A1B2UTL ;ALB/MJK - ODS Utility Routine; ;;Version 1.55 (local for MAS v5 sites);; ; ADD ; -- add an entry to a file ; input: A1B2FL := file number ; A1B2DT := date/time for .01 ; DFN := pt ifn ;output: Y := as define by DIC call ; S Y=-1 D FAC G ADDQ:A1B2FN="" K DD,D0 S X=A1B2DT,DIC(0)="L",DIC="^A1B2("_A1B2FL_"," D FILE^DICN G ADDQ:Y<0 S DIE=DIC,DA=+Y,A1B2Y=Y,DR=".07////"_A1B2FN_";.08////"_A1B2FNME_";.12////"_DFN_";.15////1;1.01////2;1.05////"_DUZ K DIC D ^DIE K DR,DIE,DA,DE,DQ,DG S Y=A1B2Y ADDQ K A1B2FN,A1B2FNME,A1B2Y Q ; FAC ; -- find inst and get fac # and name ; N X S (A1B2FN,A1B2FNME)="",X=+$O(^DG(40.8,0)) I $D(^DG(40.8,X,0)) S X=+$P(^(0),U,7) D GET Q ; NTL ; -- get fac # and name for nationally sign input user (IHS) ; input: DUZ, DUZ(2) ; output: A1B2FN := fac # ; A1B2FNME := fac name ; A1B2VRG := vhs&ra region # ; S (A1B2FN,A1B2FNME,A1B2VRG)="" I $D(DUZ(2)) S X=+DUZ(2) D GET Q ; KVAR ; -- kill vars set in NTL call K A1B2FN,A1B2FNME,A1B2VRG Q ; GET ; -- get fac data I $D(^DIC(4,X,0)),$D(^(99)) S A1B2FN=+^(99),A1B2FNME=$P(^(0),U) I $D(^DIC(4,X,11002)) S A1B2VRG=+^(11002) Q ; ON ;is the ODS software turned on? ; input: none ; output: A1B2ODS := 0 for off and 1 for on ; S A1B2ODS=0 I $D(^A1B2(11500.5,1,0)) S A1B2ODS=+$P(^(0),U,2) Q ; DIS ; -- screen set S DIS(0)="I $P(^A1B2(A1B2FL,D0,0),U,15) N X S X=$S($D(A1B2NTY):$P(A1B2NTY,U,2),1:"""") I $S(X=""""!(X=""A""):1,X=""V"":$P(^(0),U,7)=A1B2FN,X=""R"":$P(^(0),U,9)=A1B2VRG,1:0)" Q ;