XUTMDQ1 ;SEA/RDS - TaskMan: Option, XUTMDQ, Part 2 (Bulk DQ) ;11/28/90 16:07 ; ;;8.0;KERNEL;;Jul 10, 1995 ; COUNT ;Ask Whether To First Count The Number Of Tasks To Unschedule W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Would you like to know how many tasks in that list can be unscheduled" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")=" Answer NO if you don't want a count of the tasks to be unscheduled." D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT) W $C(7) I $D(DIRUT) W !!?5,"Tasks NOT unscheduled!" Q I 'Y G SHOW S XUTMT(0)="LU" D ^XUTMT W !!?5,"There ",$S(ZTSK=1:"is ",1:"are "),ZTSK," task",$S(ZTSK=1:"",1:"s")," in that list that can be unscheduled." I ZTSK=0 Q ; SHOW ;Ask Whether To Show The Tasks To Be Unscheduled W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Would you like to see the tasks that will be unscheduled" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")=" Answer NO if you don't want to see the tasks to be unscheduled." D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT) W $C(7) I $D(DIRUT) W !!?5,"Tasks NOT unscheduled!" Q I 'Y G CONFIRM W ! S XUTMT(0)="PU" D ^XUTMT I 'ZTSK W !?5,"There are 0 tasks in that list." Q ; CONFIRM ;Prompt For Confirmation Of Unscheduling K DIR S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to unschedule these tasks" S DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?")=" Answer YES if you want to unschedule the selected tasks." D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT) W $C(7) I 'Y W !!?5,"Tasks NOT unscheduled!" Q S XUTMT(0)="UL" D ^XUTMT I ZTSK W !!?5,"Tasks unscheduled!" I 'ZTSK W !!?5,"There are 0 tasks in that list." Q ;