2 | ;;4.0;PAID;**2,40,56,69,111,112**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 54
3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
4 | ;
5 | ;This routine is used to process most exceptions to the normal
6 | ;tod. It is used, for example, to determine whether or not the
7 | ;employee is entitled to such exceptions as Leave, OT, etc.,
8 | ;and then calls ^PRS8AC to process them.
9 | ;
10 | ;Called by Routines: PRS8ST
11 | ;
12 | S TT=$P(V,"^",3) ;type of time
13 | I TT="OT",+$P(V,"^",4)=8,$E(ENT,18) S TT="TT" ;ot in travel status
14 | I TT="CU",$P(V,"^",4)=6 Q ;comp for religious purposes/don't code
15 | I TT="HW",$E(ENT,1,2)="0D" S TT="RG"
16 | I TT="OT",TYP["P",TYP'["B" S TT="RG" ;To convert Pt ot to RG
17 | I TT="HW",TYP'["D",+V,+$P(V,"^",2) D
18 | .I $P(V,"^",2)-V-1<8 D ; <2 hrs HW
19 | ..S ^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"HW")=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"HW"))_$P(V,U,1,2)_U
20 | ..Q
21 | .I TYP["P",$P(V,"^",2)>96 S LEN=$P(V,"^",2)-96 D ;two day tour of HW for part timers
22 | ..S ^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY+1,"HWK")=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY+1,"HWK"))_1_U_LEN_U
23 | ..K LEN
24 | ..Q
25 | .I TYP["P",TYP["N"!(TYP["H"),'$E(DAY(DY,"W"),+V) D ; part time nurses, uscheduled HW.
26 | ..S ^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"HWK")=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"HWK"))_$P(V,U,1,2)_U
27 | ..Q
28 | .Q
30 | S X=($F(X,"^"_TT)\3)+4,(X,TT(1))=$P($T(ACT+X),";;",2) ;parameters
31 | S GO=0 I '+X!($E(ENT,+X)) S GO=1 ;entitlement exists-continue
32 | I TT="RG",$E(ENT,2)'=0 S GO=1 ;intermittent
33 | I TT="RG"!(TT="CP"),$E(ENT,2)="D" S DAY(DY,"DWK")=1 ;intrmtnt-count days worked (for RG or CP)
34 | I TT="OT",'GO,$E(ENT,13)!$E(ENT,14) S GO=1 ;entitled to ot
35 | I TT="UN" S GO=1,VAR="-" ;unavailable
36 | I TYP["W",TT="RG",$P(V,"^",4)=7 D
37 | .;wage grade employee working regular unscheduled hours for
38 | .;shift coverage (7) can get shift differential based on the higher
39 | .;of the unscheduled tour's shift or their normal shift.
40 | .;The unscheduled tour and corresponding differential will be saved
41 | .;in the "SD" node and used by PRS8PP when differentials are
42 | .;computed.
43 | .N ST,EN,SD,MID
44 | .S ST=$P(V,"^"),EN=$P(V,"^",2) Q:'ST!'EN
45 | .S MID=ST+EN/2
46 | .; check for 2day tour and if found use combined tour (recompute MID)
47 | .; to determine appropriate shift differential.
48 | .; if start is 1 (midnight) then check previous day for a similar tour
49 | .; that ended at 96 (midnight).
50 | . I ST=1 D
51 | .. N PRSI,PRSX
52 | .. S PRSX=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY-1,2))
53 | .. F PRSI=1:1:7 Q:$P(PRSX,U,(PRSI-1)*4+1)="" D
54 | ... I $P(PRSX,U,(PRSI-1)*4+2)=96,$P(PRSX,U,(PRSI-1)*4+3)="RG",$P(PRSX,U,(PRSI-1)*4+4)=7 S MID=($P(PRSX,U,(PRSI-1)*4+1)+EN+96)/2
55 | .; if end is 96 (midnight) then check next day for a similar tour that
56 | .; starts at 1 (midnight).
57 | . I EN=96 D
58 | .. N PRSI,PRSX
59 | .. S PRSX=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY+1,2))
60 | .. F PRSI=1:1:7 Q:$P(PRSX,U,(PRSI-1)*4+1)="" D
61 | ... I $P(PRSX,U,(PRSI-1)*4+1)=1,$P(PRSX,U,(PRSI-1)*4+3)="RG",$P(PRSX,U,(PRSI-1)*4+4)=7 S MID=(ST+$P(PRSX,U,(PRSI-1)*4+2)+96)/2
62 | .; determine shift differential (if any) based on unscheduled tour hours
63 | .S SD=0
64 | .I MID<32.5 S SD=3 ; majority of tour before 8a
65 | .I MID>60.5,MID'>94.5 S SD=2 ; majority of tour after 3p, upto 11:30p
66 | .I MID>94.5,MID<128.5 S SD=3 ; majority of tour after 11:30p, before 8a
67 | .; use employee's normal shift if higher than shift based on hours
69 | .S:SD ^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"SD")=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"SD"))_ST_U_EN_U_SD_U
70 | .Q
71 | I (TT="OT"!(TT="RG")!(TT="CT")),"^13^14^"[("^"_$P(V,"^",4)_"^")!($P(V,"^",4)=12&(TYP["N"!(TYP["H"))) D
72 | .S ^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"CB")=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"CB"))_$P(V,"^",1,2)_"^"
73 | .Q
74 | I TYP'["D",TT="HX"!(TT="HW") S GO=1 ;process holiday excused/worked
75 | G END:'GO ;nothing to process
76 | I TT'="UN" S VAR=$P(X,"^",3) ;increment time code
77 | I '$S(VAR'="W":1,'CYA:1,DY<CYA:1,1:0) D
78 | .S WPCY=1 ;flag to save WOP in hours from 1/1 for calendar year adjustment
79 | I TYP'["D" D G END ;process hourly people and quit
80 | .; The following 2 lines commented out because for Employees that are
81 | .; non-daily tour (TYP'["D"), policy is has been described that all
82 | .; ML/COP has to be posted by time-keeper.
83 | .; If this changes, then uncomment these lines, remove the line adding
84 | .; military leave and COP that follows, and refer to routine PRS8UP.
85 | .; I VAR="M" S ^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"ML")=1,MILV=1 ;military leave taken
86 | .; I VAR="V" S ^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"CP")=1,WCMP=1 ;cont of pay indicator
87 | .I DY>0,DY<15 D
88 | ..; Post ML for employees who are charged in days.
90 | ...S X=$P(TT(1),"^",4) D SET ; military leave & auth. absence
91 | ..I VAR="V",'$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"CP")) S X="M",^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"CP")=1 D SET ; COP
92 | ..Q
93 | .D ^PRS8AC ;update activity string
94 | .Q
95 | ; Employees with daily tours (TYP["D")
96 | I DY>0,DY<15,VAR="M" S X=$P(TT(1),"^",4) D SET S X=5 D SET G END ;military leave & auth. absence
97 | I DY>0,DY<15,$$HOLIDAY^PRS8UT(PY,DFN,DY) D G END ;holiday-no charge
98 | .I TT="RG" S DAY(DY,"W")=VAR,X=$S('$E(ENT,TOUR+21):9,1:TOUR+28) D SET ; If worked on holiday count it.
99 | .Q
100 | S D=DY
101 | I TT="NP"!($P(DAY(D,0),"^",2)'=1) S DAY(D,"W")=VAR,X=$P(TT(1),"^",4) I X'="",DY>0,DY<15 D SET I VAR="V" S X="M" D SET I VAR="V",TYP["DI",$E(ENT,2)="D" S X=9 D SET ; IF INT RESDNT PAID IN DAYS HAS COP POSTED PAY UN/US ALSO
103 | ;
104 | END ; --- all done here
105 | K A,D,DD,GO,TT,X,Z
106 | Q
107 | ;
108 | SET ; --- enter here to set without VAL defined
109 | ; Quit if this day has already been counted through the encapsulation
110 | ; check that is performed in ENCAP^PRS8EX0.
111 | Q:$D(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,2,0))
112 | ;
113 | Q:X="K"&($P(V,"^",1)>96)!((X="K")&($D(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"ML")))) S ^TMP($J,"PRS8",DY,"ML")=1 ;stop counting ML twice for two day tours & split tours, but allow PC
114 | I +X S $P(WK(WK),"^",+X)=$P(WK(WK),"^",+X)+1
115 | E S X=$A(X)-64,$P(WK(3),"^",+X)=$P(WK(3),"^",+X)+1
116 | Q
117 | ;
118 | ACT ; --- define variable X for action
119 | ; - piece 1 = entitlement (ENT) string $Extract to check
120 | ; - 2 = Literal name of exception
121 | ; - 3 = Time String code (DAY(X,"W"))
122 | ;;
123 | ;;30^Annual Leave^L^1
124 | ;;31^Sick Leave^S^2
125 | ;;33^Without Pay^W^3
126 | ;;36^Non-Pay Status^n^4
127 | ;;35^Authorized Absence^A^5
128 | ;;30^Restored Leave^R^6
129 | ;;28^Comp Used^U^8
130 | ;;28^Comp Earned^E^7
131 | ;;37^Continuation of Pay^V^33
132 | ;;38^Holiday Excused^H
133 | ;;34^Military Leave^M^K
134 | ;;0^Training^X^43
135 | ;;0^Travel^Y^42
136 | ;;12^Overtime^O
137 | ;;2^Unscheduled^4^9
138 | ;;18^OT in Travel Status^T
139 | ;;29^Standby^B
140 | ;;26^On-Call^C
141 | ;;36^Nonpay A/L^N^A
142 | ;;38^Holiday Worked^h
143 | ;;31^Care and Bereavement^F^44
144 | ;;31^Adoption^G^45
145 | ;;35^Donor Leave^D^46
146 | ;;5^Recess^r^48