IBPP ;ALB/CPM - PURGE BILLING DATA ; 22-APR-92 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**48**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; Tasked job inverts search template entries and deletes them from ; the source file. ; ; Input: IBD(file number) -- piece 1: date through which to archive ; IBOP -- 3 (Purge Billing Data) ; DUZ -- user ID; retained by Taskman ; ; Called by QUE^IBP ; ; ; Purge entries for each selected file. I '$O(^IBE(356.8,"B","OTHER",0)) S $P(IBD(IBF),"^",4)="Error: Reason Not Billable of OTHER undefined, no bills purged" G END I '$O(^IBE(356.8,"B","BILL PURGED",0)) S $P(IBD(IBF),"^",4)="Error: Reason Not Billable of BILL PURGED undefined, no bills purged" G END ; S IBSTAT=$$LOG^IBPU(IBF) I 'IBSTAT S $P(IBD(IBF),"^",4)="Invalid File to Purge" G END S IBLOG=$$LOGIEN^IBPU1(IBF),$P(IBD(IBF),"^",3)=IBLOG I 'IBLOG S $P(IBD(IBF),"^",4)="Unable to Retrieve Current Entry to Log File" G END S IBTMPL=$P($G(^IBE(350.6,IBLOG,0)),"^",2) I IBTMPL="" S $P(IBD(IBF),"^",4)="Log Entry has no Search Template" D UPD^IBPU1(IBLOG,.05,"/3") G END S IBTMDA=$O(^DIBT("B",IBTMPL,0)) I 'IBTMDA S $P(IBD(IBF),"^",4)="Search Template Name is Invalid" D UPD^IBPU1(IBLOG,.05,"/3") G END I '$D(^DIBT(IBTMDA,1)) S $P(IBD(IBF),"^",4)="Search Template has no Entries to Archive" D UPD^IBPU1(IBLOG,.05,"/3") G END D UPD^IBPU1(IBLOG,3.01,"NOW") ; set start time of purge ; - "invert" search template entries S IBN=0 F S IBN=$O(^DIBT(IBTMDA,1,IBN)) Q:'IBN S ^TMP($J,"IBPP",-IBN)="" ; - purge the entries S DIK=^DIC(IBF,0,"GL"),IBCNT=0,IBRCNO="" F S IBRCNO=$O(^TMP($J,"IBPP",IBRCNO)) Q:IBRCNO="" S (DA,IBN)=-IBRCNO,IBCNT=IBCNT+1 D:IBF=399 NEWV D ^DIK ; D RNB K ^TMP($J,"IBPP"),^TMP($J,"IBPPTRN") ; I 'IBCNT S $P(IBD(IBF),"^",4)="No Entries Purged" D DEL^IBPU1(IBF),UPD^IBPU1(IBLOG,.05,"/3") G END D UPD^IBPU1(IBLOG,.04,IBCNT) ; update log entry with count D UPD^IBPU1(IBLOG,3.02,"NOW") ; set end time of purge in log D UPD^IBPU1(IBLOG,.05,"/2") ; close out log entry D DEL^IBPU1(IBF) ; delete search template END Q NEWV ; N DA,DIE,DIK D ^IBPU2 Q RNB ; adds RNB (356,.19) of OTHER to all CT records that were on an archived bill but do not yet have a RNB ; this covers visits where the bill was canceled or the visit was removed from a bill ; all CT records that were actually billed on an archived bill should already have a RNB of BILL PURGED N IBTRN,IBX,DIE,DA,DR,DIC,IBRNB S IBRNB=$O(^IBE(356.8,"B","OTHER",0)) Q:'IBRNB S IBTRN=0 F S IBTRN=$O(^TMP($J,"IBPPTRN",IBTRN)) Q:'IBTRN D . S IBX=$G(^IBT(356,+IBTRN,0)) I +IBX,'$P(IBX,U,19) S DIE="^IBT(356,",DA=IBTRN,DR=".19////"_IBRNB D ^DIE Q