MCARDNQ2 ;WISC/TJK,JA-SCREEN INPUT - QUESTIONMARKS (PART 2) ;7/9/96 12:09 ;;2.3;Medicine;;09/13/1996 FUNC ; ;JAH don't display commands for option MCRHDELVISIT I $D(MCDSPTYP) Q I $D(MCDID) Q I ('$D(MCMASS)),('$D(MCHELPS2)) Q I '$D(DJTOGGLE) D FUNCC E D FUNCK K MCMASS S MCDID=1 Q FUNCC ;Display help for Line Entry X DJCP S DJCHO="C" D DISPLAY("LINE") S MCDID=1 S @$P(DJJ(V),U,2) X XY Q FUNCK ;Display help for Keypad X DJCP S DJCHO="K" D DISPLAY("KEYPAD") S MCDID=1 S @$P(DJJ(V),U,2) X XY Q DISPLAY(MODE) ;Display help N LOOP,LINE,MODE2 S X=0 X ^%ZOSF("RM") ; turn off auto wrap ; REW added since MSM count escape sequences (some of the time!!!) S MODE2=$J(MODE,6) S MODE2=$S(MODE="LINE":" ",1:MODE) X XY W IORVON,DJHIN,MODE2," COMMANDS:",DJLIN,IORVOFF," (C)omputed, (M)ultiple, (W)ord processing, (R)ead only" F LOOP=1:1:7 S LINE=$P($T(@MODE+LOOP),";;",2) D .W !,DJHIN,$P(LINE,";",1),DJLIN," -- ",$P(LINE,";",2)," " .W DJHIN,$P(LINE,";",3),DJLIN," -- ",$P(LINE,";",4) S X=+$G(IOM) X ^%ZOSF("RM") ; reset margin/auto wrap ; REW added since MSM count escape sequences (some of the time!!!) Q FUNC2 X DJCP W DJHIN X XY W "COMMANDS",DJLIN,! W "^ -- Quit",?41,"^nn -- Go to the 'nn' statement" W !,"@ -- delete data",?41,"CR -- Go to the next statement" W !," -- Space bar, recall previous record",?41,"< -- Go to previous statement" W !,"? -- Help prompt",?41,"?? -- For more information about field" W !,"^C -- Command menu display" W !,"^L -- List current elements" W !,"Note: (C)omputed, (M)ultiple, (W)ord processing, (R)ead only" Q LINE ; ;; ^T or PF1;Toggle to Keypad mode ; ?//??;Field help ;; ^C ;Display Commands (current mode) ;;Next field ;; ^R ;Repaint the screen ; <;Previous field ;; ^D ;Next screen ; ^nn;Go to the 'nn' field ;; ^U ;Previous screen ; @;Delete data ;; ^O ;Turn on/off automatic help; ^;Quit ;; ^H ;Help ; Space bar ;Recall previous answer KEYPAD ; ;;PF1 or ^T;Toggle to Numberpad mode; PF2;Turn on/off auto help ;;KP1 ;Display Commands (current mode) ;KP7;Help ;;KP3 ;Exit ; PF3 or PF4;Field help ;;KP4 ;Go to the 'nn' field ; Up Arrow;Previous field ;;KP5 ;Repaint the screen ; Down Arrow;Next field ;;KP6 ;Recall previous answer ; Right Arrow;Next Screen ;;KP9 ;Delete data ; Left Arrow;Previous Screen