PSO254EN ;BHAM-ISC/MFR - ENVIRONMENT CHECK ROUTINE FOR PATCH PSO*7*254 ;10/03/06 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**254**;DEC 1997;Build 19 ;Reference to $$PROD^XPROD supported by IA 4440 ;Reference to NEW PERSON file (#200) supported by IA 224 ;Reference to BMES^XPDUTL supported by IA 10141 ; Q:'$G(XPDENV) S XPDABORT=0 ; I $$PROD^XUPROD(),'$$FIND1^DIC(4,,"B","LEAVENWORTH PHARMACY") D Q . S XPDQUIT=1 D BMES^XPDUTL("THE POST-INSTALL FOR XU*8*416 HAS NOT COMPLETED AND/OR RUN. TRY AGAIN LATER!") ; W ! W !," The post-install routine included with this patch will send out a" W !," Mailman message with the list of Pharmacy Divisions in your site" W !," along with their related National Provider Identifier (NPI)" W !," Institution, which is being automatically assigned by this patch." W !," " W !," It will also indicate if there were problems in the automatic" W !," assignment, which will have to be followed-up by an Outpatient" W !," Pharmacy user as outlined in the patch description." W !," " W !," So, please enter the Outpatient Pharmacy user(s) (e.g., Pharmacy" W !," ADPAC or designee) who should receive this message (at least 1 user" W !," is required). The user entered should be the person responsible for" W !," the maintenance of the PSO Site Parameters. The message will also" W !," be sent to the user installing the patch." W ! ; N ARRAY,DIC,DTOUT,DUOUT,QT,Y,X,I,USR S DIC=200,DIC(0)="QEZAM",DIC("A")="PHARMACY USER: " F D ^DIC Q:X="" D Q:$G(QT) . I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) K ARRAY S QT=1 Q . W " ",$P(Y,"^",2),$S($D(ARRAY(+Y)):" (already selected)",1:"") . W ! S ARRAY(+Y)="",DIC("A")="ANOTHER ONE: " ; I '$D(ARRAY) D S XPDABORT=2 Q . D BMES^XPDUTL("AT LEAST ONE PHARMACY USER MUST BE ENTERED FOR THIS PATCH TO BE INSTALLED!") ; S @XPDGREF@("PSO254USR0")=DUZ S USR="" F I=1:1 S USR=$O(ARRAY(USR)) Q:USR="" S @XPDGREF@("PSO254USR"_I)=USR ; Q