MCPREDUP ;WISC/JAH-MEDICINE PACKAGE PRE INIT TO RUN DUPLICATE CLEAN UP ;5/2/96 13:54 ;;2.3;Medicine;;09/13/1996 ;this routine checks to see if the user wants to run the duplicate ;clean up routines (MCDUP*) and displays some help. N MCCLEAN W @IOF S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A",1)="There may be duplicate entries in the Medicine Package's static files. " S DIR("A",2)="Answer 'YES' to check for duplicates and clean duplicates up." S DIR("A",4)=" This process will check the medicine static files for" S DIR("A",5)="duplicate entries. If duplicates exist you will be asked" S DIR("A",6)="if you want to clean them up. It is recommended that you" S DIR("A",7)="answer YES and run this section of the post-inits. Please" S DIR("A",8)="be ready to respond to prompts." S DIR("A",9)=" If you answer NO the installation WILL complete." S DIR("A",10)="However, duplicate entries may remain in the static files." S DIR("A",11)="You may run the duplicates clean up routines at any time" S DIR("A",12)="by running the routine MCPREDUP. Simply type D ^MCPREDUP at" S DIR("A",13)="the programmers prompt." S DIR("A",14)=" This process may take a considerable amount of time," S DIR("A",15)="depending especially on the extent of duplicates at your site." S DIR("A")="Would you like to check them" S DIR("B")="Y" D ^DIR S MCCLEAN=Y K DIR,Y D:MCCLEAN=1 ^MCDUPE K MCCLEAN Q