ORCK101 ;SLC/JFR-OR 49 CHECK UTILITIES ;7/27/98 ;;2.5;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**49**;Jan 08, 1993 TOP ; from patch options N ORTOP,%ZIS,IOP,TAG W !,"Select the printer to which the reports will be queued:",! S IOP="Q",%ZIS="N" D ^%ZIS I POP W !,"That device is not available or none selected" Q I '$D(IO("Q")) W !!,"The reports must be queued!",! G TOP S ORTOP=1 W !!,"Reports will be sent to ",ION F TAG="PKGFL","PROT","NMSP","XACTION" D . S ZTRTN=TAG_"^ORCK101",ZTDESC="OR*2.5*49 PROTOCOL CHECK" . S ZTDTH=$H,ZTSAVE("ORTOP")="",ZTIO=ION . D ^%ZTLOAD D HOME^%ZIS K ZTSK,ZTIO,ZTDTH,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE Q XACTION ;check extended actions for column width I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" N ORIEN,CTR,TMPGBL,CHECK S CHECK="Extended Action Order Set check",TMPGBL="ORXACT" S (CTR,ORIEN)=0 F S ORIEN=$O(^ORD(101,ORIEN)) Q:'ORIEN I $P($G(^(ORIEN,0)),U,4)="X" D . Q:'+$G(^ORD(101,ORIEN,4)) S CTR=CTR+1 . S ^TMP(TMPGBL,$J,CTR)=$P(^ORD(101,ORIEN,0),U)_" has the COLUMN WIDTH field defined" I '$D(ORTOP) D DEVICE Q ;ok to call linetag D PRINT Q PKGFL ;check file 9.4 for duplicates I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" N PKG,CHECK,I,N,P,NM,PREF,TMPGBL,CTR S CTR=0,CHECK="PACKAGE (#9.4) file check",TMPGBL="ORPKG" F I=1:1 S PKG=$P($T(LIST+I),";;",2) Q:PKG="QUIT" D . S NM=$P(PKG,"^"),PREF=$P(PKG,"^",2) . S N=$O(^DIC(9.4,"B",NM,0)) D:'N S N=$O(^DIC(9.4,"B",NM,N)) I N D .. S CTR=CTR+1 .. S ^TMP(TMPGBL,$J,CTR)=NM_" has "_$S(N:"a duplicate",1:"no")_" name entry in the PACKAGE file" .. Q . S P=$O(^DIC(9.4,"C",PREF,0)) D:'P S P=$O(^DIC(9.4,"C",PREF,P)) I P D .. S CTR=CTR+1 .. S ^TMP(TMPGBL,$J,CTR)="There is "_$S(P:"a duplicate",1:"no")_" prefix entry of "_PREF_" in the PACKAGE file" .. Q . I $O(^DIC(9.4,"B",NM,0))'=$O(^DIC(9.4,"C",PREF,0)) D .. S CTR=CTR+1 .. S ^TMP(TMPGBL,$J,CTR)="The name and prefix for "_NM_" are not part of the same entry" . Q I '$D(ORTOP) D DEVICE Q ;ok to call from linetag D PRINT Q LIST ;list to check ;;LAB SERVICE^LR ;;INPATIENT MEDICATIONS^PSJ ;;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY^PSO ;;DIETETICS^FH ;;RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE^RA ;;NURSING SERVICE^NUR ;;GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS^GMRV ;;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING^OR ;;QUIT PROT ;LOOP 101 AND LOOK AT 10 FIELD FOR DUPS I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" N TMPGBL,CTR,PTR,CTR1,ORZIEN,ORZ10IEN S (CTR1,ORZIEN)=0,TMPGBL="ORDUPS" S CHECK="Duplicate Items in PROTOCOL file check" F S ORZIEN=$O(^ORD(101,ORZIEN)) Q:'ORZIEN D:$P(^(ORZIEN,0),"^",4)="D" . S ORZ10IEN=0 . F S ORZ10IEN=$O(^ORD(101,ORZIEN,10,"B",ORZ10IEN)) Q:'ORZ10IEN D . . S (PTR,CTR)=0 . . F S PTR=$O(^ORD(101,ORZIEN,10,"B",ORZ10IEN,PTR)) Q:'PTR D . . . S CTR=CTR+1 I CTR>1 S CTR1=CTR1+1 . . . I S ^TMP(TMPGBL,$J,CTR1)=$P(^ORD(101,ORZIEN,0),U) . . Q . Q I '$D(ORTOP) D DEVICE Q ;ok to call from linetag D PRINT Q DLG ; FIND DUPS IN FILE 101.41 N TMPGBL,CTR,PTR,CTR1,ORZIEN,ORZ10IEN S (CTR1,ORZIEN)=0,TMPGBL="ORDLGDUP" S CHECK="Duplicate Items in ORDER DIALOG file" F S ORZIEN=$O(^ORD(101.41,ORZIEN)) Q:'ORZIEN D:$P(^(ORZIEN,0),"^",4)="D" . S ORZ10IEN=0 . F S ORZ10IEN=$O(^ORD(101.41,ORZIEN,10,"D",ORZ10IEN)) Q:'ORZ10IEN D . . S (PTR,CTR)=0 . . F S PTR=$O(^ORD(101.41,ORZIEN,10,"D",ORZ10IEN,PTR)) Q:'PTR D . . . S CTR=CTR+1 I CTR>1 S CTR1=CTR1+1 . . . I S ^TMP(TMPGBL,$J,CTR1)=$P(^ORD(101.41,ORZIEN,0),U) . . Q . Q I '$D(ORTOP) D DEVICE Q ;ok to call from linetag D PRINT Q NMSP ;loop to find protocols with improper namespace I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" D DT^DICRW N CTR,CHECK,TMPGBL,ORZIEN,PKG,GMRC,DIC,X,Y,BADPK,ORZNM,ORZPKG S DIC=9.4,DIC(0)="XM",BADPK=0 F X="FH","GMRC","GMRV","LR","PSJ","RA" Q:(BADPK) D . D ^DIC I +Y<0 S BADPK=1 Q . S PKG(+Y)=X I X="GMRC" S GMRC=+Y I BADPK D . S ^TMP("ORPROT",$J,1)="The PACKAGE file should be checked for duplicate entries or PREFIXES." . S ^TMP("ORPROT",$J,2)="Unable to continue namespace check." . S ^TMP("ORPROT",$J,3)=" " . S ^TMP("ORPROT",$J,4)="This review should be repeated after the PACKAGE file is corrected." S (CTR,ORZIEN)=0 S TMPGBL="ORPROT",CHECK="Protocol namespace check" I 'BADPK F S ORZIEN=$O(^ORD(101,ORZIEN)) Q:'ORZIEN D . I "QXM"[$P(^ORD(101,ORZIEN,0),"^",4) Q ; don't check menus / ord sets . S ORZPKG=$P(^ORD(101,ORZIEN,0),"^",12) Q:'ORZPKG Q:'$D(PKG(ORZPKG)) . I ORZPKG=GMRC Q:'$$OK(ORZIEN) ;special names for consults . S ORZNM=$E($P(^ORD(101,ORZIEN,0),U),1,$S(ORZPKG=GMRC:5,1:$L(PKG(ORZPKG)))) . I '$S(ORZPKG=GMRC:"GMRCTGMRCR"[ORZNM,1:ORZNM=PKG(ORZPKG)) D . . S CTR=CTR+1 . . S ^TMP(TMPGBL,$J,CTR)=$P(^ORD(101,ORZIEN,0),U) . . Q . Q I '$D(ORTOP) D DEVICE Q ;ok to call from linetag D PRINT Q OK(PROT) ;only check ordering protocols I $P(^ORD(101,PROT,0),U,3)'="O" Q 0 I $P(^ORD(101,PROT,0),U)["PLACE" Q 0 I $P(^ORD(101,PROT,0),U)["URGENCY" Q 0 I $P(^ORD(101,PROT,0),U)["GMRCO" Q 0 Q 1 PRINT ;the results are in N CTR,DONE U IO I '$D(^TMP(TMPGBL,$J)) S ^TMP(TMPGBL,$J,1)="No problems with "_CHECK W:$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" @IOF D PAGE(0) S CTR=0 F S CTR=$O(^TMP(TMPGBL,$J,CTR)) Q:'CTR!($D(DONE)) D . I $Y>(IOSL-5) D PAGE(1) Q:$G(DONE) . W !,^TMP(TMPGBL,$J,CTR) . Q D ^%ZISC K CTR,DONE,ORTOP CLEAN ;sweep up K ^TMP(TMPGBL,$J) K TMPGBL,CHECK Q FIND ; FIND ITEMS IN 101 AND THEIR POSITION N DIC,ITEM,MEN,X,Y,ITPOS D DT^DICRW K DIC S DIC=101,DIC(0)="AEMNQ" D ^DIC I $D(DUOUT)!($D(DTOUT)) Q W !!,$P($G(^ORD(101,+Y,0)),"^") I '$D(^ORD(101,"AD",+Y)) W !,?3,"Not contained on any menus!" QUIT S ITEM=+Y S MEN=0 F S MEN=$O(^ORD(101,"AD",ITEM,MEN)) Q:'MEN D . W !,?5,"is part of ",$P($G(^ORD(101,MEN,0)),"^") . S ITPOS=$$FINDXUTL^ORCMEDT1(MEN,ITEM) . W ?50,"Column: ",$P(ITPOS,".",2),?65,"Row: ",$P(ITPOS,".") . Q Q EST ; estimate global growth in ^OR and ^PSRX W !,"Select the printer to which the estimate will be sent:",! S IOP="Q",%ZIS="N" D ^%ZIS I POP W !,"That device is not available or none selected" Q I '$D(IO("Q")) D G EST . W !!,"The estimate may take some time. It must be queued!",! S ZTRTN="QGROW^ORCK101",ZTDESC="Estimate of CPRS global growth" S ZTIO=ION,ZTDTH=$H D ^%ZTLOAD W !!,$S($G(ZTSK):("Task # "_ZTSK),1:"Unable to queue,try later!") D HOME^%ZIS K %ZIS,POP,ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSK Q QGROW ;task to do estimate S ZTREQ="@" S BKFILL=$$PSOBKFL S ORENT=$P(^OR(100,0),"^",4),RXENT=$P(^PSRX(0),"^",4) S ORBLK=(ORENT+BKFILL)*($S(^%ZOSF("OS")="DSM":.71,1:.35)) S RXBLK=RXENT*($S(^%ZOSF("OS")="DSM":.67,1:.37)) U IO W !,"Estimate of global growth from CPRS Installation",! F DASH=1:1:78 W "-" W !!,"Based on the number of entries currently in the ^PSRX and ^OR globals," W !,"the following are estimates of post-installion requirements." W !,"The globals will continue to grow as implementation of CPRS proceeds" W !!,"The ^PSRX global will require approximately ",RXBLK," blocks." W !!,"Approximately ",BKFILL," prescriptions will be backfilled into the ORDER (#100) file." W !!,"The ^OR global will require approximately ",ORBLK," blocks." K BKFILL,DASH,ORBLK,ORENT,RXBLK,RXENT Q PAGE(FEED) ; FEED ONE N DASH,DIR I FEED,$E(IOST,1,2)["C-" S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I Y<1 S DONE=1 Q W:FEED @IOF W "OR*2.5*49 - ",CHECK W ! F DASH=1:1:78 W "-" Q DEVICE ; S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS I POP D CLEAN Q I $D(IO("Q")) D QUE,^%ZISC,CLEAN Q D PRINT Q QUE ; send to TM S ZTSAVE("^TMP(TMPGBL,$J,")="",ZTSAVE("TMPGBL")="",ZTSAVE("CHECK")="" S ZTDTH=$H,ZTDESC="OR*2.5*49 Protocol examination" S ZTRTN="PRINT^ORCK101" S ZTIO=IO D ^%ZTLOAD K ZTSK,ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTDTH Q PSOBKFL() ;estimate # of RX's to be backfilled into ^OR ; Thks to Ron R. N PDFN,PSD,PSIN,PSODATE,PSOTOT,X,X1,X2 S X1=DT,X2=-121 D C^%DTC S PSODATE=X S PSOTOT=0 F PDFN=0:0 S PDFN=$O(^PS(55,PDFN)) Q:'PDFN D .F PSD=PSODATE:0 S PSD=$O(^PS(55,PDFN,"P","A",PSD)) Q:'PSD F PSIN=0:0 S PSIN=$O(^PS(55,PDFN,"P","A",PSD,PSIN)) Q:'PSIN I $D(^PSRX(PSIN,0)) D ..I $P($G(^PSRX(PSIN,0)),"^",15)=13!($P($G(^(0)),"^",15)=10)!('$P($G(^(0)),"^",2)) Q ..S PSOTOT=PSOTOT+1 Q PSOTOT