XPDIA0 ;SFISC/RSD - Cont. of XPDIA ;03/09/2000 06:50 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**131,144**;Jul 10, 1995 Q PROE1 ;protocols entry pre N %,I S ^TMP($J,"XPD",DA)=XPDFL ;if Event Driver, subscriber multiple is on node 775 I $P(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,0),U,4)="E" D . Q:$D(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,775)) . ;pre patch HL*1.6*57, convert menu multiple to subscriber . M ^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,775)=^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,10) . K ^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,10) ;if Menu linking or merge save menu and subscriber mult. and process in FPOS code I XPDFL>1 D . M ^TMP($J,"XPD",DA,775)=^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,775),^TMP($J,"XPD",DA,10)=^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,10) . K ^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,775),^(10) ;if Menu link, XPDQUIT prevents data merge I XPDFL=2 S XPDQUIT=1 Q ;if this is new to the site then disable and quit I $G(XPDNEW) D:XPDSET Q .;quit if option already has out of order msg. .Q:$P(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,0),U,3)]"" .S $P(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,0),U,3)=$P(XPDSET,U,3) .D ADD^XQOO1($P(XPDSET,U,2),101,DA) S I=^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,0),%=^ORD(101,DA,0) ;$P(%,U,3)=disable message, S:$P(I,U,3)]"" $P(I,U,3)=$P(%,U,3) ;if there is no new Security Key, save the old Key S:$P(I,U,6)="" $P(I,U,6)=$P(%,U,6) S ^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,0)=I ;if there is a new Description, kill the old Description K:$O(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"KRN",101,OLDA,1,0)) ^ORD(101,DA,1) ;kill old ACCESS multiple K ^ORD(101,DA,3) S I=0 ;XPDFL=3-merge menu items, Quit ;the new menu items have already been saved into ^TMP, will restore in ;the file post action as a relink Q:XPDFL=3 ;we are replacing menu items, kill the old. ;loop thru and kill "AD" and "AB" x-ref., it will be reset with new options F S I=$O(^ORD(101,DA,10,I)) Q:'I S %=+$G(^(I,0)) K:% ^ORD(101,"AD",%,DA,I) F S I=$O(^ORD(101,DA,775,I)) Q:'I S %=+$G(^(I,0)) K:% ^ORD(101,"AB",%,DA,I) K ^ORD(101,DA,10),^ORD(101,DA,775) Q