1 | ORXTABS3 ; SLC/PKS - Edit calls, tab parameters preferences. [10/17/00 2:39pm]
2 | ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**9,47,84**;Dec 17, 1997
3 | ;
4 | ; NOTES: The routines herein are called by those of the same tag
5 | ; name in ORXTABS2. Most variables are NEW'd and assigned
6 | ; by one or more routines in the preceding call chains.
7 | ; Refer to comments and notes there for additional infor-
8 | ; mation.
9 | ;
10 | ; Each tag in this routine must return one of the following:
11 | ;
12 | ; 1 - A new value entered or selected by the user,
13 | ; 2 - A null string,
14 | ; 3 - The string "*Invalid*" - to repeat due to invalid entry,
15 | ; 4 - The "^" character, indicating user's cancel action.
16 | ;
17 | Q
18 | ;
19 | BEG ; Beginning date.
20 | ;
21 | ; Internal variables used:
22 | ;
23 | ; ORXBDAT = Current "BEG" date entry.
24 | ; ORXDATE = ORXNOW passed variable converted to external format.
25 | ; ORXEDAT = Matching "END" date data.
26 | ; ORXREQ = Flag for required or optional date entry.
27 | ; X = Passed variable used in date format conversion.
28 | ; Y = Passed variable used in date format conversion.
29 | ; %DT = Passed variable in date conversion.
30 | ;
33 | S ORXREQ="O"
34 | ;
35 | ; Assign DIR variables and call DIR:
36 | S DIR("T")=120 ; Two minute maximum timeout for response.
37 | S DIR("A")=" Enter "_ORXPDIS_" value: "
38 | S DIR("?")=" Enter beginning date; an empty response means an unrestricted beginning date range"
39 | I ORXPDIR="IMAGING"!(ORXPDIR="REPORTS") D ; Required in some cases.
40 | .S ORXREQ=""
41 | .S DIR("A")=" Enter "_ORXPDIS_" value (required): "
42 | .S DIR("?")=" Enter beginning date (required)"
43 | ;
44 | ; Assign DIR default, if any:
46 | S DIR(0)="DA"_ORXREQ_"^::ETX" ; DIR input restrictions.
47 | W !! ; For screen display.
48 | D ^DIR ; FM user input call.
49 | S:$D(DTOUT) Y="^" ; Handle time-outs.
50 | S (ORXNOW,ORXBDAT)=Y ; ORXBDAT for comparison.
51 | S:X="@" ORXNOW="",ORXBDAT="" ; User wants null entry.
52 | S:(X'="@")&(X'="^") ORXNOW=X ; Or use X value.
53 | K DIR,X,Y ; Clean up each time.
54 | ;
55 | ; Use ORXEDAT twice to Check for valid date entry:
56 | I ORXBDAT'="" D
57 | .I ORXNOW="^" Q
58 | .I (ORXCNT+1)>ORXNUM W !!,"ERROR: Improper TABS entry." S ORXNOW="^" Q
60 | .I ORXEDAT'="END" W !!,"ERROR: Improper TABS entry." S ORXNOW="^" Q
61 | .S ORXEDAT=$P($G(ORXCUR),";",$P($G(ORXPCS),";",ORXCNT+1))
62 | .I ('$D(ORXEDAT)!(ORXEDAT="")) Q ; Null END = accept.
63 | .S %DT="",X=ORXEDAT D ^%DT S ORXEDAT=Y ; Convert all dates.
64 | .I ORXEDAT<ORXBDAT W !!,"ERROR: Beginning date cannot be later than ending date." S ORXNOW="*Invalid*"
65 | ;
66 | Q
67 | ;
68 | END ; Ending date.
69 | ;
70 | ; Internal variables used:
71 | ;
72 | ; ORXBDAT = Matching "BEG" date data.
73 | ; ORXEDAT = Current "END" date entry.
74 | ; ORXDATE = ORXNOW passed variable converted to external format.
75 | ; ORXREQ = Flag for required or optional date entry.
76 | ; X = Passed variable used in date format conversion.
77 | ; Y = Passed variable used in date format conversion.
78 | ; %DT = Passed variable in date conversion.
79 | ;
82 | S ORXREQ="O"
83 | ;
84 | ; Assign DIR variables and call DIR:
85 | S DIR("T")=120 ; Two minute maximum timeout for response.
86 | S DIR("A")=" Enter "_ORXPDIS_" value: "
87 | S DIR("?")=" Enter ending date; a null response means an unlimited ending date range"
88 | I ORXPDIR="IMAGING"!(ORXPDIR="REPORTS") D ; Required in some cases.
89 | .S ORXREQ=""
90 | .S DIR("A")=" Enter "_ORXPDIS_" value (required): "
91 | .S DIR("?")=" Enter ending date (required)"
92 | ;
93 | ; Assign DIR default, if any:
95 | S DIR(0)="DA"_ORXREQ_"^::ETX" ; DIR input restrictions.
96 | W !! ; For screen display.
97 | D ^DIR ; FM user input call.
98 | S:$D(DTOUT) Y="^" ; Handle time-outs.
99 | S (ORXNOW,ORXEDAT)=Y ; ORXEDAT for comparison.
100 | S:X="@" ORXNOW="",ORXEDAT="" ; User wants null entry.
101 | S:(X'="@")&(X'="^") ORXNOW=X ; Or use X value.
102 | K DIR,X,Y ; Clean up each time.
103 | ;
104 | ; Use ORXBDAT twice to Check for valid date entry:
105 | I ORXEDAT'="" D
106 | .I ORXNOW="^" Q
107 | .I (ORXCNT-1)<1 W !!,"ERROR: Improper TABS entry." S ORXNOW="^" Q
109 | .I ORXBDAT'="BEG" W !!,"ERROR: Improper TABS entry." S ORXNOW="^" Q
110 | .S ORXBDAT=$P($G(ORXCUR),";",$P($G(ORXPCS),";",ORXCNT-1))
111 | .I ('$D(ORXBDAT)!(ORXBDAT="")) Q ; Null BEG = accept.
112 | .S %DT="",X=ORXBDAT D ^%DT S ORXBDAT=Y ; Convert all dates.
113 | .I ORXBDAT>ORXEDAT W !!,"ERROR: Ending date cannot be earlier than beginning date." S ORXNOW="*Invalid*"
114 | ;
115 | Q
116 | ;
117 | MAX ; Maximum.
118 | ;
119 | ; Assign DIR variables:
120 | S DIR("T")=120 ; Two minute maximum timeout for response.
121 | S DIR("A")=" Enter "_ORXPDIS_" # of items to display: "
122 | S DIR("?")=" Entry must be between 1 and 999"
123 | S DIR(0)="NA^1:999" ; Numerical, required.
124 | I ORXPDIR="IMAGING" S DIR(0)="NAO^1:999" ; Imaging not required.
125 | ;
126 | ; Call tag to get/assign input:
128 | ;
129 | Q
130 | ;
131 | AUTHOR ; Author, for D/C Summaries or Notes.
132 | ;
133 | ; Internal variables used:
134 | ;
135 | ; DIC,X,Y,DTOUT,DUOUT = Variables for call to DIC.
136 | ; ORXSTAT = Used to hold current value of related STATUS value.
137 | ;
139 | ;
140 | ; Assign DIC variables and call DIC:
141 | S DIC=200
142 | S DIC(0)="AEFMQ"
143 | S DIC("A")=" Select author: "
144 | S DIC("B")=$P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,0)),U)
145 | S DTIME=120
146 | W !! ; Screen formatting.
147 | D ^DIC
148 | ;
149 | I $D(DUOUT) S ORXNOW="^"
150 | I $D(DTOUT) S ORXNOW="^"
151 | ;
152 | ; Examine user entry, treat if needed, and assign it for return:
153 | I ORXNOW'="^" S:+Y'>0 Y=""
154 | I ORXNOW'="^" S ORXNOW=+Y
155 | ;
156 | ; Use ORXSTAT twice to Check for valid entry:
157 | I ORXNOW'="" D
158 | .I (ORXCNT-1)<1 W !!,"ERROR: Improper TABS entry." S ORXNOW="^" Q
160 | .I ORXSTAT'="STATUS" W !!,"ERROR: Improper TABS entry." S ORXNOW="^" Q
161 | .S ORXSTAT=$P($G(ORXCUR),";",$P($G(ORXPCS),";",ORXCNT-1))
162 | .I '$D(ORXSTAT) Q ; Null STATUS = accept.
163 | .I ((ORXSTAT=5)!(ORXNOW<4)) S ORXNOW="" ; If STATUS'=4, set null.
164 | ;
166 | ;
167 | Q
168 | ;