IBTUBOU ;ALB/RB - UNBILLED AMOUNTS (UTILITIES) ;03 Aug 2004 7:21 AM ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**123,159,155**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; DT1 ; - Select date range (returns variables IBBDT and IBEDT). N DT0,DT1,DTOUT,DUOUT,Y S DT0=$O(^IBT(356,"D",""))\1,DT1="" I DT0 S DT1=$$DAT3^IBOUTL(DT0),DIR("B")=DT1 S DIR(0)="DA^"_DT0_":"_DT_":AEX",DIR("A")="Start with DATE: " S DIR("?",1)="If you enter a start date here, the report will look for" S DIR("?",2)="events ON or AFTER this date. Press if you want to" S DIR("?",3)="skip this prompt and have the report look thru ALL events" S DIR("?",4)="or enter '^' to exit.",DIR("?",5)="" S DIR("?",6)="NOTE: The earliest date that can be entered is "_DT1_"," S DIR("?",7)=" which is the date of the first event on file, and" S DIR("?")=" it is NOT possible to enter a future date." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S IBBDT="^" G DT1Q S IBBDT=Y,DT1=$$DAT3^IBOUTL(IBBDT) ; S DIR("B")=$$DAT3^IBOUTL(DT) S DIR(0)="DA^"_IBBDT_":"_DT_":AEX",DIR("A")=" Go to DATE: " S DIR("?",1)="If you enter a end date here, the report will look for" S DIR("?",2)="events from "_DT1_" to this date. Press to have" S DIR("?",3)="the report look at all events from "_DT1_" to today," S DIR("?",4)="or enter '^' to exit." S DIR("?",5)="" S DIR("?",6)="NOTE: This date MUST NOT be earlier than "_DT1_" neither" S DIR("?")=" later than today." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S IBBDT="^" G DT1Q S IBEDT=Y+.9 ; DT1Q Q ; DT2(STR) ; - Select re-compile date (returns variable IBTIMON). ; Input: STR - String that describe the type of data that will be ; re-compiled: "Unbilled Amounts", "Average Bill Amounts", etc... ; N DIRUT,DT0,DT1,DT2,Y ; - AUG 1993 is the first month on file with Unbilled Amounts data S DT0=2930800,DT1=$$DAT2^IBOUTL(DT0) S DT2=$$M1^IBJDE(DT,1),DIR("B")=$$DAT2^IBOUTL(DT2) S DIR(0)="DA^"_$E(DT0,1,5)_"00:"_DT2_":AE^K:$E(Y,6,7)'=""00"" X" S DIR("A")="Re-compile "_$G(STR)_" through MONTH/YEAR: " S DIR("?",1)="Enter a past month/year (ex. Oct 2000).",DIR("?",2)="" S DIR("?",3)="NOTE: The earliest month/year that can be entered is "_DT1_", and" S DIR("?")=" it is NOT possible to enter the current or a future month/year." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S IBTIMON="^" G DT2Q I $E(Y,6,7)'="00"!($E(Y,4,7)="0000") W " ??" G DT2 S IBTIMON=Y ; DT2Q Q ; YR2(D) ; - Return a date two years from date D. N X,X1,X2 S X="" G:'$G(D) YR2Q S X1=D,X2=-730 D C^%DTC ; YR2Q Q X ; COV(P,E,T) ; - Check if patient has insurance coverage. ; Input: P=patient IEN, E=event date, ; T=1-inpatient/2-outpatient/3-pharmacy ; Output: Y=1-patient has coverage/0-no coverage or unknown N X,XY,Y S Y=0 G:'$G(P)!('$G(E))!('$G(T)) COVQ S X=$S(T=1:"INPATIENT",T=2:"OUTPATIENT",1:"PHARMACY") S Y=$$PTCOV^IBCNSU3(P,E,X,.XY) ; COVQ Q Y ; PTCHK(DFN,IBNODE) ; - See if patient has a non-veteran eligibility. ; Input: DFN=patient IEN ; IBNODE=zero node to CT entry ; Output: IBFLAG=0-nonbillable, 1-billable N IBFLAG S IBFLAG=0 G:'$G(DFN) PTCKQ I $D(^DPT(+DFN,.312)),$G(^("VET"))="Y" S IBFLAG=1 I $P(IBNODE,U,4),$P($G(^DIC(8,+$$SCE^IBSDU(+$P(IBNODE,U,4),13),0)),U,5)="N" S IBFLAG=0 ; PTCKQ Q IBFLAG ; NCCL(ENC) ; - Check if Encounter is NON-COUNT CLINIC ; Input: ENC = Pointer to the ENCOUNTER file (#409.69) ; Output: NCCL= 1 - NON-COUNT CLINIC / 0 - NO NON-COUNT CLINIC N NCCL,HLOC S NCCL=0,HLOC=$$SCE^IBSDU(+ENC,4) I HLOC,$P($G(^SC(+HLOC,0)),"^",17)="Y" S NCCL=1 ; Q NCCL ; HOSP(ADM) ; Is the patient still hospitalized (not discharged)? ; Input: ADM = Pointer to the PATIENT MOVEMENT file (#405) ;Output: HOSP = 1 - Hospitalized / 0 - Discharged ; N HOSP,X S HOSP=1,X=$G(^DGPM(+ADM,0)) I $P(X,"^",17) S HOSP=0 ; Q HOSP ; CKBIL(X,Y) ; - Return valid claim data. ; Input: X=IEN from file #399, Y=0-outpatient, 1-inpatient ; Output: Z=rate^status^auth date^1-inst claim/2-prof claim^ ; event date (if Y=1), or null^req MRA date N X1,X2,Y1,Z S Z="" G:'$G(X) CKBLQ S:'$G(Y) Y=0 S X1=$G(^DGCR(399,X,0)) G:X1="" CKBLQ I $G(DFN),$P(X1,U,2)'=DFN G CKBLQ ; Invalid patient IEN. I '$G(IBRX),'Y,'$$NOTRX(X) G CKBLQ ; Bill has RX rev codes. I $P(X1,U,5)<3,'Y G CKBLQ ; Not inpatient bill. I $P(X1,U,5)>2,Y G CKBLQ ; Not outpatient bill. I $P(X1,U,11)'="i" G CKBLQ ; Not an insurance bill. S X2=$P($G(^DGCR(399,X,"S")),U,10) I 'X2 G:$P(X1,U,13)'=2 CKBLQ ; No authorization date, not MRA req I $P(X1,U,13)<2!($P(X1,U,13)>5) G CKBLQ ; Status not auth, prin, trans. S Z=$P(X1,U,7)_U_$P(X1,U,13)_U_X2,Y1=$P($P(X1,U,3),".") S:$P(X1,U,13)=2 $P(Z,U,6)=$P($G(^DGCR(399,X,"S")),U,7) I $P(X1,U,27)=1!($P(X1,U,19)=3)!(Y1<2990901) S $P(Z,U,4)=1 G CKBL1 I $P(X1,U,27)=2!($P(X1,U,19)=2) S $P(Z,U,4)=2 I '$P(Z,U,4) S Z="" G CKBLQ ; Not institutional or professional bill. CKBL1 I Y S $P(Z,U,5)=Y1 ; CKBLQ Q Z ; CKENC(IBOE,IBOE0,IBQUIT) ; - Check outpatient encounters. N IBCK,IBZ,IBPB,IBZERR I $G(IBOE0)="" D GETGEN^SDOE(IBOE,"IBZ","IBZERR") S IBOE0=$G(IBZ(0)) F IBZ=9,13,14 S IBCK(IBZ)="" I '$$BILLCK^IBAMTEDU(IBOE,IBOE0) S IBQUIT=1 ; Not billable. Q ; SCAN(DFN,IBDT,IBQUERY) ; - Look at all visits for a day. N IBNDT,IBVAL,IBFILTER,IBCBK S IBVAL("DFN")=DFN,IBVAL("BDT")=IBDT,IBVAL("EDT")=IBDT,IBFILTER="" S IBCBK="I $P(Y0,U,8)=3,Y0>IBDT S:'IBNDT IBNDT=+Y0 D:IBNDT=+Y0 CKENC^IBTUBOU(Y,Y0,.IBQUIT) S:$S('$G(IBQUIT):1,1:Y0>IBNDT) SDSTOP=1" S IBNDT=0 D SCAN^IBSDU("PATIENT/DATE",.IBVAL,IBFILTER,IBCBK,0,.IBQUERY) Q ; SC(PTF) ; - If patient is SC, are movements for SC care. ; Input: PTF=PTF record ; Output: IBM=1-all movements PTF, 0-one or more not flagged as SC N M,IBM S IBM=1,M=0 G:$G(^DGPT(+$G(PTF),0))="" SCQ F S M=$O(^DGPT(PTF,"M",M)) Q:'M D Q:'IBM .I $P($G(^DGPT(PTF,"M",M,0)),U,18)'=1 S IBM=0 ; SCQ Q IBM ; LD(L,M) ; - Load average/unbilled totals into file #356.19 ; Input: L=1-average (mon), 2-average (12m), 3-unbilled ; M=file #356.19 IEN I '$G(L)!('$G(M)) G LDQ S DA=M,DIE="^IBE(356.19," S DR=$S(L=3:"[IBT UNBILLED AMOUNTS]",L=2:"[IBT AVERAGE BILL AMOUNTS (12M)]",1:"[IBT AVERAGE BILL AMOUNTS (MON)]") D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR ; LDQ Q ; XTRACT ; - Calculate remaining extract totals and load into file #351.71 ; - Set IB with the average and total amounts and call E^IBJDE N X,AVGS S AVGS=$$INPAVG(IBTIMON) S IB(2)=$J(IB(1)*$P(AVGS,"^"),0,2) S IB(4)=$J(IB(3)*$P(AVGS,"^",2),0,2) S IB(6)=$J(IB(2)+IB(4),0,2) S IB(13)=IB(9)+IB(11),IB(15)=IB(7)+IB(14) F X=8,10,12,18 S IB(X)=$J(IB(X),0,2) S IB(16)=$J(IB(8)+IB(10)+IB(12),0,2) S IB(19)=$J(IB(6)+IB(16)+IB(18),0,2) D E^IBJDE(37,0) Q ; INPAVG(IBYRMO) ; - Calculate the Average Inpatient INST. & PROF. Billed Amounts ; Input: IBYRMO - YEAR/MONTH (YYYMM00) being calculated/updated ; Output: Avg.Inpt.Inst.Bill Amount ^ Avg.Inpt.Prof. Bill Amount ; N AVGI,AVGP,ND I '$G(IBYRMO) Q "" F Q:$P($G(^IBE(356.19,IBYRMO,1)),"^",14)'=""!'IBYRMO D . S IBYRMO=$O(^IBE(356.19,IBYRMO),-1) S (AVGI,AVGP)=0 I 'IBYRMO Q "" S ND=$G(^IBE(356.19,IBYRMO,1)) I $P(ND,"^",9) S AVGI=$J($P(ND,"^",8)/$P(ND,"^",9),0,2) I $P(ND,"^",12) S AVGP=$J($P(ND,"^",11)/$P(ND,"^",12),0,2) Q (AVGI_"^"_AVGP) ; NOTRX(BILL) ; - Determine if bill contains outpatient visit (use this check ; to make sure not just rx bill returns one if contains a revenue ; code for outpatient visit or a zero if no outpatient visit code ; on bill). N IBRX,RC,X S (IBRX,RC)=0 G:'$O(^DGCR(399,BILL,"OP",0)) NOTRXQ F S RC=$O(^DGCR(399,BILL,"RC",RC)) Q:'RC I $P($G(^DGCR(399.1,+$P($G(^DGCR(399,BILL,"RC",RC,0)),U,5),0)),U)'="PRESCRIPTION" S IBRX=1 Q ; NOTRXQ Q IBRX