1 | PSOBKDE1 ;BIR/MR-Sub-routines for Backdoor Rx Order Edit ;11/25/02
2 | ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**117,133**;DEC 1997
3 | ;External reference to PSDRUG( supported by DBIA 221
4 | ;
5 | LST1 ;
6 | W !,"This is the amount of medication the patient is to receive as one dose"
7 | W !,"for this order. This can be a numeric value, such as 325 or 650 or an"
8 | W !,"amount with a unit of measure such as 325MG or 650MG. You may also enter"
9 | W !,"a free text dosage, such as 1 Tablet or 2 Tablets",!
10 | ;
11 | LST I '$D(DOSE("DD")) D Q
12 | . W !," No dosages are available"
13 | . N X S X=$$GET1^DIQ(50,PSODRUG("IEN"),100,"I")
14 | . W $S(X'=""&(DT>X):" because the Drug is now Inactive.",1:"!")
15 | . W !," Please, enter a free text dosage, or You may select a New"
16 | . W !," Orderable Item and Dispense Drug for this order, or you can"
17 | . W !," enter a New Order with an Active Drug."
18 | ;
19 | W:$P(DOSE("DD",PSODRUG("IEN")),"^",5)]"" !,"VERB: "_$P(DOSE("DD",PSODRUG("IEN")),"^",10)
20 | LST2 W !,"Available Dosage(s)"
21 | K LSTCNT F I=0:0 S I=$O(DOSE(I)) Q:'I!('$D(DOSE(I))) D
22 | .W !?5,$J(I,3)_". "_$S($P(DOSE(I),"^"):$P(DOSE(I),"^")_$S($P(DOSE("DD",PSODRUG("IEN")),"^",6)]"":$P(DOSE("DD",PSODRUG("IEN")),"^",6),1:""),$P(DOSE(I),"^",3)'="":$P(DOSE(I),"^",3),1:"Please Enter a Free Text Dosage.")
23 | .S LSTCNT=$G(LSTCNT)+1 I LSTCNT=15 K DIR S DIR("A")="Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to STOP",DIR(0)="E" W ! D ^DIR K LSTCNT I 'Y S I=9999 Q
25 | Q