IBJTTA ;ALB/ARH - TPI AR ACCOUNT/CLAIM PROFILE ; 06-MAR-1995 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**39**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; this screen is based on the Profile of Accounts Receivable [PRCAC PROFILE] option ; EN ; -- main entry point for IBJ TP AR TRANSACTIONS D EN^VALM("IBJT AR ACCOUNT PROFILE") Q ; HDR ; -- header code D HDR^IBJTU1(+IBIFN,+DFN,13) Q ; INIT ; -- init variables and list array K ^TMP("IBJTTA",$J),^TMP("IBJTTAX",$J),IBARCOMM I '$G(DFN)!'$G(IBIFN) S VALMQUIT="" G INITQ D BLD^IBJTTA1 INITQ Q ; HELP ; -- help code S X="?" D DISP^XQORM1 W !! Q ; EXIT ; -- exit code K IBPOLICY,IBARCOMM,^TMP("IBJTTA",$J),^TMP("IBJTTAX",$J) D CLEAR^VALM1 Q ; NX(IBTPLNM) ; -- IBJT AR TRANSACTION PROFILE SCREEN action: go to next screen template ; get user transaction selection from transaction list on Account Profile screen then open transaction profile ; N VALMY,IBSELN,IBIFN,IBTRNS D EN^VALM2($G(XQORNOD(0))) I $D(VALMY) S IBSELN=0 F S IBSELN=$O(VALMY(IBSELN)) Q:'IBSELN D . S IBIFN=$P($G(^TMP("IBJTTAX",$J,IBSELN)),U,2) . S IBTRNS=$P($G(^TMP("IBJTTAX",$J,IBSELN)),U,3) . D EN^VALM(IBTPLNM) S VALMBCK="R" Q ; REBLD ; -- called as part of Entry Code for IBJT AR ACCOUNT PROFILE MENU ; necessary to cause the AR screen to be rebuilt, if a Comment Transaction is added to the account (AD action) ; and the AR screen is already open, then the AR screen will have incomplete information, IBARCOMM is ; set when a comment is added, if set on entry into the menu protocol for the AR screen then this procedure ; is called to rebuild the AR screen so it will have the new transaction listed D INIT K IBARCOMM Q