LEXDFLC ; ISL Default Filter - Create ; 09-23-96 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;;Sep 23, 1996 ; ; Entry: S X=$$EN^LEXDFLC ; ; Function returns a multi piece string ; ; $Piece 1-X ; ; Executable MUMPS code to be used as ; a filter (screen DIC("S") during ; searches ; ; $Piece Last piece ; ; Name of the filter selected i.e., ; "Problem List" This will be null only ; when user input is "^^" ; EN(LEXX) ; Entry point S X=$$EN^LEXDFLC N LEXFLT S LEXFLT=$$EN^LEXDFLT,LEXX="" Q:LEXFLT["^^" "^^" Q:LEXFLT["^" "^" Q:LEXFLT=0 "^No filter created" S:LEXFLT=1 LEXX=$$EN^LEXDFST S:LEXFLT=2 LEXX=$$EN^LEXDFSO S:LEXFLT=3 LEXX=$$EN^LEXDFSS Q:LEXX["^^" "^No filter created" Q:LEXX="" "I 1^User Defined" Q LEXX