ORLP ; SLC/CLA - Manager for Team List options ; [1/12/01 1:54pm] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**47,90,98**;Dec 17, 1997 ; CLEAR ; From TM, MERG^ORLP1, END^ORLP0. K ^XUTL("OR",$J,"ORLP"),^("ORV"),^("ORU"),^("ORW") S ORCNT=0 Q ; TM ; From option ORLP TEAM ADD - create/add a team list. N ORLTYP D CLEAR W @IOF,!,"A team list is a list containing patients related to several providers.",!,"These providers are the list's users. You may now create a new team list" W !,"or add autolinks, users and/or patients to an existing team list. Autolinks",!,"automatically add or remove patients with ADT movements. Users on the list" W !,"may receive notifications regarding patients on the same list. Please prefix",!,"your list name with 'TEAM' or 'SERVICE' (e.g. TEAM7B, SERVICECARDIOLOGY.)",! D ASKLIST,END Q ; ASKLIST ; Ask for team list. ; NOTE: For new entries, TYPE field is required and trigger ; stuffs CREATOR field with DUZ of current user. ; AL N DLAYGO,DIC,DIE,DIK,DR,ORFLAG,ORLTNAM,OROWNER,ORROOT,ORDA,ORYY N DIR S DIR(0)="FAO^3:30",DIR("A")="Enter team list name: " D ^DIR I '$D(X)!$D(DIRUT) K DIR,DIRUT Q S ORLTNAM=$$CHKNAM(Y) ; Check for duplication. K DIR N DIC S X=$G(X),(ORROOT,DIC)="^OR(100.21,",DLAYGO=100.21,DIC(0)="LEFQZ" D ^DIC I '$D(X)!(+Y<0)!$D(DIRUT) K DIRUT Q ; User aborted or problem. ; Check for "Personal" lists (and not a new entry): I ORLTNAM>0,(+Y>0),$P($G(^OR(100.21,+Y,0)),U,2)="P" W !!," Personal lists cannot be edited here.",! G AL S (ORYY,TEAM)=Y,ORDA=+Y,TEAM(0)=Y(0),^TMP("ORLP",$J,"TLIST")=+Y K DIC ; Check for entry of team type (new team entry): I $P(TEAM,U,3) D Q .I $P(TEAM(0),U,2)="" D ..SET Y=TEAM,Y(0)=TEAM(0) ; Reassign in case DIE previously called. ..N DIE S DIE=ORROOT,DA=+Y,DR="1 Enter type: ~R" D ^DIE I $O(Y(0)) S DIK=DIE D ^DIK Q .S (ORLTYP,OROWNER)="" .S ORLTYP=$P(^OR(100.21,+TEAM,0),U,2) Q:'$L(ORLTYP) .; Check for "P" type, ask for user/owner input: .I ORLTYP="P" D OWNER^ORLP1 ; Sets OROWNER variable. .I (ORLTYP="P")&(OROWNER="") S DIK=ORROOT,DA=ORDA D ^DIK Q .; .; Allow further editing of autolink type teams: .I ORLTYP["A" S:'$D(^OR(100.21,+TEAM,2,0)) ^(0)="^100.213AVI^^" D Q .. D ASKLINK,ASKUSER,ASKDEV,ASKSUB .; .; Proceed with editing for "TM" type teams: .D ASKPT^ORLP00(+TEAM),ASKUSER,ASKDEV ; ; For existing teams, display team type: W !," Type: "_$S($P(Y(0),U,2)="TM":"Manual Team List",$P(Y(0),U,2)="TA":"Autolinked Team List",$P(Y(0),U,2)="MRAL":"Manual Removal Autolinked Team List",1:"(Unknown)") ; ; Lock before allowing editing: I $O(^OR(100.21,+TEAM,10,0)) L +^OR(100.21,+TEAM):3 I '$T W !?5," Another user is editing this entry." Q ; ; Allow applicable editing for all types but "TM" teams: I $P(TEAM(0),U,2)'="TM" D . D ASKLINK,ASKUSER,ASKDEV . ; . ; Editing of "subscription" attribute for "TA" and "MRAL" teams: . I $P(TEAM(0),U,2)["A" D . . D ASKSUB ; ; Proceed with editing for "TM" type teams: I $P(TEAM(0),U,2)="TM" D ASKPT^ORLP00(+TEAM),ASKUSER,ASKDEV Q ; ASKLINK ; Ask for autolinks. N DIC,DA,DLAYGO,Y,DUOUT,LVP,LVPT,LNAME W ! F K DIC,DA,DUOUT D I LVP<1 Q .S DLAYGO=100.21,DA(1)=+TEAM,DIC="^OR(100.21,"_DA(1)_",2,",DIC(0)="AELMQZ",DIC("A")=" Enter team autolink: " .D ^DIC S LVP=Y I Y<1 Q .I $P($G(Y),U,3)=1 D ..S LNAME=Y(0,0) ..I LVP["VA(200" F D Q:'$D(Y) ...S DA(1)=+TEAM,DIE="^OR(100.21,"_DA(1)_",2,",DA(1)=+TEAM,DA=+LVP,DR="1R" D ^DIE I $D(Y) W !," This field is required in order for Provider autolinks to work correctly.",!," Please answer the question." ..S LVPT=$P($G(^OR(100.21,+TEAM,2,+LVP,0)),U,2) ..; For clinics, take a fork in the road: ..I $P($P(LVP,U,2),";",2)="SC(" D BYCL(LVP) Q ..; For autolinks besides clinics, truck on: ..D ADDLPTS Q ; ADDLPTS ; Add patients linked to autolink. W ! W !," [ADT movements linked to " W !," ",LNAME W !," will now automatically add patients to this list.]" S LINK=$P(LVP,U,2),FILE="^"_$P(LINK,";",2),X="",CNT=0 W !!," Adding patients linked to ",LNAME,"..." W ! I FILE="^DIC(42," D LOOPTS("CN",LNAME) Q I FILE="^DG(405.4," D LOOPTS("RM",LNAME) Q I FILE="^VA(200," D Q . ; Variable LVPT determines if provider pointer is for: . ; B - Both Primary and Attending . ; A - Attending . ; P - Primary . I LVPT["B" D LOOPTS("APR",+LINK) N CNTAPR S CNTAPR=CNT,CNT=0 D LOOPTS("AAP",+LINK) Q . I LVPT["P" D LOOPTS("APR",+LINK) Q . I LVPT["A" D LOOPTS("AAP",+LINK) I FILE="^DIC(45.7," D LOOPTS("ATR",+LINK) Q Q ; BYCL(CLINIC) ; SLC/PKS - 6/99 - Return list of clinic patients by enrollment. ; ; Called by ASKLINK. ; ; Variables used: ; ; CLINIC = Clinic to search. ; ORLIST = Array, returned by call to PTCL^SCAPMC. ; ORERR = Array for errors, returned by call to PTCL^SCAPMC. ; ORRET = Flag for problem with PTCL^SCAPMC call. ; RESULT = Holds result of PTCL^SCAPMC call (1=OK, 0=error). ; RCD = Holder for each record in ^TMP of PTCL^SCAPMC. ; DFN = Patient IEN. ; ALCNT = Count of autolink patients added. ; DUPCNT = Count of duplicate patients already on list. ; X = Temp value holder variable. ; N DIC,DA,DO,DD,ORLIST,ORERR,RESULT,RCD,DFN,ALCNT,DUPCNT,X,ORRET ; ; Assign clinic variable: S CLINIC=$P(CLINIC,"^",2) S CLINIC=$P(CLINIC,";") ; ; Keep user informed: W ! W !," [Patient enrollments linked to " W !," ",LNAME W !," will now automatically add patients to this list.]" W ! W !," Adding patients enrolled in ",LNAME,"..." W ! ; ; Process the Autolink entries: K ^TMP("SC TMP LIST") ; Clean up potential leftover data. S ORRET=1 S RESULT=$$PTCL^SCAPMC(CLINIC,,.ORLIST,.ORERR) I $L($G(RESULT)) D ; Make sure something was returned. .I RESULT>0 S ORRET=0 ; Was return value 1 or more? I ORRET W !," Error in processing - patients will not be added." Q ; Abort if there's a problem. ; Clinic patients should now be in ^TMP("SC TMP LIST",$J file. ; ; Write the patients to the OE/RR LIST file: S ALCNT=0 ; Initialize autolink counter. S DUPCNT=0 ; Initialize duplicate counter. S RCD=0 ; Initialize to start with first data record. F S RCD=$O(^TMP("SC TMP LIST",$J,RCD)) Q:'RCD D ; Each record. .S DFN=$P(^TMP("SC TMP LIST",$J,RCD),"^") ; Patient IEN. .S X=DFN_";DPT(" ; Add ";DPT(" to patient string. .I $D(^OR(100.21,+TEAM,10,"B",X)) S DUPCNT=DUPCNT+1 Q ; This patient already on list - increment dupe counter. .S:'$D(^OR(100.21,+TEAM,10,0)) ^(0)="^100.2101AV^^" .K DIC,DA,DO,DD .S DA(1)=+TEAM,DIC="^OR(100.21,"_DA(1)_",10,",DIC(0)="L" .D FILE^DICN .I +X S ALCNT=ALCNT+1 ; Increment counter. .Q ; Loop for each record in ^TMP file. ; ; Give user the results: I ALCNT>0 W !," "_ALCNT_" patient(s) added to list." I ALCNT=0 W !," No linked patients found." I DUPCNT>0 W !," "_DUPCNT_" patient(s) already on list." W ! K ^TMP("SC TMP LIST",$J) ; Clean up ^TMP file entries. ; Q ; LOOPTS(REF,DEX) ; S ORLPT=0 F S ORLPT=$O(^DPT(REF,DEX,ORLPT)) Q:ORLPT'>0 S X=ORLPT_";DPT(" D ADDLOOP I $D(LVPT),LVPT["B"!(LVPT']"") Q:REF="APR" I +X W !,$S(+CNT:" "_(+$G(CNTAPR)+(+CNT))_" patient(s) added.",1:" Linked patients already on list.") E W " No linked patients found." W ! K DEX,FILE,MSG,REF,X,Y Q ; ASKUSER ; From ASKLIST - ask for providers/users. Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) W ! S:'$D(^OR(100.21,+TEAM,1,0)) ^(0)="^100.212PA^^" K DIC,DA S DLAYGO=100.212,DA(1)=+TEAM S DIC("P")="100.212PA",DIC="^OR(100.21,"_DA(1)_",1,",DIC(0)="AELMQ" S DIC("A")=" Enter team provider/user: " ; SLC/PKS - Next line added on 4/11/2000: S DIC("S")="I $D(X),$D(^VA(200,""AK.PROVIDER"",$P(^(0),U))),$$ACTIVE^XUSER(+Y)" F D Q:Y<1 .D ^DIC .I '(Y<1) W ! K DIC,DA,DLAYGO Q ; ASKDEV ; From ASKLIST - ask for device. ; ; New, by PKS - 7/29/99: Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) ; Previous interaction fail? W ! N DIE,DR S DIE="^OR(100.21," S DA=+TEAM S DR="1.5 Enter device: " D ^DIE ; Writes to DEVICE field. K DIE Q ; ASKSUB ; From ASKLIST - Ask re: subscription status. ; (PKS - 8/1999) ; Q:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) ; Previous interaction fail? W ! N DIE,DR S DIE="^OR(100.21," S DA=+TEAM S DR="1.7 Enter subscription status: " D ^DIE ; Writes to SUBSCRIBE field. K DIE ; Q ; STOR ; From SEQ^ORLP0 - store list in 100.21. Q:'$D(DUZ)!('ORCNT) I '$D(TEAM),($D(Y)#2) S TEAM=Y S DLAYGO=100.21 L +^OR(100.21,+TEAM) S (CNT,ORLI)=0 F ORLJ=1:1 S ORLI=$O(^XUTL("OR",$J,"ORLP",ORLI)) Q:ORLI<1 I $D(^(ORLI,0)) S X=^(0),X=$P(X,U,3) D ADDLOOP I $G(X)>0 S MSG=$S(CNT=0:" Patient(s) already on list.",1:" "_CNT_" patient(s) added.") W !?5,MSG E W !?5," No patients found." I CNT>0 W !?5," Storing list " W:$D(TEAM) $P(TEAM,U,2)," " W "for future reference..." L -^OR(100.12,+TEAM) Q ; ADDLOOP ; From STOR, LOOPTS - add patients. Q:$D(^OR(100.21,+TEAM,10,"B",X)) ; Quit if on list. S:'$D(^OR(100.21,+TEAM,10,0)) ^(0)="^100.2101AV^^" K DIC,DA,DO,DD S DA(1)=+TEAM,DIC="^OR(100.21,"_DA(1)_",10,",DIC(0)="L" D FILE^DICN I Y>0 S:$D(CNT) CNT=CNT+1 Q ; CHKNAM(X) ; Check for duplicate entry. N DIC S X=$G(X) S DIC="^OR(100.21," D ^DIC S X=+Y Q X ; END ; I $G(TEAM) L -^OR(100.21,+TEAM) ; END1 K %,CNT,DA,DD,DIC,DO,DIE,DIK,DIR,DR,LINK,ORCNT,ORLI,ORLJ,ORLPT,SEL,TEAM,X,Y,ORBSTG,ORBROOT,DTOUT Q ;