LRACKL1 ;DALOI/FHS/JMC/RLM-CONTINUES CHUTES & LADDERS ;03/24/92 18:40 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**272**;Sep 27, 1994 ; Reference to ^DIC( supported by IA #2374 ; Reference to ^SC( supported by IA # 908 ; Changes made to test printing of multiple (alternate) file rooms for sites having multiple divisions. DIC ;Formerly apart of LRACKL I '$G(LRLLIN) D ^LRAC14 I $G(LRLLIN),$D(^LAB(64.5,1,5,"B",LRLLIN)) D Q . N X,Y S Y="" . S X=$O(^LAB(64.5,1,5,"B",LRLLIN,0)) ; Get pointer IEN of separate location. . I X S Y=$P($G(^LAB(64.5,1,5,X,0)),U,2) ; Get name of alternate file room. . I $L(Y) D Q ; Alternate file room. . . S SSN=$S($L(SSN):"A"_$E(SSN,8,9)_$E(SSN,6,7)_$E(SSN,1,3)_$E(SSN,4,5)_$E(SSN,10,11),1:LRPPT) . . S ^TMP($J,"N","FILE ROOM_"_Y_$S($E(SSN,2)<5:1,1:2),SSN,LRDFN)=U_PNM . S LRSLOC=$S($L($P(^SC(LRLLIN,0),U,2)):$P(^(0),U,2),1:$P(^(0),U,1)) . S ^TMP($J,"N",LRSLOC,LRPPT,LRDFN)="" ; Put in separate location. . K LRLLIN I +LRDPF=2 D Q ; Put in "FILE ROOM" list. . S SSN=$S($L(SSN):"A"_$E(SSN,8,9)_$E(SSN,6,7)_$E(SSN,1,3)_$E(SSN,4,5)_$E(SSN,10,11),1:LRPPT) . S ^TMP($J,"N",$S($E(SSN,2)<5:"FILE ROOM1",1:"FILE ROOM2"),SSN,LRDFN)=U_PNM ; Put in "FILE ROOM" location. S X=$S($D(^DIC(+LRDPF,0)):$P(^(0),U,1),1:"") I $L(X) S ^TMP($J,"N",X,LRPPT,LRDFN)="" Q ; Use parent file name as location. Q