IBOUNP2 ;ALB/CJM - OUTPATIENT INSURANCE REPORT ;JAN 25,1992 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**249**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; IBOTIME appointment time ; IBODIV division ; IBOCLNC clinic ; IBOCTG category vet is in (no=noinsurance,expired,unknow) ; IBOEND2 end of the date range + 30 days ; IBOINS =1 in there is insurance data ; IBORPTD =1 if appt should appear on report ; LOOPPT ; loops through patients returned from API N IBOCLNC,IBOTIME,IBOEND2,IBOCTG,IBOINS,IBORPTD,IBONAME S DFN="" S X1=IBOEND,X2=30 D C^%DTC S IBOEND2=X F S DFN=$O(^TMP($J,"SDAMA301",DFN)) Q:'DFN I $$VET(DFN) S IBOTIME=$O(^TMP($J,"SDAMA301",DFN,0)),IBSDDAT=^TMP($J,"SDAMA301",DFN,IBOTIME) D INFO,INDEX:IBORPTD Q ; INFO ; looks up info, assumes IBSDDAT S IBONAME=$P($P(IBSDDAT,"^",4),";",2) S IBOCLNC=+$P(IBSDDAT,"^",2) S IBOCLN=$P($P(IBSDDAT,"^",2),";",2) I IBOCLN="" S IBOCLN="NOT KNOWN" S IBODIV=$P($G(^SC(IBOCLNC,0)),"^",15) S:IBODIV IBODIV=$P($G(^DG(40.8,IBODIV,0)),"^",1) S:IBODIV="" IBODIV="UNKNOWN" S IBORPTD=0 D UNK:IBOUK,EXP:'IBORPTD&IBOEXP,UNI:'IBORPTD&IBOUI Q ; VET(DFN) ; checks if patient is a vet D ELIG^VADPT Q $S(VAERR:0,VAEL(4):1,1:0) ; INDEX ; indexes appointment S ^TMP("IBOUNP",$J,IBOCTG,IBODIV,IBOCLN,IBONAME,DFN)=IBOTIME Q UNK ; goes in 'unknown' category if the field COVERED BY HEALTH INSURANCE ; was not answered, was answered unknown, and there is no insurance data S IBORPTD=0 N T S T=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.31)),"^",11) I T="U"!(T="") D CKINS I 'IBOINS S IBOCTG="UNKNOWN",IBORPTD=1 Q Q EXP ; goes in expired category only if there is insurance and ; all of it expired before end of specified period + 30 days S IBORPTD=0 N T,E D CKINS Q:'IBOINS S IBORPTD=1,IBOCTG="EXPIRED" F T=0:0 S T=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,T)) Q:T'>0 S E=$P($G(^(T,0)),"^",4) I E=""!(E>IBOEND2) S IBORPTD=0 Q Q UNI ; goes in unisured category if there is no insurance data and ; the field COVERED BY HEALTH INSURANCE was answered YES or NO S IBORPTD=0 N T S T=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.31)),"^",11) I T="N"!(T="Y") D CKINS I 'IBOINS S IBOCTG="NO",IBORPTD=1 Q CKINS ; checks if any insurance in insurance multiple of patient record S IBOINS=0 I $O(^DPT(DFN,.312,0)) S IBOINS=1 Q