IBRCON3 ;ALB/RJS - TOP LEVEL ROUTINE FOR PASSING CONVERTED CHARGES - 4/28/92 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. START ; ;*** ;S XRTL=$ZU(0),XRTN="IBRCON3-1" D T0^%ZOSV ;start rt clock S DIR(0)="SAO^1:P;2:D" S DIR("A")="Pass converted charges by Patient or by Date (P/D): " S DIR("?",1)="Converted charges may be passed using Patient name or" S DIR("?",2)="Date selection criteria. If Patient is selected then" S DIR("?",3)="all billing actions with a status of 'Converted' will" S DIR("?",4)="be displayed. The user may then select which actions" S DIR("?",5)="will be passed to accounts receivable. If Date is" S DIR("?",6)="selected then all outpatient copay and fee service" S DIR("?",7)="billing actions that were created within the date" S DIR("?",8)="range selected (inclusive) and with a status of" S DIR("?")="'Converted' will be passed to accounts receivable." D ^DIR W ! I Y=1 D ^IBRCON1 G END I Y=2 D ^IBRCON2 G END END ; K DIR,Y ;*** ;I $D(XRT0) S:'$D(XRTN) XRTN="IBRCON3" D T1^%ZOSV ;stop rt clock Q