XQ93 ; SF-ISC.SEA/JLI - CHECK FOR NEEDING TO BE QUEUED ;12/7/89 15:34 ;10/22/92 12:58 PM ;;8.0;KERNEL;;Jul 10, 1995 EN ; Check whether option can be run at present time, otherwise kill ; off value of IO and display next non-prohibited time option can be run N X,Y S X="N",%DT="T" D ^%DT S X=Y D ^XQ92 Q:X'="" S Y=+XQY D NEXT^XQ92 I X="" W !,$C(7),"CAN'T QUEUE IT WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK",! S DIUT=1 Q N X1,X2 S Y=X S X2=X\1,X1=DT D D^%DTC S Y="T"_$S(X>0:"+"_X,1:"")_"@"_$E(Y_"00",9,10)_":"_$E(Y_"0000",11,12) W !,$C(7),"THIS OPTION CANNOT BE RUN NOW -- IT CAN BE QUEUED FOR ",Y,! K IO Q ; CHKQ ; Check for queued job date/time (returns next run time) ; On entry X contains the specified date/time for queueing the job ; On exit X contains the original date/time, or the next available ; date/time the option can be run, or if not within a week a ; NULL value of X. ; The value of XQY is the selected option number N Y D ^XQ92 Q:X'="" S Y=+XQY D NEXT^XQ92 Q