1 | OREORV ; SLC/GDU - Orderable Items File Record Validation [10/15/04 09:16]
2 | ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**217**;Dec 17, 1997
3 | ;OREORV - Orderable Item Record Validation
4 | ;
6 | ;DAN-0204-42157, ALB-1001-51034, SBY-0803-30443, NJH-0402-20607
7 | ;
8 | ;Presents the user with an explanation of the purpose of this program.
9 | ;It will ask the user if they wish to run the OI record validation.
10 | ;Allows the user to select where the output of the report is sent to.
11 | ;Also allows the user to queue the program run to TASKMAN.
12 | ;
13 | ;External Variables
14 | ; IO - Selected IO device
15 | ; IOF - IO device Form Feed
16 | ; ION - IO device logical name
17 | ;
18 | ;External References
19 | ; ^%ZIS - DBIA 10086
20 | ; ^%ZISC - DBIA 10089
21 | ; ^%ZTLOAD - DBIA 10063
22 | ; ^DIR - DBIA 10026
23 | ; ^OREORV1 - Second routine of this utility
24 | ; ^OREORV2 - Third routine of this utility
25 | ;
26 | MAIN ;Main entry point for this program
27 | ;Local Variables
28 | ; %ZIS - Input specification variable, ^%ZIS
29 | ; DIR - Input array variable for ^DIR
30 | ; DLI - Description Line Index
31 | ; DL - Description Line, indirect variable
32 | ; DTOUT - Time out indicator, output variable ^DIR
33 | ; DUOUT - Up arrow out indicator, output variable ^DIR
34 | ; PLI - Prompt Line Index
35 | ; PL - Prompt Line, indirect variable
36 | ; POP - Exit Status, output variable ^%ZIS
37 | ; ZTDESC - Task Description, input variable ^%ZTLOAD
38 | ; ZTIO - Task IO device, input variable ^%ZTLOAD
39 | ; ZTRTN - Task routine entry point, input variable ^%ZTLOAD
40 | ; ZTSK - Task number assigned, output variable ^%ZTLOAD
41 | ; Y - Processed user input, output variable ^DIR
43 | ;Clears screen and presents explanation, asks if user wants to continue
44 | W:$D(IOF) @IOF
45 | W $P($T(SH),";",3),!
46 | F DLI=1:1:19 S DL="DL"_DLI W !,$P($T(@DL),";",3)
47 | S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")=$P($T(PMT1),";",3)
48 | W ! D ^DIR
49 | ;If user selects No, up-arrows out, or times out program is stopped
50 | I Y=0!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) G EXIT
51 | ;If user selects Yes, programs presents user with device selection.
52 | W:$D(IOF) @IOF
53 | W $P($T(SH),";",3),!
54 | F PLI=1:1:6 S PL="PL"_PLI W !,$P($T(@PL),";",3)
55 | W !
56 | S %ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS
57 | ;Processing user device selection
59 | I $D(IO("Q")) D K IO("Q") G EXIT
60 | . S ZTDESC="Orderable Item Validation Report"
62 | . S ZTIO=ION
64 | U IO D EN
65 | EXIT ;Exit point for this program
66 | D ^%ZISC
67 | Q
68 | EN ;Process the File 101.43
69 | ;TASKMAN entry point
70 | ;^TMP($J,"OIC" is fully documented in OREORV1
71 | K ^TMP($J,"OIC")
72 | ;Builds temp global ^TMP($J,"OIC", flags active OI records w/o matching
73 | ;source records.
74 | D ^OREORV1
75 | ;Print report from contents of ^TMP($J,"OIC"
76 | D ^OREORV2
77 | K ^TMP($J,"OIC")
78 | Q
79 | ;User interface text
80 | SH ;;Orderable Items File Record Validation
81 | DL1 ;;Brief Description:
82 | DL2 ;;This program scans the Orderable Items file, file # 101.43.
83 | DL3 ;;It take the value stored in the ID field and performs a set of tests.
84 | DL4 ;;
85 | DL5 ;; 1. It determines if the ID field is null.
86 | DL6 ;; 2. It determines if it has a source record IEN
87 | DL7 ;; 3. It determines if it has a source record package code
88 | DL8 ;; 4. It determines if the package code is formatted properly
89 | DL9 ;; 5. It determines if the package code is in the current spec*
90 | DL10 ;; If package code is not in current spec*, it is included in the
91 | DL11 ;; report for manual confirmation. It is not modified by this
92 | DL12 ;; utility.
93 | DL13 ;; 6. It Validates records by matching to a source file record
94 | DL14 ;; If no match found and record is active it is flagged inactive.
95 | DL15 ;; 7. It creates a report detailing its findings.
96 | DL16 ;;
97 | DL17 ;;* The source files the orderable item record is tested against are
98 | DL18 ;;defined in the OE/RR Version 3 Package Interface Specification July
99 | DL19 ;;2001
100 | PMT1 ;;Do you wish to run this program? Enter Yes or No
101 | PL1 ;;Select where you want the report to print to.
102 | PL2 ;;
103 | PL3 ;;Just hit enter to send the report to the screen.
104 | PL4 ;;Enter the name of the printer.
105 | PL5 ;;Queue the program to run at a later time.
106 | PL6 ;;Enter "^" to quit