XUP468 ;OIFO-OAKLAND/RM - REPORT OF BACKUP ALERT REVIEWERS ;08/14/2007 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**468**;Jul 10, 1995;Build 4 ;This routines is in support of p468. Q RPT1 ;This report will generate a list of active users/providers that hold ;the ORES key and backup reviewers for ALERTS. N IEN S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^VA(200,IEN)) Q:'IEN D .I ('$D(^VA(200,IEN,0)))#2 Q ;Check of zero node .Q:'$$ACTIVE^XUSER(IEN) .I $D(^XUSEC("ORES",IEN)) D ..S ^TMP("XQAL NO BKRV",$J,$P(^VA(200,IEN,0),U),IEN)="" ;WRITE REPORT N DIC,L,FLDS,BY S DIC="^VA(200,",L=0,FLDS="[XQAL NO BKUP REVIEWER]" S L(0)=2,BY(0)="^TMP(""XQAL NO BKRV"",$J," D EN1^DIP Q BKRV(IEN) ;WRITE BACKUP REVEIWER ;This entry is called from the print template XQAL NO BKUP REVIEWER ;and will retieve all backup reveiwer for a provider. It will also ;check to see if the backup reviewer is an active user. N XQAA,BKIEN,BKNAME,I S BKNAME="",I=0 D GETBKUP^XQALDEL(.XQAA,IEN) I $D(XQAA) S BKIEN=0 F S BKIEN=$O(XQAA(BKIEN)) Q:'BKIEN D .S I=I+1 .I ('$D(^VA(200,BKIEN,0)))#2 Q ;Check of zero node .S BKNAME=$P(^VA(200,BKIEN,0),U) .I '$$ACTIVE^XUSER(BKIEN) S BKNAME="*"_BKNAME ;for an inactive user .W:I>1 ! .W ?63,BKNAME ;print to report Q