IBPUDEL ;ALB/CPM - DELETE SEARCH TEMPLATE ENTRIES ; 24-APR-92 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; DEL ; Delete Entry From Search Template S IBF=$$SEL G DELQ:'IBF D HOME^%ZIS W @IOF,*13 D HDR S I="",$P(I,"=",81)="" W !,I ; ; - list entries which may be deleted S IBTMDA=+IBD(IBF),(IBN,IBEN)=0 K ^TMP($J,"IBPUDEL") F I=1:1 S IBN=$O(^DIBT(IBTMDA,1,IBN)) D PICK:'IBN Q:'IBN S ^TMP($J,"IBPUDEL",I)=IBN D DISP,PICK:'(I#19) G:IBEN["^" DELQ Q:IBEN I 'IBEN G DELQ ; ; - okay to delete? S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you wish to delete this entry" S DIR("?",1)="Enter: 'Y' to delete this entry" S DIR("?")=" 'N' or '^' to quit this option." D ^DIR K DIR ; ; - if okay, update # records and delete entry I Y D . S IBNUMR=$P($G(^IBE(350.6,+$P(IBD(IBF),"^",3),0)),"^",4) . I IBNUMR>1 D Q .. D UPD^IBPU1(+$P(IBD(IBF),"^",3),.04,IBNUMR-1) .. K ^DIBT(IBTMDA,1,+$G(^TMP($J,"IBPUDEL",IBEN))) W !,"This entry has been deleted.",! . D DEL^IBPU1(IBF) ; delete search template . D UPD^IBPU1(+$P(IBD(IBF),"^",3),.05,"/3") ; cancel log entry . W !,"Since this is the last template entry, the template has been deleted, and",!,"the log entry has been cancelled." ; DELQ K ^TMP($J,"IBPUDEL"),DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,I,IBD,IBF,IBN,IBNUMR,IBTMDA,X,Y Q ; ; SEL() ; Prompt for Search Template. ; Input: NONE ; Output: File number, or 0 if none found/selected. ; If file number is selected, then IBD is returned as ; IBD(file #)=ien of template^status of log^ien of log N I,IBTM,IBTMDA,J,K K IBD F I=350,351,399 S J=$$LOG^IBPU(I) I J>1 S K=$$LOGIEN^IBPU1(I),IBTM=$P($G(^IBE(350.6,K,0)),"^",2) I IBTM]"" S IBTMDA=$O(^DIBT("B",IBTM,0)) I IBTMDA S IBD(I)=IBTMDA_"^"_J_"^"_K I '$D(IBD) S IBF=0 W !!,"There are no Search templates which are currently active.",! G SELQ S IBF=$O(IBD(0)) I '$O(IBD(IBF)) G SELQ ; ; - display template (file) selections W !,"Select one of the following files where a Search Template has been created:",! S IBF=0 F S IBF=$O(IBD(IBF)) Q:'IBF W !,?1,IBF,?6 D HDR ; ; - select a template READ W !!,"Select a File Number: " R IBF:DTIME I $T,"^"'[IBF,'$D(IBD(IBF)) W !!," Enter one of the displayed file numbers, or '^' to exit this option." G READ SELQ Q +IBF ; HDR ; Write out a header. Input: IBF -- file name W $P($G(^DIC(IBF,0)),"^"),?35,"Created on ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(+$G(^IBE(350.6,$P(IBD(IBF),"^",3),1)))," by ",$E($P($G(^VA(200,+$P($G(^(1)),"^",3),0)),"^"),1,22) Q ; DISP ; Display entry from a file. Input: IBF -- file name, IBN -- file entry N C,DATA,ROOT S ROOT=^DIC(IBF,0,"GL"),DATA=$G(@(ROOT_IBN_",0)")) W !,$J(I,2),?5,$E($P($G(^DPT(+$P(DATA,"^",2),0)),"^"),1,22),?30 I IBF=350 W $P(DATA,"^",8) S Y=$P(DATA,"^",5),C=$P(^DD(350,.05,0),"^",2) D Y^DIQ W ?54,Y,?67,$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P($G(^IB(IBN,1)),"^",2)) G DISPQ I IBF=351 W $$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(DATA,"^",3)) S Y=$P(DATA,"^",4),C=$P(^DD(351,.04,0),"^",2) D Y^DIQ W ?44,Y,?59,$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(DATA,"^",10)) G DISPQ W $P($G(^DGCR(399.3,+$P(DATA,"^",7),0)),"^") S Y=$P(DATA,"^",13),C=$P(^DD(399,.13,0),"^",2) D Y^DIQ W ?52,Y W ?71,$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(DATA,"^",14)) DISPQ Q ; PICK ; Select an entry to delete. ; Input: ^TMP($J,"IBPUDEL", -- possible choices ; Output: IBEN -- null (continue), ; '^' (quit), or ; a successful pick ASK W !!,"Select 1-",$S(IBN:I,1:I-1),", or '^' to exit: " R IBEN:DTIME S:'$T IBEN="^" I "^"'[IBEN,'$D(^TMP($J,"IBPUDEL",IBEN)) W !!," ENTER a number between 1 and ",$S(IBN:I,1:I-1),"." G ASK W ! Q