ORX ; slc/dcm - OE/RR old entry points ;12/26/96 09:49 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;;Dec 17, 1997 FILE ;No longer a valid entry point for filing orders ;Calls to this entry point will not file an order and will ;generate an error in the OE/RR Error file. S ORIFN="" D ERR("FILE~ORX") Q RETURN ;No longer a valid entry point for updating orders. ;Calls to this entry point will not update an order and will ;generate an error in the OE/RR Error file. D ERR("RETURN~ORX") Q ST ;No longer a valid entry point for updating orders. ;Calls to this entry point will not update an order and will ;generate an error in the OE/RR Error file. D ERR("ST~ORX") Q ERR(TXT) ;Generates an error for call to invalid entry points ;TXT=Name of invalid entry point Q:'$P($G(^ORD(100.99,1,0)),"^",8) ;Only file if DEBUG on N X,PKG,VAR S:'$D(TXT) TXT="" I $G(ORIFN) S X=$G(^OR(100,+ORIFN,0)),PKG=$P(X,"^",14) I '$G(PKG) D . I $G(ORNS) S PKG=ORNS Q . I $G(ORPCL),$L($P(ORPCL,";",2)),$D(@("^"_$P(ORPCL,";",2)_+ORPCL_",0)")),$P(^(0),"^",12) S PKG=$P(^(0),"^",12) Q S PKG=$P($G(^DIC(9.4,+$G(PKG),0)),"^"),TXT=$S($L(PKG):PKG,1:"UNKNOWN")_" package called "_TXT,VAR("XQY0")="" D EN^ORERR(TXT,,.VAR) Q