XQSMD5 ;SEA/JLI,MJM - SECURE MENU DELEGATE EDIT USER OPTIONS ;10/15/98 12:22 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**72,99**;Jul 10, 1995 Q ; ENTRY ; Main Entry point to edit primary (if applicable) and secondary options ; ; check to see if you have options to delegate I $O(^VA(200,DUZ,19.5,0))'>0 W !,$C(7),"No Delegated Options Available to Give Out",! Q ; ; get user to delegate options to S Y=$$LOOKUP^XUSER("QA") G:Y'>0 EXIT S (XQDA,DA)=+Y ; ; check user's primary menu, if user has primary and it's not one ; of the ones that you can delegate, goto secondary options, ; otherwise fall through and edit primary options S XQPRI=$S($D(^VA(200,DA,201)):+^(201),1:0) I XQPRI,'$D(^VA(200,DUZ,19.5,XQPRI,0)) G SEC ; ; either change primary option or leave as is and go to secondary K DIC S XQOLD=XQPRI,DIC="^VA(200,"_DUZ_",19.5,",DIC(0)="QMAE",DA(1)=DUZ,DIC("A")=" PRIMARY MENU OPTION: " S:XQPRI>0 DIC("B")=$P(^DIC(19,XQPRI,0),U,1) D ^DIC I +Y=XQOLD!(+Y'>0) G SEC ; ; changing primary option S (X,XQPRI)=+Y,X=$P(^DIC(19,X,0),U,1),DIE="^VA(200,",DA=XQDA,DR="201///"_X_";" D ^DIE ; ; delete old keys associated with old primary menu I XQOLD D .S MENUOLD(0)=1,MENUOLD(1)=XQOLD,XQANS="" .D KEYS^XQSMD6(.MENUOLD,.XQKEY,.ABORT) K MENUOLD .I XQKEY(0) D ..D ADJUST ..Q:'ONEGOOD ..M XQ2=XQKEY ..W !,"...Removing KEYS associated with previous PRIMARY menu" ..D KEYDEL ..Q K XQ2,XQKEY ; ; add new keys associated with new primary menu if you have ; been delegated those keys G:'$D(^VA(200,DUZ,52)) SEC S MENUPRI(0)=1,MENUPRI(1)=XQPRI D KEYS^XQSMD6(.MENUPRI,.XQKEY,.ABORT) K MENUPRI D:XQKEY(0) KEYADD K XQKEY ; ; fall through to secondary options ; SEC ; Enter Secondary Menu Options from delegated options K DIC W ! S DIC="^VA(200,"_DUZ_",19.5,",DIC(0)="QMAE",DA(1)=DUZ,DIC("A")=" SECONDARY MENU OPTION: " D ^DIC G:Y'>0 ENTRY S XQX=$P(Y,U,2) S:'$D(^VA(200,XQDA,203,0)) ^(0)="^200.03P" S (XQXNAME,X)=$P(^DIC(19,+Y,0),U,1),DIC="^VA(200,"_XQDA_",203,",DIC(0)="ML",DLAYGO=200,DA(1)=XQDA D ^DIC ; S XQADD=+$P(Y,U,3),XQSEC=+Y D KEY:XQADD,DEL:'XQADD K ^DIC(200,XQDA,203.1) G SEC ; EXIT ; K D0,DA,DI,DIC,DIE,DR,DQ,I,J,ONEGOOD,P,X,XQ1,XQ2,XQ3,XQADD,XQANS,XQCOMMON,XQDA,XQJ,XQKEY,XQKEYIEN,XQOLD,XQPRI,XQSEC,XQX,XQXNAME,Y,Z Q ; DEL ; delete delegated menu W !,$C(7),"Want to Delete ",XQXNAME," as a Secondary Option? Y// " R Z:DTIME Q:'$T!(Z[U) S:Z="" Z="Y" Q:"Yy"'[$E(Z) ; ; check to see if users has any keys delegated G:'$D(^VA(200,DUZ,52,0)) MENUDEL ; ; build list of users primary ans secondary menus S MENU1(0)=1,MENU1(1)=XQPRI,XQJ="" F S XQJ=$O(^VA(200,XQDA,203,"B",XQJ)) Q:XQJ="" D . Q:XQJ=XQX . S MENU1(0)=MENU1(0)+1,MENU1(MENU1(0))=XQJ . Q ; ; get list of keys for primary and all secondary menus in XQ1 D KEYS^XQSMD6(.MENU1,.XQ1,.ABORT) K MENU1 ; ; get list of keys for delegated menu in XQ2 S MENU2(0)=1,MENU2(1)=XQX D KEYS^XQSMD6(.MENU2,.XQ2,.ABORT) K MENU2 ; ; compare the two list and inform the user if delegated menu ; has keys unique to the delegated menu, store in XQ3 S XQANS="N",ONEGOOD=0 D:XQ2(0)>0 COMPARE D:ONEGOOD INFORM ; ; user timeout or "^" aborted I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) W !!,$C(7),"No action taken, menu delegation still active!" Q ; ; delete keys if user respond with 'Unique' or 'All' I XQANS="U"!(XQANS="A") D KEYDEL ; MENUDEL ; ; delete menu from user's secondary menu's multiple S DIE="^VA(200,"_XQDA_",203,",DR=".01///@",DA=XQSEC,DA(1)=XQDA D ^DIE ; W !!,$C(7),"Delegated Menu: "_XQXNAME_" has been removed!" Q ; KEY ; get list of keys N MENULIST,XQKEY,ABORT S MENULIST(0)=1,MENULIST(1)=XQX D KEYS^XQSMD6(.MENULIST,.XQKEY,.ABORT) Q:ABORT D:XQKEY(0) KEYADD W !!,$C(7),"Delegated Menu: "_XQXNAME_" has been added!" Q ; KEYDEL ; delete keys F I=1:1:XQ2(0) D .Q:XQ2(I)="" .S XQCOMMON=0,XQKEYIEN="" .I XQANS="U" F J=1:1:XQ3(0) S:XQ2(1)=XQ3(J) XQCOMMON=1 .Q:XQCOMMON .S XQKEYIEN=$O(^DIC(19.1,"B",XQ2(I),0)) .S DIE="^VA(200,"_XQDA_",51,",DR=".01///@",DA=XQKEYIEN,DA(1)=XQDA D ^DIE .W !,$C(7),"Key: "_XQ2(I)_" has been removed!" .Q Q ; KEYADD ; add keys ; adjust list to ones that have been delegated to you D ADJUST Q:'ONEGOOD W !!,$C(7),"The following Keys LOCK options within this menu structure",! F I=1:1:XQKEY(0) W:XQKEY(I)'="" !,?5,XQKEY(I) W !!,$C(7),"Do you want to ALLOCATE these Keys to this User? N// " R Z:DTIME Q:'$T!(Z[U) S:Z="" Z="N" Q:"Nn"[$E(Z) ; K DIC S DIC="^VA(200,"_XQDA_",51,",DIC(0)="NMQ",DIC("P")="200.051PA",DA(1)=XQDA F I=1:1:XQKEY(0) D .Q:XQKEY(I)="" .S X=$O(^DIC(19.1,"B",XQKEY(I),0)),DINUM=X .I '$D(^VA(200,XQDA,51,"B",X,X)) D FILE^DICN W !,$C(7),"Key: "_XQKEY(I)_" has been added!" .Q Q ; COMPARE ; compare keys used in the delegated menu against keys the user ; will need based on their primary and secondary menus N KEYIEN S XQ3="",XQ3(0)=0 F I=1:1:XQ2(0) D .S KEYIEN=$O(^DIC(19.1,"B",XQ2(I),0)) .I '$G(^VA(200,DUZ,52,KEYIEN,0)) S XQ2(I)="" Q .S ONEGOOD=1 .F J=1:1:XQ1(0) D ..Q:XQ2(I)'=XQ1(J) ..S XQ3(0)=XQ3(0)+1,XQ3(XQ3(0))=XQ2(I) ..Q Q ; INFORM ; inform the user of the keys situation W !!,$C(7),"The following Keys LOCK options within this menu structure.",! F I=1:1:XQ2(0) W:XQ2(I)'="" !,?5,XQ2(I) W:XQ3(0) !!,$C(7),"The following are Keys from the list above that this User has potential needs",!,"for within their current assigned Menu's (Primary and all Secondaries)." W:XQ3(0) !,"Selecting 'U' will remove all keys EXCEPT those noted below.",! F I=1:1:XQ3(0) W !,?5,XQ3(I) S DIR(0)="S^A:ALL Remove all Keys associated with this Menu;N:NONE Do not remove any Keys associated with this Menu"_$S(XQ3(0):";U:UNIQUE Only remove Keys unique to this Menu",1:"") D ^DIR S XQANS=Y Q ; ADJUST ; adjust the list of keys to ones that the user (DUZ) has ; been delegated [node ^VA(200,DUZ,52,] N I,KEYIEN S ONEGOOD=0 F I=1:1:XQKEY(0) D . S KEYIEN=$O(^DIC(19.1,"B",XQKEY(I),0)) . I $G(^VA(200,DUZ,52,KEYIEN,0)) S ONEGOOD=1 Q . S XQKEY(I)="" . Q Q