3,"R")_". " . ; Name . S IBST=IBST_$$FO^IBCNEUT1($P($G(^IBE(365.12,IBIEN,0)),U),49) . ; National ID . S IBST=IBST_" "_$$FO^IBCNEUT1($P($G(^IBE(365.12,IBIEN,0)),U,2),11) . S (IBAIEN,IBADATA)="" . ; Payer App IEN . S IBAIEN=$$PYRAPP^IBCNEUT5("IIV",IBIEN) . ; WARNING - IIV application does not exist . I IBAIEN="" D Q . . S IBLN=$$SET(IBLN,IBST) . . S IBST=" ** Please remove from this list: Payer not configured for IIV **" . . S IBLN=$$SET(IBLN,IBST) . S IBADATA=$G(^IBE(365.12,+IBIEN,1,+IBAIEN,0)) . ; Nat Act Flg . S IBST=IBST_" "_$$FO^IBCNEUT1($S('$P(IBADATA,U,2):"NO",1:"YES"),4) . ; Loc Act Flg . S IBST=IBST_" "_$$FO^IBCNEUT1($S('$P(IBADATA,U,3):"NO",1:"YES"),4) . S IBLN=$$SET(IBLN,IBST) . ; WARNING - IIV application deactivated . I +$P(IBADATA,U,11) D Q . . S IBST=" ** Please remove from this list: Payer is deactivated for IIV **" . . S IBLN=$$SET(IBLN,IBST) . ; WARNING - Id Inq Req ID = YES & Use SSN as ID = NO . I +$P(IBADATA,U,8),'$P(IBADATA,U,9) D . . S IBST=" ** Please remove from this list: Inquiries w/o subscriber ID rejected **" . . S IBLN=$$SET(IBLN,IBST) ; No Data Found if $O(^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-LIST",0))="" I $O(^TMP($J,"IBJPI3-LIST",0))="" S IBLN=$$SET(IBLN," *** NO DATA FOUND!!! ***") ; Update line ct S VALMCNT=IBLN Q ; SET(LN,STR) ; Build list array S LN=$G(LN)+1 D SET^VALM10(LN,STR) Q LN ;