LRLABEL6 ;SLC/FHS - BAR CODE LABELS FOR THE INTERMEC PRINTER ;8/29/94 12:36 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**161**;Sep 27, 1994 ;This routine is similar to automated instrument ;*R are use to read the printer's response, not a user's input. ;Designed on a 8646 thermal transfer printer ;Charater set=USA,Batch=disable,self test=disable ;Baud=9600,parity=even,label stock=regular,control mode=computer ;Protocol Command=User interface,format Rotation=breech,right margin=disable ;bar width=10 mil LABEL SIZE= 1X3 IN. Part No 049114 ;top dip sw=all 5 off :mid dip sw=1 on 2-7 off ;bottom dip sw 1-2 off,3-4 on,5 off,6 on,7-8 off EN ; I PNM="TEST, LABEL" D TEST^LRLABAR Q P Q:N<1 S:'$D(LRAN) LRAN=100 S LRURG=$S($D(LRURG0):$P(^LAB(62.05,LRURG0,0),U),1:"ROUTINE") S LRTXT=$$LRTXT^LRLABLD(.LRTS,34) D PRT Q:$S('$D(LRBAR):1,'$D(LRAA):1,'$D(LRBAR(LRAA)):1,1:0) ;QUIT IF NO BAR CODE BAR D ENQ W $C(2),"R",$C(3) D ENQ W $C(2,27),"E3",$C(24),$E(PNM,1,30)_" "_$P(SSN,"-",3),!,$E(LRINFW,1,20),!,LRTXT,!,LRACC_$S($D(LRURG):" <"_LRURG_"> ",1:" ")_"LOC:"_LRLLOC,!,$E(LRACC,1,2),!,LRBARID,$C(30),1,$C(23,3) D ENQ Q PRT D ENQ W $C(2),"R",$C(3) D ENQ W $C(2,27),"E2",$C(24),$E(PNM,1,30)_" "_$P(SSN,"-",3),!,$E(LRINFW,1,20)_" ORD:"_$S($D(LRCE):LRCE,1:""),!,LRTXT,!,LRACC_$S($D(LRURG):" <"_LRURG_"> ",1:" ")_"LOC:"_LRLLOC,!,LRTOP_" "_LRPREF,$C(30),1,$C(23,3) D ENQ Q ENQ ; W $C(5) R *X:1 Q:X=-1!(X=18)!(X=81)!(X=31)!(X=25)!(X=68) F R *X:1 Q:X=-1 Q