ORXTABS1 ; SLC/PKS - Edit tab parameters preferences. [9/11/00 1:40pm] ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**9,47,84**;Dec 17, 1997 ; ; Additional control code for Tab Preferences Editing - works in ; conjunction with the main routine, ORXTABS. ; ; NOTE: Most ORX* variables used herein NEW'd in calling routine. ; Q ; EDIT ; Display list of this tab's parameter values, allow edit selection. ; ; Variables used herein: ; ; ORXCNT2 = Loop counter for concantenated user input. ; ORXHI = High end of hyphenated entry. ; ORXINPUT = Input string (DIR's Y var) from user's entry. ; ORXLO = Low end of hyphenated entry. ; ORXNUM2 = Number of pieces in concantenated user input. ; ORXTEMP = Temporary value holder. ; ORXTOT = Total holder. ; N ORXCNT2,ORXHI,ORXINPUT,ORXLO,ORXNUM2,ORXTEMP,ORXTOT ; ; Create overall control loop: K ORXPCS ; Clear each time. S ORXANY=0 ; Set to check for changes. F Q:ORXSTOP D .; .; Get matching prompt strings: .K ORXPSTR,ORXPRO,ORXPDIS ; Prompts variables. .S ORXTAG="PROMPTS+"_ORXTCNT_"^ORXTABS" ; Data tag for prompts. .S ORXPSTR=$P($T(@ORXTAG),";;",2) ; Current prompts line. .S ORXPDIR=$P(ORXPSTR,U) ; Get first prompt piece. .I ORXPDIR'=ORXTNM D Q ; Check for mismatch. ..W !!," Problem reading PROMPTS data!" ; On error, leave message. ..S ORXSTOP=1 ; Set flag for abort. .S ORXPSTR=$P(ORXPSTR,U,2) ; Get prompts list string. .S ORXPCS=$P($G(ORXPARS(ORXTCNT)),U,3) ; Get "pieces" map string. .; .; Clear, reset DIR variables: .K DIR,X,Y .S DIR("T")=120 ; Two minute maximum timeout for response. .S DIR("A")=" Select "_ORXPDIR_" value to edit" .S DIR("?")=" Enter individual item number or comma-delimited string (within ranges listed)" .; .; Assign individual DIR display array items: .S ORXVAL="" .S ORXNUM=$L(ORXSETS,";") ; # pieces = loop end counter. .F ORXCNT=1:1:ORXNUM D ; Each piece of param setting. ..S ORXVAL=$P($G(ORXSETS),";",ORXCNT) ; Each setting. ..S ORXVAL=$$LJ^XLFSTR(ORXVAL,9) ; Format for 9 characters. ..S ORXPRO=$P(ORXPSTR,";",ORXCNT) ; Prompt for this piece. ..S ORXPRO=$$LJ^XLFSTR(ORXPRO,24) ; Format for 24 characters. ..; ..; Assign DIR display values: ..S ORXCDIS=ORXCNT ; Set display counter to same. ..S ORXCDIS=$$RJ^XLFSTR(ORXCDIS,2) ; Right justify to 2 places. ..S DIR("A",ORXCNT)=" "_ORXCDIS_" "_ORXVAL_" "_ORXPRO .; .; Add one additional choice for editing "ALL" items: .I (ORXCNT>1) D ..S ORXCNT=ORXCNT+1 ; Increment counter. ..S ORXNUM=ORXCNT ; Keep totaller up to date. ..S ORXCDIS=ORXCNT ; Set display counter to match. ..S ORXCDIS=$$RJ^XLFSTR(ORXCDIS,2) ; Right justify to 2 places. ..S DIR("A",ORXCNT)=" "_ORXCDIS_" ALL "_" Edit All Above Items" .; .; Define DIR input requirements: .S DIR(0)="LO^1:"_ORXNUM ; List, from 1 to max choices. .; .; Call DIR for user choice: .W !! ; Spacing for screen display. .I ORXPDIR="REPORTS" D ; Special note for reports. ..W !," NOTE: At present, the following settings affect only the list of" ..W !," Imaging report selections shown under Reports:" ..W !," ---------------------------------------------" .D ^DIR .; .; Check user response: .I '$L($G(Y)) S ORXSTOP=1 Q ; Punt if Y isn't assigned. .I Y="" S ORXSTOP=1 Q ; Punt if Y is null. .I Y="^" S ORXSTOP=1 Q ; Punt if Y is "^" character. .; .; Entry valid - assign ORXINPUT variable to user entry: .K ORXINPUT ; Clean up each time through. .S ORXINPUT=Y ; Now holds input string. .K DIR,X,Y ; Clean up after call to DIR. .; .; If user made a concantenated entry, deal with it: .I (($L($P(ORXINPUT,",",2)))!($L($P(ORXINPUT,"-",2)))) D Q ..; ..; Deal with an entry string: ..S ORXTOT=1 ; Initial setting. ..S ORXNUM2=($L(ORXINPUT,",")-1) ; Total pieces entered. ..; ..; Establish loop to tear the string apart: ..F ORXCNT=1:1:ORXNUM2 D ; Each piece in entry. ...I ORXCNT>ORXTOT S ORXTOT=ORXCNT ; Reset higher? ...S ORXTEMP=$P(ORXINPUT,",",ORXCNT) ; Get each entry piece. ...; ...; Check for a hyphenated entry: ...I $L($P(ORXTEMP,"-",2)) D Q ; To next piece after. ....S ORXLO=$P(ORXTEMP,"-") ; Lower number. ....S ORXHI=$P(ORXTEMP,"-",2) ; Higher number. ....S ORXHI=+ORXHI ; Eliminate comma. ....I ORXHI>ORXTOT S ORXTOT=ORXHI ; Reset higher? ....; ....; Use another loop to assign the range of hyphenated elements: ....F ORXCNT2=ORXLO:1:ORXHI D .....S ORXINPUT(ORXCNT2)=ORXCNT2 ; ORXCNT2 is default #. ...; ...; If piece isn't hyphenated, use it directly: ...S ORXINPUT(+ORXTEMP)=+ORXTEMP ...I +ORXTEMP>ORXTOT S ORXTOT=+ORXTEMP ; Reset higher? ..; ..; Check and eliminate "ALL" selection if necessary: ..I ORXTOT=ORXNUM K ORXINPUT(ORXTOT) S ORXTOT=ORXTOT-1 ..; ..; ORXTOT should now equal the highest-numbered user selection. ..; Each assigned ORXINPUT(xx) element should resemble: ..; ORXINPUT(5)=5 ..; ..; Call tag to process the entries: ..D SOME .; .; No more than one entry, so assign ORXCNT and proceed: .S ORXCNT=+ORXINPUT .; .; Unless "ALL" was selected, assign current value variables: .I ORXCNT(ORXTOT))!(ORXNEW="^")) D .S ORXCNT=ORXCNT+1 ; Increment each time. .I '$D(ORXINPUT(ORXCNT)) Q ; Non-existant entries. .; .; Set tag to match each value: .S ORXVAL=$P($G(ORXSETS),";",ORXCNT) ; ORXCNT is # by default. .; .; Assign current value and prompt variables each time: .S ORXNOW=$P($G(ORXCUR),";",$P($G(ORXPCS),";",ORXCNT)) .S ORXPDIS=$P(ORXPSTR,";",ORXCNT) .; .; Process each value: .W !!," (Entry of ^ will cancel entry process.)" .D EACH ; Q ; EACH ; Process and update an edited value. ; ; Get tag name in ORXTABS2 to process the user's entry: K DIR,X,Y S ORXANY=ORXANY+1 ; ; Assign command string with passed variable for execution: S ORXNEW="S ORXNEW=$$"_ORXVAL_"^ORXTABS2("_""""_ORXNOW_""""_")" ; X ORXNEW ; Execute call to tag. ; ; Don't update value if user opted out with "^" entry: I ORXNEW="^" S ORXANY=ORXANY-1 Q ; ; Stuff new value into current value string: S $P(ORXCUR,";",$P($G(ORXPCS),";",ORXCNT))=ORXNEW ; Q ; SAVE ; Obtain user input, then save or discard changes. ; S ORXANY=$$CONFIRM ; Re-use ORXANY variable. I 'ORXANY W !!," No changes saved...." Q ; ; Write changes back to parameters file: K ORXERR D PUT^XPAR(DUZ_";VA(200,",ORXPNAM,,ORXCUR,.ORXERR) ; ; Check for an error in the write process: I (+ORXERR'=0) D Q .W !," ERROR: Parameter not updated!" ; Notify user of error. .W !," ("_$P(ORXERR,U,2)_")" ; Display error message. ; W !!,"Tab parameter setting(s) updated/saved." W !,"(GUI Users must close, re-start application to activate changes.)",! ; Q ; CONFIRM() ; Confirm to save changes. ; ; Clear, reset DIR variables: K DIR,X,Y S DIR("T")=120 ; Two minute maximum timeout for response. S DIR("A")=" Save changes" S DIR("?")=" Write changes to parameter file? (Y/N)" S DIR("A",1)=" YES" S DIR("A",2)=" NO" S DIR("B")="YES" ; ; Define DIR input requirements: S DIR(0)="YO^1:2:0" ; ; Call DIR for user choice: W !! ; Spacing for screen display. D ^DIR ; ; Check user response: I '$L($G(Y)) Q 0 ; Skip if Y isn't assigned. I Y="" Q 0 ; Skip if Y is null. I Y="^" Q 0 ; Skip if Y is "^" character. I Y<1 Q 0 ; Skip if Y is less than one. I Y>2 Q 0 ; "No" choice. I Y=1 Q 1 ; "Yes" choice. ; Q 0 ; Default return of "No." ;