XPDIU ;SFISC/RSD - UNload/Convert/Rollup Distribution Global ;03/23/99 08:46 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**15,41,44,51,58,101,108**;Jul 10, 1995 EN1 ;unload N %,DA,DIK,DIR,DIRUT,X,XPD,XPDST,XPDT,XPDQ,XPDQUIT,Y ;remove dangling transport globals S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^XTMP("XPDI",DA)) Q:'DA I '$D(^XPD(9.7,DA)) K ^XTMP("XPDI",DA) ;must be Loaded or Queued and be the starting package S (DA,XPDST)=$$LOOK^XPDI1("I $P(^(0),U,9)<2,$D(^XPD(9.7,""ASP"",Y,1,Y))") Q:'DA S XPDQ=^XPD(9.7,DA,0),DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Want to continue with the Unload of this Distribution",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?")="YES will delete the Transport Global and the entry in the Install file for these Packages." I $P(XPDQ,U,9)=1,$P(XPDQ,U,6) W !,"This Distribution is Queued for Install with task number ",$P(XPDQ,U,6),!,"Don't forget to delete Taskman Task." D ^DIR I 'Y!$D(DIRUT) D QUIT^XPDI1(XPDST) Q S XPD=0,DIK="^XPD(9.7," ;need to kill the XTMP("XPDI") and the entry in the install file F S XPD=$O(XPDT(XPD)) Q:'XPD S DA=+XPDT(XPD) D ^DIK K ^XTMP("XPDI",DA) ;check if Out-Of-Order setname is defined, kill it I $D(^XTMP("XQOO",$P(XPDQ,U))) K ^($P(XPDQ,U)) D QUIT^XPDI1(XPDST) Q EN2 ;convert N %,DA,DIK,DIR,DIRUT,X,XPD,XPDBLD,XPDI,XPDNM,XPDPKG,XPDPMT,XPDST,XPDT,XPDQUIT,Y S XPDI=$$LOOK^XPDI1("I '$P(^(0),U,9),$D(^XPD(9.7,""ASP"",Y,1,Y))") Q:'XPDI K XPDT("DA"),XPDT("NM") ;make sure transport globals exist S XPDT=0 F S XPDT=$O(XPDT(XPDT)) Q:'XPDT D .S Y=+XPDT(XPDT) Q:$D(^XTMP("XPDI",Y)) .W !,$P(XPDT(XPDT),U,2)," ** Transport Global doesn't exist **",$C(7) .K XPDT(XPDT) S XPDQUIT=1 I $D(XPDT)'>9!$D(XPDQUIT) D QUIT^XPDI1(XPDI) Q S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Want to make the Transport Globals Permanent",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?",1)="YES will leave the Transport Global so you can transport this TG in multiple Distributions." S DIR("?")="NO will remove the Transport Global after you transport this TG in the next Distribution." D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) D QUIT^XPDI1(XPDI) Q S XPDPMT=Y,DIR("A")="Want to continue with the Conversion of the Package(s)",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?",1)="YES will convert the Packages to globals that can be transported.",DIR("?")="An entry will be added to the Build file and the entry in the Install file will be deleted." D ^DIR I 'Y!$D(DIRUT) Q S XPDT=0,DIK="^XPD(9.7," F S XPDT=$O(XPDT(XPDT)) Q:'XPDT D Q:$D(XPDQUIT) .;kill Install file entry .S XPDA=+XPDT(XPDT),XPDNM=$P(XPDT(XPDT),U,2),XPDBLD=$O(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"BLD",0)),XPDPKG=+$O(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"PKG",0)) .;resolve the Package file link .D:XPDPKG ..N DIC,X,Y ..S DIC="^DIC(9.4,",DIC(0)="X",X=$P(^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA,"PKG",XPDPKG,0),U) ..D ^DIC I Y<0 S XPDPKG=0 Q ..S XPDPKG=+Y .S DA=$$BLD^XPDIP(XPDBLD) D:DA ..K ^XTMP("XPDT",DA) ..S ^XTMP("XPDT",DA)=XPDPMT M ^XTMP("XPDT",DA)=^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA) .I 'DA W !,XPDNM," ** Couldn't add to Build file **" S XPDQUIT=1 Q .;kill Install file entry .S DA=XPDA D ^DIK .K ^XTMP("XPDI",XPDA) ;set expiration date to 1 year if global should be permanent, else 30 S ^XTMP("XPDT",0)=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,$S(XPDPMT:365,1:30))_U_DT D QUIT^XPDI1(XPDI) W !," ** DONE **",! Q