PSORESK1 ;BHAM ISC/SAB - return to stock continued ;06/03/97 10:12 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**9,201**;DEC 1997 HP W !!,"Wand the barcode number of the Rx or manually key in",!,"the number below the barcode or the Rx number." W !,"The barcode number format is - 'NNN-NNNNNNN'",!!,"Press 'ENTER' to process Rx or ""^"" to quit" Q STAT S RX0=^PSRX(RXP,0),RX2=^PSRX(RXP,2),J=RXP S $P(RX0,"^",15)=$P($G(^PSRX(RXP,"STA")),"^") D ^PSOFUNC W !!,$C(7),$C(7),"Rx status of "_ST_" and cannot be returned to stock.",! K RX0,ST Q CP D NOW^%DTC S PSODT=% S PSOCPRX=$P(^PSRX(RXP,0),"^") S PSO=1,PSODA=RXP,PSOPAR7=$G(^PS(59,PSOSITE,"IB")) W !!,"Attempting to remove copay charges",! D RXED^PSOCPA I COPAYFLG=0 W !!,"Reason must be entered. Rx "_$P(^PSRX(RXP,0),"^")_" not returned to stock.",! ;PFS: send Rx info to external billing system when copay and no copay. Q ACT S IFN=0 F I=0:0 S I=$O(^PSRX(RXP,"A",I)) Q:'I S IFN=I I $G(PSOWHERE) S COM=$G(COM)_" (Released by CMOP)" I +$G(PSOPFS) S:$P(PSOPFS,"^",3)'="" COM=$G(COM)_" (External Billing Charge ID: "_$P(PSOPFS,"^",3)_")" D NOW^%DTC S IFN=IFN+1,^PSRX(RXP,"A",0)="^52.3DA^"_IFN_"^"_IFN,^PSRX(RXP,"A",IFN,0)=%_"^I^"_DUZ_"^"_$S(XTYPE="O":0,$G(TYPE)'<0&($G(TYPE)<6)&(XTYPE):TYPE,$G(TYPE)>5&(XTYPE):(TYPE+1),1:6)_"^"_COM K DA Q CMOP ;original released by CMOP? Called by PSORESK S PSXREL=$P($G(^PSRX(RXP,2)),"^",13) I $G(PSXREL),($D(^PSRX("AR",PSXREL,RXP,0))) W !!,$C(7),"Rx # "_$P(^PSRX(RXP,0),"^")_":",?20," Was dispensed by the CMOP and may not be returned" I W !,?20," to stock at this facility." Q K PSXREL Q CMOP1 ; REFILL released by CMOP? Called by PSORESK I +$G(XTYPE) S PSXREL=$P($G(^PSRX(RXP,1,TYPE,0)),"^",18) I $G(PSXREL),($D(^PSRX("AR",PSXREL,RXP,TYPE))) W !!,"REFILL # "_TYPE_":",?20," Was dispensed by the CMOP and may not be returned" I W !,?20," to stock at this facility." Q K PSXREL Q